photo l.a. 2004 - WIPI

Images from the Self-portrait portfolio 1974-1996. The images in
the portfolio listed below are printed on Epson 2000P arhcival watercolor paper
specifically for photo l.a. 2004
and noted on the back of the print
Day, Forever Sad the Heart" 1987 self-portrait
8.50" x 11.75"
2003, Epson, 2000P Archival 150-200 year
fine art watercolor paper
& embossed initials, 8 ply archival mat 16" x 20"
Memorial Day Our Illusions and Reality Women Photographers ,
Nikon House, NY/Tokyo, Konica Plaza, Tokyo, Japan
1991 "Memorial Day" Images and Origins: Reflections of Women
Photographers Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Commission on the Status of Women,
Bridge Gallery, Los Angeles City Hall,
SPECIAL Memorial Day donated to Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, December
31, 2004
"Olympic Stadium" 1983, Rome, Italy self-portrait
10" x 13" 2003, Epson, 2000P Archival 150-200 year
fine art watercolor paper
signed & embossed initials, 8 ply archival mat 16" x 20"
1992 Gironale de Scilia (It) Jean Ferro,
Modella Chesi
Immortala da se in Mostra Catania
1989 Paris Photo Lab/LA Presents

"Bed of Roses" 1986, self-portrait
10" x 13" 2003, Epson,
2000P Archival 150-200 year
fine art watercolor paper
signed & embossed
initials, 8 ply archival mat 16" x 20"
1986 PEI productions Cable video segment "Bed of Roses" &
"Sea of Blue Feathers",
segment Director David Kellogg
Paris Photo Lab/LA Presents
"Bomarzo" Italy, 1983, self-portrait
10" x
13" 2003, Epson, 2000P Archival 150-200 year
fine art watercolor paper
signed & embossed initials, 8 ply archival mat 16" x 20"
Paris Photo Lab Presents Jean Ferro, Exhibition poster) Paris Photo Lab, LA (Solo
1995 Bomarzo, Focus on AIDS 6 Auction and exhibition catalog.

"Global Liberty" 1996, self-portrait
10" x 13" 2003,
Epson, 2000P Archival 150-200 year
fine art watercolor paper
& embossed initials, 8 ply archival mat 16" x 20"
Global Liberty, LA City Hall Henry P. Rio Bridge Gallery, mixed media ,
(42 pieces 30"x 34")
1996 Statue of Liberty , 19 images ,
California Bear Credit (solo)
1998 Global Liberty, Fine Arts Building,
LA, CA & Global Liberty, Mercantile Bank, Century City
2000 Edinburgh
Film Festival, Scotland, Heidi Chronicles Production, Artwork: Statue of Liberty
2001 Statue of Liberty, Women In Photography International,
Anniversary Exhibition, House of Photographic Art
Angeles, California, USA)
Photo artist Jean Ferro began her career in the
visual arts in Hollywood in the 1970s, shooting personalities while building a
classic library of self-portraits. Throughout the '80s, Ferro's fine-art self-portraits
(1974-present) received international recognition from magazines such as ZOOM
magazine (1985 - 8 pgs., 1988 - 6 pgs.) and French Photo, along with US
national TV magazine shows for CBS and ABC TV networks. The 1989 Women In Photography
New Photographers Lecture Series presented "Jean Ferro's Eye To Eye, the
Art of Self-Portraiture.
"In 1990, Ferro's "Statue of Liberty"
project marked her transition from fifteen years of traditional photography into
"Photo Art," mixing various mediums. A 1992/93 City of Los Angeles Cultural
Affairs award enabled Ferro to create "Through Our Own Eyes, Self Portraits
by People Without Homes," a compelling 30-minute photo/video documentary
of Los Angeles' homeless community. In 1996, Global Liberty, her photo-based
mixed media work using international newspapers from 42 countries, was exhibited
at the Bridge Gallery, Los Angeles City Hall.
Fine art photographer Edmund
Teske was quoted as saying, "...Your show Jean Ferro!--is the essence
of Walt Whitman and Edward Steichen's great show 'Family of Man.'" Her
portfolios include: Film, Music and Artist portraits, 1975-present including David
Bowie, Ringo Starr, Reba MacEntire, Arianna Huffington, Larry Gelbart, Eric Etebari,
Tony Berlant, artists, Rene Petropolis and many others; "Hollywood"
1974-Present, Los Angeles 1974-present, El Centro 1974-1981, Valentino Pl. 1981-1990,
Rossmore Ave. 1990-2003, Studios, Paris Street Series 1974; Satin
Slips (including The Green Slip) 1975-1988; Italian Series
(including Bomarzo and Olympic Stadium), 1983; American
Flag1980-present, including Memorial Day Forever Sad the Heart;
Trees 1980-present; Bucks County, PA, 1960-present. Ferro
has also been commissioned by Paramount Studios, Southern California Regional
Rail Authority, Capitol Records and DreamWorks, SKG. Editorial clients include
Los Angeles Magazine, Southern Calif. Edison, Pacific Bell and others. Ferro's
work is a growing body of images that shoot straight from the heart. Her journalistic
style of movement and spontaneity is evident in the Los Angeles, City of Dreams
by Tower Publishing 1999.
April of 2000, Jean became President of Women
In Photography International. www.JeanFerro.com
photo l.a. 2004, portfolio presentation, Women In Photography International
2003 photo
l.a. 2003, Women In Photography International auction Polaroid series Stars &
Stripes ducks-in-a-row #2 original SX70 3 image series,
Focus On Aids #9, Barney;s Beverly Hills, CA, ducks-in-a-row #1 original
SX70 4 image seriesHollywood Portfolio
2002, Hollywood Bound Exhibit,
Frances Howard Goldwyn Library, Women In Photography Int'l
2002 photo
l.a. 2002, Women In Photography International
2001 Statue
of Liberty, Women In Photography International, 20th Anniversary Exhibition, House
of Photographic Art
2000 Edinburgh Film Festival, Scotland,
Heidi Chronicles Production, Artwork: Statue of Liberty
1999-2000 Women
In Photography International Premiere Online Gallery 12 image portfolio self-portrait
1998 Global Liberty, Fine Arts Building, LA, CA & Global
Liberty, Mercantile Bank, Century City
1997 TV Liberty, Focus on Aids
7, G. Ray Hawkins Gallery, Directors Guild, LA,CA
1996 Global Liberty,
LA City Hall Henry P. Rio Bridge Gallery, mixed media , (solo) (42 pieces 30"x
* Roses, (new series) This Human Garden, Spanish Kitchen Studios,
* Statue of Liberty , 19 images , California Bear Credit (solo)
* Bomarzo, Focus on Aids VI, G. Ray Hawkins Gallery/Directors Guild, LA, CA
* Knight In Shinning Armor/Chained to An Image, RatedX So CA Women Caucus for
1994 The Green Slip, Focus on Aids V, G. Ray Hawkins Gallery/Directors
Guild, LA,
* Palm Springs-Red Lite Focus on Aids IV, G.Ray Hawkins Gallery/Directors
Guild, LA, CA
*Caution Caution Issue of Choice LACE Gallery, Los Angeles CA
1991 Media Appetizers Food For Thought, Museum of Anthropology, CA State
University, Chico CA
*Memorial Day Images and Origins: Reflections of Women
Photographers LA Cultural Affairs
Commission on the Status of Women, Bridge
Gallery, Los Angeles City Hall,
1990 Memorial Day Our Illusions
and Reality Women Photographers , Nikon House,NY/Tokyo
* Memorial Day Konica
Plaza, Tokyo, Japan
1989 Bomarzo Paris Photo Lab Presents Jean Ferro,
poster) Paris Photo Lab, LA(Solo Exhibit)
1988 Palm Springs-Red Lite
and Bed of Roses A&I Color Lab, Los Angeles CA
*Corner of the Room 1st
Annual, Photo Impact Gallery, Los Angeles CA
1985 Beveled Mirrors-Torso
Marge Neikrug Gallery Annual, New York NY
1978 The Green Slip (Series
of 3) Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
2002 Coagula, Issue #60, Dec. 02/Jan 03 Interview: pg. 30,-31 Jean
Ferro, Women In Photography by Eugene Harris
1999 Los Angeles, City
of Dreams, (Book), Towery Publishing, Urban Tapestry, images, City
Hall exterior, Book Fan and others
1997 TV Liberty, Focus on AIDS 7
exhibition catalog.
1996 Edmund Teske Quote, Global Liberty. "Your
show Jean Ferro! - is the essence of
Walt Whitman and the Edward Steichen
great show "Family of Man".
* Coagula, Issue #23, News, page
* LA Weekly, Global Liberty. also recommended: Pick of the Week/Peter
1995 Bomarzo, Focus on AIDS 6 exhibition catalog.
* Brainchild
Palm Liberty, 1pg. 2/95 *Brainchild Kids Stuff Lets Play, 6 pgs. Summer
1994 The Green Slip (series of 3) Focus on Aids 5 exhibition catalog
1992 Gironale de Scilia (It) Jean Ferro, Modella Chesi Immortala
da se in Mostra Catania by Donatello Polizzi Piazza
1990 Women Photographers,
NY/Tokyo, Our Illusions and Reality exhibition catalog
*Palm Springs-Red Lite
Focus on Aids IV exhibition catalog
1988 ZOOM Magazine (Am,
Fr, It, Ger) Jean Ferro (No. 34-February) pgs 46-51
1985 Petersens
Photographic (Am) Cover and article Self-Portraiture: The Art
and Intimacy-Jean
Ferro by Franklin Cameron, pgs 20-25 (June issue)
* ZOOM Magazine (Fr
#110, Eng #26, Am #21, Ger 1/85, It #47) Jean Ferro by Altamon Baker,
* Shukan-Shincho (Japan) Mar. 15, three pages
Photo (Fr #168) Spiderman and Self-portraits by Jean Radnetter (Sept issue)
1977 Wet Magazine (Am) Proof Sheet-Wet Torso by Jean Radnetter
1974 Petersens Photographic (Am) Self-portraiture by Joan Yarfitz,
p.88 The Stage by Jean Radnetter (Dec issue)
2000/03 Women In Photography International , www.wipi.org editor f2-eZine
and WIPI website design
1997-98 Fox Story Telling Mural And Film Online
Project. ( 20th Century Fox Studios/Michelle Isenberg)
1993-94 Through
Our Own Eyes, Self-Portraits By People Without Homes Public Access; 30-minute
photo documentary, Jean Ferro, producer/director
1989 Women in Photography,
Public Access, Talk Show: Featured Jean Ferro, host Nancy Clendaniel,
RM Arts, Helmut Newton Frames From the Edge Ferro Segment at Valentino
Place Studio, Adrian Maben, director; US release 1992
1986 Eye on
L A, ABC-TV: Jean Ferro, Self-Portrait Photographer; Satin Goddess and Valentino
Place, Polaroids; Chuck Henry, narrator; Nicholas Stein, director
America, CBS-TV: Jean Ferro; Housewifes Dream and Around L.A.;
Jack Jones, narrator; Nicholas Stein, director
*PEI Productions/cable:
Jean Ferro, Portrait of a Self-Portrait Photographer;
Bed of Roses and Sea
of Blue Feathers; David Kellogg, director
E Palmquist Collection Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University,
Images, resume. Association and history of Women In Photography International
growth and progress.
1999 DreamWorks,
SKG, Landsite Portrait of Playa Vista Project
1994 Southern California
Rail Authority (SCRRA) Metrolink Photo images earthquake renewal special exhibit
(81 pieces)
1990 Paramount Pictures Corp Valentino Place cibachrome
49" x 40" hexad
A&I Color Lab, Hollywood CA
1989 current Paris Photo Lab, Los Angeles
1993 Popular Arts Entertainment, HBO, Hollywood CA Zona Productions,
Beverly Hills CA
1992-93 City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs 1992-93
Artist in the Community
Award: Through Our Own Eyes, Self-Portraits By People
Without Homes; 30- minute photo/video doc
1991 Bob Olsen Color Expansions,
Hollywood CA
1990 Polaroid Corp., Cambridge MA
1989 Fuji
Film Corp., New York, NY
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena CA: Creative Photography, guest lecturer
1992-2000 Sunday Open Sunday-Junior Arts Center LA Cultural Affairs Dept.:
Polaroid Self-Portraits
1999 LA Dads, photo programs in Los Angeles
County Correctional institutions
1998 LA Theatre Works, Camp Kilpatrick,
summer workshops with incarcerated youth
1991 Los Angeles Childrens
Museum: coordinated 10 workshops, led two
1988-89 Pierce College, Woodland
Hills CA: Creative Photography slide show/guest lecture
1989 Women
in Photography Annual Paris Photo Lab: New Photographers series Presentation
2003 Advisory Board, International Photography
2000-Present, Women In Photography International, President
1997- Whos Who of American Women, 1997-2000 Whos Who of International
Private Collections list upon request
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