Classified - Opportunities

WIPI is looking for computer equipment

Are you upgrading your equipment and don't want to deal with trying to sell your old equipment? Are you switching from PC to MAC or visa/versa?


DELL or COMPACT PC laptop, (used) no more than two years old from 2004. tons of memory for handling images and loaded with capabilities and in excellent working condition with DVD and CD-RW capabilities

Apple iBook G4 12.1-inch TFT Display 1024x768 resolution 1.33GHz PowerPC G4 512K L2 cache 256 - 512 MB DDR333 SDRAM 60GB Ultra ATA/100 NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 (64MB DDR) Full size keyboard 10/100BASE-T Ethernet FireWire 400 AirPort Extreme built-in Mini-DVI out

(2)   Apple Power Mac G4 or G5 the more programs loaded on it the better for us..!

Digital cameras, with minimum of 5 mega pixel resolution, best with instruction booklet and starter memory card.

Nikon D-100 digital camera or D-70 with or without lens
Cannon digital SLR w/lens

Minolta Dimage Camera 8 mega pixel minimum A2 or A200

External Hard Drives, USB 2.0 or Firewire and/or USB 2.0/Firewire combo


Donate your equipment and receive a tax deduction or membership exchange

All equipment must be in excellent working condition, with or without warranty, insturction booklets if available. Computer equipment, please first write, Los Angeles area preferred for pick up for most computer equipment, or write to find out where it can be shipped to.

call us: (323) 462-1444