Women In Photography
International will present an online 10 image gallery for each Category winner
Sunrises, Sunsets, Rainbows
gallery w/biographical
information can be of various style images, does not have to conform to
competition subject matter with the exception of including the winning image (value
Pricelesss...becomes part of the Women In Photography International online
WIPI Archive viewed by curators, archivists,
writers, photographers
Mention: WIPI will organize Honorable
Mentions into Seascapes, Skyscapes Mountains, Deserts, Cities, Towns, Silhouettes,
the same category will include rainbows. etc. (see Faces
Exhibition) __________________________________________________________________________ 
choice each Category winner: Sunrises, Sunsets and Rainbows will
receive a Topaz Bundle (value $299.99) http://www.topazlabs.com/bundle/
if you already have one of the Topaz programs you can upgrade to the complimentary
bundle (value $249.99)
Topaz Plug-in Bundle helps amateur and professional photographers accomplish
the most common creative and corrective post processing tasks. With 10 powerful
and easy-to-use programs, users can quickly enhance their digital images with
flexible adjustments that are easy to apply and customize - and often in just

Easily integrates into any workflow to help improve and streamline productivity. *
Browse included presets and instantly apply a variety of looks - or create your
own presets & share! * Simple, easy-to-use interface with intuitive controls. *
Easy for anyone to use, yet still flexible enough for pros. * Customize and
tweak settings for an unlimited number of creative looks. |

hobbyist or Professional, having the best tools to support your outcome is
priceless. It's
like having a professional lab at your fingertips !
note from TOPAZ, month of August Re-Masking
class online w/30% discount on purchase of ReMask

Category Winner: Sunrise, Sunsets, Rainbows will receive
Bundle 135 unique high-res background images and a boatload of one click
Photoshop tools to make portrait and album building a snap. 135, 300 dpi backgrounds
in sizes 11” X 14?, 12” X 24 and 10” X 20” Subjects include;
children, traditional, high school, sports, Americana and a sampling of mixed
subjects. Each can be re-sized or cropped to fit any custom mat size or used as
digital backgrounds. Hundreds of actions and styles for coloring typography, building
albums, one click portrait matts and studio templates. (*a $300 value no
cash exchange) The perfect collection for art and business.
is the newest tool for professional photographers, photo artists, designers
& Photoshop professionals. Now you can improve your photos way beyond what
any filter can do or build your own signature album & protrait templates with
a simple "Drag and Drop" in Photoshop! https://www.LayerCakeElements.com
for combo webinars using LayerCakeElements & Topaz Labs
choice Category winners: Sunrises, Sunsets and Rainbows will receive:
iPhone 5 (16GB) NEW this fall! (announcement
should be mid-end September) iPhone 4s: Duel Core A5 chip 8MP
iSight Camera (impressive clarity) It's the most amazing iPhone *option..or
you can also ask for the current 4S
(service provider needed Att, Sprint,
Verizon) http://www.apple.com/iphone/
generally makes new iPhone announcements in the fall. 
8GB Music, games, iMessage, HD video recording, and more, black
or white casing http://www.apple.com/ipodtouch/features/
iPhone or iPod may be exchanged for cash value $200.)
choice Category winners: Sunrises, Sunsets and Rainbows will receive: 

SLR body, 2–3 lenses, flash and accessories, magazines and files.
Tenba Messenger is an urban-inspired laptop bag that's designed to hold everything
you need for a day; on vacation or at work; at school or at the gym. Adjustable
dividers let you configure the interior for a wide variety of photographic or
video equipment, and removing the dividers converts the Messenger Mini into a
perfect, general-purpose carrying bag.
colors to choose from:
A wonderful sellection of color
and content space to fit "every photographer's needs"
value: $93.95
TENBA.com |