News #1
APPLE Computers

New IMac. Get your ducks lined up in a row and
buy a Mac for every member of the family
...mac, mac, mac
The new
iMac is designed around a stunning 15-inch LCD flat screen that’s brighter,
sharper and easier on the eyes than old-fashioned CRT displays. And
instead of requiring your neck, shoulders and back to do the adjusting,
the new iMac’s display literally glides through the air — allowing you
to effortlessly adjust its height or angle with a touch of your finger.
Inside its ultra-compact 10.6-inch base lives the fastest iMac ever,
with a Pentium-crushing 800MHz PowerPC G4 processor that blazes through
Mac OS X applications. And our revolutionary SuperDrive that lets you
burn your own DVDs in addition to custom CDs. It’s clear that the new
iMac is several leaps ahead of any other computer out there. Just like
its predecessor.
Three beautiful models
You have a choice of three new iMac models: the 800MHz iMac with
SuperDrive (DVD-R/CD-RW), 700MHz iMac with Combo drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW
) or the 700MHz iMac with a CD-RW drive. All models ship with the fearsomely
fast NVIDIA GeForce2 MX graphics processor for photorealistic games
and spectacular 3D graphics.
Compact design saves desk space
How did we pack so much into such a small space? Credit a design
approach that optimized every bit of space and resulted in no wasted
corners. Starting with a custom-designed circular logic board that fills
the entire diameter of the base, we created space to fit in a full-height
optical drive such as the SuperDrive. On top of the optical drive are
a high-capacity 3.5-inch hard disk drive and even the power supply —
a split design that tucks neatly into the top of the base.
Not just easy to use, it’s easy to expand
Adding memory or installing an AirPort Card is simple, even for
first-time computer users. Beneath the base is an access cover held
in place by four screws. Remove the cover and you’ll see slots for additional
memory and an AirPort Card. Images printed under each of these slots
show you how memory and the AirPort Card fit in the base when properly
installed, so you don’t even need to refer to a manual.
The aptly-named SuperDrive
iMac models with the superlative SuperDrive
(DVD-R/CD-RW) let you burn your own movies and photos that play in almost
any standard DVD player. And of course you can play
DVD movies on them as well.
Industry News #2
Welcome to the WORLD of Adobe and PhotoShop
Coming Soon PHOTOSHOP 7
all that's new in the latest version of the professional image-editing
standard. Find out why PC Magazine gives Photoshop 7.0 a perfect 5-star
New: Resources for government professionals. From the IRS
to NASA, Adobe solutions are helping federal and local government organizations
move the business of government online.
Acrobat wins Best of 2001 award. Editors of PC Magazine praise
document review and forms tools in Acrobat 5.0.
Download Acrobat Reader for Palm OS 2.0 (public beta). View
Adobe PDF files on handheld devices from Palm, Handspring, or Sony among
Save big and switch to InDesign. QuarkXPress owners: Receive
a $300 rebate plus free technical support and training when you buy
InDesign 2.0.
Illustrator 10 rave reviews. From Macworld to CNET, find
out why this "must-have upgrade" is "freaking awesome!"
Try Adobe DesignTeam. Conduct online reviews, share files,
and track projects. Free 30-day trial.
Try on your PDA. Get the latest news, events, and
product information all at your fingertips. Got a new operating system?
Find out how Adobe applications support Windows
XPand Mac OS X.
Adobe® Classroom in a Book®, the world's best-selling
series of hands-on software training workbooks, helps educators and
students to master Adobe software quickly and easily. Developed by experts
at Adobe, this official training series for Adobe graphics and publishing
software provides comprehensive, self-paced lessons.
Classroom in a Book is ideal as a course textbook or for an individual,
since it offers complete self-paced training based on real-world projects.
Classroom in a Book titles include lessons for intermediate and advanced
techniques for both Windows® and Macintosh® and feature specially
created template files (included on a CD).
Order Classroom in a Book titles at a 25% discount
Educational institutions may order Adobe Classroom in a Book titles
through Peachpit Press. All orders from academic institutions (other
than college bookstores) receive a 25% discount off the list price.
Order as many titles as you want and get the 25% discount on all of
them. For academic pricing and information,
visit the Peachpit Press Academic Resource Area
or call 1-800-283-9444.
Photoshop 6 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual
QuickStart Guide
2. Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Classroom in a Book
3. HTML 4 for the World Wide Web, Fourth
Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide
4. Illustrator 9 for Windows and Macintosh:
Visual QuickStart Guide
5. QuarkXPress 4 for Macintosh: Visual
QuickStart Guide
6. Adobe Illustrator 9.0 Classroom in a
7. Flash 5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual
QuickStart Guide
8. Dreamweaver 4 for Windows and Macintosh:
Visual QuickStart Guide
9. Non-Designer's Design Book
10. Non-Designer's Web Book, Second Edition
News #3
Create a dynamic industry trade association that would serve as the
central resource for Adobe® Photoshop® training, news, and education
in the world.
The road map
Assemble a world-class team of Photoshop experts, authors,
consultants, trainers, and educators. Put them together in an energy
charged environment with just one goal: to fundamentally change the
way Adobe Photoshop is taught. Reassess the entire education process
and find a way to make it easier, faster, and more fun. In short, do
anything and everything to ensure that NAPP members are on the cutting
edge of Adobe Photoshop, and dramatically ahead of their competition.
Add to this by offering an incredibly compelling package of member benefits,
and make it so affordable that anyone can join.
Our daily mantra
Make NAPP membership so valuable, and such an important part of their
success, that our members can't imagine being without us.
A brief history
The idea for forming the NAPP came from feedback we received from
training over 31,000 Photoshop users across the country since 1993 with
the Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tour. Time and time again, our students
asked for direction on continuing education, but unfortunately at that
time, it was just "a book here, a Web site there..." but there
was no central resource for Photoshop education. It became apparent
that there was a tremendous need for this type of association, and with
the urging and input of some key people in the industry, we developed
the outline for what would become the National Association of Photoshop
Professionals (NAPP).
With Adobe's help, the NAPP was officially launched at Seybold New York
in April of 1998, and the first issue of Photoshop User magazine debuted.
The organization was met with an immediate flood of industry support,
and within just a few months the NAPP already had thousands of members
in 64 countries around the world, and has now grown to become the largest
graphics-related association in the world.
We continue our focus on member feedback so we can continue to address
the techniques, issues and concerns we all share as Photoshop users.
It is this relationship that has taken us from our humble beginnings,
to being one of the largest, most respected organizations of its kind,
and the central resource for Adobe Photoshop training and education
PhotoshopWorld is the 4th annual convention of the National
Association of Photoshop Professionals (The trade association
for Adobe Photoshop users, and the world's leading resource for training,
education, and news) and has become the largest Photoshop event in the
Only members have access to,
the #1 Photoshop Resource on the entire Web!
a NAPP member, you'll have exclusive access to the NAPP members-only
Web site "". It's where you'll go
to get the latest Photoshop news, interact in Photoshop discussion groups
and live chats, get the latest Photoshop tips, actions, download plug-ins,
peruse the members gallery, get help with Photoshop questions, problems,
and much more. There's nothing else like it and it's yours when you
PhotoshopWorld West 2002
September 19 - 21, 2002
Tampa Convention Center
Tampa, Florida
* Over 60 training sessions
* Exhibits from the leading developers in the industry
* Special keynote presentation from Adobe Systems
* Opening night Tech Expo Reception
* Our now-famous "Instructor Jam Session"
* The PhotoshopWorld "Guru Awards" presentation
* After hours sessions for Digital Photographers
* A private off-site party in the Gaslamp District
* A midnight Photoshop killer tips session
* Loads of giveaways, prizes, and surprizes
September 19, 2002
Opening night reception on the Tech Expo floor, followed
by our Instructor "Jam session", and the PhotoshopWorld Guru
Awards ceremony
September 20, 2002
Keynote presentation, six tracks of Photoshop conference
sessions, Tech Expo floor opens, Creative Side of Digital Photography
After-hour session, Photoshop Midnight Madness session at Hilton Hotel
across from Convention Center
September 21, 2002
Full day of conference sesssions, and we repeat the five
most popular sessions first thing in the morning. Wrap up at the end
of conference with special prize drawings
PhotoshopWorld is ideal for anyone who is serious about Photoshop, and
wants to stay on the cutting edge of important new techniques, while
learning the latest special effects, and enhancing their efficiency
and productivity. It is a MUST for:
* Graphic Designers
* Web Designers
* Photographers
* Education
* Print shops
* Service Bureaus
* Publications
* Ad Agencies
* In-House Art Departments
* Art Directors
* DV Producers
* Multimedia Designers
* Consultants
News #4
A New Breed of “Portable” Hard Drives
An excellent back up for PHOTO files
20 GB, 30 GB, and 40 GB models
The Pockey® Portable USB Hard Drive is the smallest, lightest, and
most portable hard drive available. This removable storage device connects
to your PC or Mac, laptop or desktop, via a USB cable. The Pockey®
does not require any external power source so no AC adapter or batteries
are necessary.
Plug and play, hot pluggable, and hot swappable features make the Pockey®
convenient and easy to use. With a transfer rate of up to 1.5MB/sec
and disk space up to 40 GB, the Pockey® also delivers powerful performance.
With the Pockey®, you can take all your files with you wherever
you go!
* Small, light, and ultra slim design makes Pockey® the most
portable hard disk drive available.
* Powered via the USB cable, Pockey® does not need an AC
adapter or batteries.
* Plug and play, hot pluggable, and hot swappable functions make
Pockey® convenient and easy to use.
* Fast transfer rate makes it easy to copy or access large, multimedia
* Compatible with Mac or PC, laptop or desktop.
* Additional storage space for your computer.
* Fits in your pocket so you can take it anywhere.
* One USB connection cable included.
* FREE carrying case.
* A one year limited warranty.
Personal: Store and transport digital photos, mp3 files, video files,
DVD movies, and games.
Business: Transport presentations, programs, and other files to your
business meetings. Store customer information, accounting data, and
other business files and programs.
* Microsoft Windows® 98, 98SE, Me, 2000, or XP
* Macintosh® OS 8.6 or higher
* Available USB port
* CD-ROM Drive or Internet connection for Driver Download
Disk capacity: 20GB, 30 GB, and 40 GB models
Interface: USB (Universal Serial Bus)
Dimension: 127.5 (L) x 76.4 (W) x 13.5 (H) -- mm
5.02 (L) x 3.00 (W) x 0.53 (H) -- in.
Weight: 155 g (5.5 oz.)
USB Cable Length: 27.5 inches
Transfer Speed: Up to 1.5MB/sec
Shock: 150 G 2mS (operating)
700 G 2mS,120G 11mS (non-operating)
Service & Support | Technical
Information Bulletins Main
Technical Information Bulletin
Baggage X-ray Scanning Effects on Film
This document was updated February 18, 2002
Download an ADOBE Acrobat version for printing (K)
* New Baggage Scanning Equipment Can Jeopardize Your Film
* Suggestions for Avoiding Fogged Film
* Corrections Can't Be Made at the Processing Lab
* The X-ray Scanning Process
* X-ray Fog Appearance
* Other Conditions That Resemble X-ray Fog
* Motion Picture, Professional Films and Special Processes
* Advice to Professional Photographers and Cinematographers
* Who to Contact
Note: The FAA provides air travelers in the United States the
right to request a non-X-ray inspection of photosensitive products (FAA
Reg. 108.17-AIRPLANE OPERATOR SECURITY). The complete regulation is
very informative, but section Part 108.17e is most important to travelers
carrying film. Click here to go to the FAA Web site: FAA
(, or to view that regulation: FAA
Reg. 108 . Remember that this only applies to air travelers in
the United States.
US Mail to be sterilized: Implications for Kodak and the photo
To protect public health and ensure confidence in the US Mail system,
the United States Postal Service (USPS) is installing new equipment
to sanitize certain items sent through the mail. While various sanitizing
technologies can damage film and other sensitive materials, the USPS
has issued the following statement:
"The USPS is working with the mailing industry to develop procedures
to ensure that sanitization of the mail will not damage sensitive items
in the mail. Sanitization technology is currently being tested on a
wide range of film products, digital and magnetic storage devices, laboratory
samples, food and plant products, and "smart" credit cards
with embedded chips to ensure that all business mail can be safely processed
through the postal system."
Therefore, based upon this statement and upon other information from
USPS shared with Kodak and the photo industry, it appears that current
photographic commerce in all its forms will be unaffected.
Kodak will issue further statements as new information becomes available.
Eastman Kodak Company
FSTOP is a film advocacy committee aimed at making the picture-taking
public aware of potential damage to photographic film generated by new
x-ray security scanners installed at airports worldwide for the inspection
of checked baggage.
This website currently offers:
Recommended guidelines to prevent film from getting damaged by the new
A sample photograph processed from a roll of film damaged by CTX-5000
airport security equipment.
Background information about FSTOP committee members.
Text of a news release sent to media in early February of this year
to announce the committee and our recommended guidelines.
Find out more about CTX-5000 security equipment, manufactured by InVision
Technologies, Inc.
In the future, FSTOP plans to focus educational outreach toward professional
photographic associations and organizations, as well as photography
clubs and groups, and retailers who sell film and camera equipment.If
you would like to receive future advisories and information generated
by FSTOP, please send your name, address and e-mail address to us at:
Or, call or write to
3712 N. Broadway
Chicago, IL 60613
ALERT: New Problems In Mailing Photographic Materials
Double check before you ship. from WIPI member Adrienne Adam
The following is an email from the North American Nature Photographers
Since the Postal Service has been forced to begin irradiating some of
the mail it delivers, there is an increased risk of damage to photographic
and imaging materials that photographers regularly send through the mail.
The risks are greatest when sending anything to federal government offices,
since this is where all mail is being irradiated now. This may become
more widespread in the future as the Postal Service begins irradiating
mail passing through its major distribution centers.
The primary danger is heat. Apparently, the irradiation process can cause
plastic material to heat to the point of softening and distorting. This
will damage not only slides and negatives, but things like CD cases as
There is a more insidious problem awaiting photographers who make their
own CDs for mailing. The CD-R and CD-RW recording process relies on heat
to imprint data on blank media. Exposure to additional, external heating
can ruin your recorded data, even if the plastic substrate is not affected.
Just try leaving a freshly recorded CD in a car in the sun sometime and
you'll get a perfect example of what can happen.
Before sending your slides, negatives, or CDs to any federal government
office, contact the recipient and make delivery arrangements before sending.
For non-governmental deliveries, it is safer (for your materials) to send
them via FedEx, UPS, or other carriers.
check the website at
for any updates regarding mailings. On the USPS website there are links
to the government agencies.