Easter Sunday,
Sarbi, Romania, 2000
Fashion has changed as women replace homespun black with printed fabric in
their skirts and give up their leather and wool opinci, the footwear of tradition,
for vinyl pumps. However, what has remained constant is Sunday afternoon,
when one learns to flaunt one's sense of style.
Duminica Pasütelui, Sarbi, Romania, 2000
Moda s-a schimbat: femeile au schimbat stofa neagraù din ÒsucneÓ (fuste) cu
materiale imprimate süi au schimbat opincile din piele Silana, ”ncaùltüaùmintea
traditüionalaù, cu papuci de vinil. Cu toate acestea, ceea ce a raùmas constant
sunt dupaù-amiezele de duminicaù, c‰nd fiecare ”nvatüaù saù-süi afisüeze simtüul
frumosului prin vestimentatüie.