
by Alice .B. Miller

August. 2005 Issue: In 1999, WIPI was energized by the advent of the Internet. Current president and photo artist, Jean Ferro and past director Nancy Clendaniel launched WIPI online with the support of historian Peter Palmquist, whose original WIPI archive is held at the Beinecke Library, Yale University.

Today, WIPI has members in Russia, India, Australia, France, Italy, England, other areas of the world, and
strong U.S. representation in California and New York. Read article about winners of the juried "Beauty, Camera Eye of the Beholder" competition, Lynn Saville, Stephanie Graham
Lois Mason, Janet Century, Hannan Saleh, Andrea Thompson, Julia Fullerton-Batten, Wendy Farrow, Annabel Clark, Rania Matar