the record - - personal life experience
Artist / President of WIPI Jean Ferro
Ferro - in the midst of working on the binders for the
WIPI transition project , image spring 2016, finally finishing last details
and end of project. June 2, 2017 - YES it was all
worth it!
Knowing that I took some risks beyond what would seem reasonable
and wanted to post the letter sent to my Landlord, management and their
attorney. I had gone through this situation 3x from the first of the year
2015 through spring of 2016, very unusual for me and had never happened
before. For me the choice was to pay the piper and pay late fees and take
things to the limit so that all my concentration was on transitioning
the organization to a wonderful new home at the Beinecke. It was an extreme
process, unusual and not for the faint of heart. The last
time I went to court the landlord refused to actually take my rent and
demanded I leave my premises in two weeks. I stood in front of the judge
and she had to repeat to me 3x what the court ordered. EH...YIKES... now
I've really done it.!!@#$%^ I was told if I didn't move, the sheriff would
show up with weapons and I would be removed and my belongings would be
locked in the apartment.
It was suggested I contact the rent control groups. I quickly signed up
and two days later attended a gathering at a senior center nearby. The
people that showed up for assistance really needed help, they came w/walkers
and canes, elderly or very young and being evicted from a low rent building.
They didn't have the potential for a higher income as I do with my photography
work. WROTE A LETTER:After court, and the housing group, returned home
and decided to write to the management and plead my case for support to
get through this final stage. I was fortunate that a couple of funders
came through just those last few days and helped save the day. My son
Eric was one of my greatest backers and just kept saying, it's OK Mom,
we're in this together, I'm here for you. I think the best thing that
came out of this experience in an odd way is that he saw that I took a
risk that was for the greater whole, that my passion to succeed was not
going to be just based on a financial reward, the bigger picture had purpose
and longevity that would outlast the current situation. It gave us a lot
of strength.. though I must say an unknown inner confidence was there
and I just could not imagine moving and if I even went close to thinking
of it... I would look around and say... I'm staying, I'll work it out,
I've got this work to do.
September came, binders finally went out the door after myself and assistant
Sharyn labored through the summer to pull them together, really intense
work load. (see pic above) .... ah finished. Well, my beautiful car, 1993
lexus transmission went out, two external hard drives and my 24"
iMac after 8 years froze and is now under the table. By chance a photographer
friend had given me a 23" apple monitor that I could hook up to my
Macbook Pro. AH finished, so I thought. Now there I am scrambling to save
files all through Christmas and the New Year and just when I'm ready to
settle into my own work, learning to use the bus and staying grounded,
I learn that the Beinecke did an IT crawl back in April 2016 when I first
thought we would be finished.
Since that time several things had changed on the website to create the
introduction original binder. So there I go, jumped back in to "NOW
FINALLY" complete the project, found some files that were buried,
and one of the gals Patrizia Pulga completed her directory on International
Women Photographers (Amazon) consulting her early 2000 survey and WIPI's
history and current member base for the text profiles. AH... yes, now
it's really complete.
looking forward to happy days, spa treatments, a lot of laughter, Screen
Actors Guild movie screenings, walks in the neighborhood, lunches and
dinners with friends and road trips in beautiful California.. and of course
keeping my ducks-in-a-row and working on my personal collection of files.
"Good Risks help you to grow taller, stronger and wiser" ...
Jean Ferro
As Katy Perry sings, I've
Got the Eye of the Tiger and You're Gonna Hear Me Roar!
Manchester, England, 6/4/17
Feb. 20, 2015
Harrison Properties
Studio City, CA 91604
Valerie E. Gilbert, Attorney at Law
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Elizabeth A. Harrison, Tanya T. Zimmerman, Valerie E. Gilbert
Sorry that this has been difficult for every one involved. It has not
been my intention to cause any harm or wrong doing in anyway. In good
faith, I get up each day and put my best foot forward.
When I spoke to Valerie, it was suggested I had three more weeks, which
is actually Feb. 25th. I knew I needed that stretch. Obviously when I
went to court and found out that the night before Harrison said they wouldn’t
accept rent or that time frame. I was left in shock, scared and hit the
pavement running to change the situation. Having to move would cause me
such a drastic downward turn in my career and work at a time that I’m
now ready to get back to being Jean Ferro the photographer instead of
providing services to a non-profit organization.
This is my home and want to stay in my apartment. I have lived at The
Hermoyne for 26 years as of
March 1, I’ve paid over $300,000 in rent at one time renting two
places #604 for at least 20 years and in combination #606 14 years.
I’ve always taken excellent care of my apartment and the building
as a whole.
* When there is bad weather, I quickly put out the yellow caution signs
if it’s at night or on the weekend.
* If there’s a leak, I let management know.
* I check to make sure doors are secure.
* I pick up trash on the floor in the laundry room, lobby, hallways
* I’ll even vacuum my floor or clean around the trash room when
someone will carelessly leave a trail.
* I’ve saved the building from a terrible flood a couple of years
ago by making sure the flood gate was closed and monitor the streets no
matter what time, day or night to make sure that doesn’t happen
* I recently saw the men out there clearing the street drains and because
I know it’s the other side of the street that almost always causes
the problem, showed them where to go and take care of it.
* Coffee, soda spills on the floor I wipe it up so it’s not tracked
throughout the building.
* Went to the city traffic meeting about Rossmore and need for signs and
protection from the growth of traffic and dangerous conditions that exist.
* When people complain about the plumbing, I explain it’s an old
building and needs special care and it will be repaired.
* When people complain about the pool, I reassure them the building is
doing the best and to call management instead of just complaining to other
* With a watchful eye, I monitor suspicious activity and am aware of who
lives here.
Enclosed please find the YALE documents so you can see the past 1.5 years
are an extreme exception out of 26 years. I’ve created a wonderful
advantage and historical documentation for women and their work.. a lifetime
of honor for all those involved.
Please take all of this into consideration and allow me to maintain my
#606 apartment so I can get on with my own life and career. This has been
an incredible challenge for me to achieve someone that never ever went
to high school. By September/October I was completely exhausted from the
huge effort and and unable to focus and start again until I got strength
back in January.
THURSDAY, Feb 25th I can provide a cashier’s check for ALL of the
back rent (Dec, Jan. Feb) and MARCH rent included. I have nowhere to go
and this just could send me over the edge and that’s scary. I keep
breathing, focusing and praying this situation will be resolved and we
will continue our relationship as management and tenant.
With a brilliant career at hand now that I’ve finished this task
to Yale University on behalf of the non-profit (hate those words “non-profit”
) Women In Photography International, I can get back to doing the types
of jobs as in the past for the likes of Southern California Regional Rail
Authority, Dreamworks, personal portraits, Los Angeles magazine and art
I promise and make the commitment to pay my rent on time and continue
to provide my care for The Hermoyne.
I have NO other outstanding debt. My car is paid for and I’m very
Perhaps in the future if you need anything photographic services you would
call on me instead of another photographer without it involving anything
to do with my rent. With my history executive portraits, onsite events,
land sites, fine art for your personal use or business could be something
to consider.
Please accept my request to make good on my current situation and remain
in my home at the Hermoyne.
Jean Ferro
(323) 462-0121
Enclosure bio material, letters from Yale
Valerie Gilbert w/info
Yale archive
02/25/2016 ACCEPT DEAL: Tues: Ashley 1:32pm $$10,088.00 (4 months + late
RENT PAID IN FULL Dec-Feb + March w/LATE FEES + Attorney FEES
Total Amount paid via CASHIER CHECK: