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Women In Photography International Archive
A bibliography of books about and by women photographers, created in 2000 by Peter E. Palmquist (1936-2003), the late founder and curator of the Women In Photography Internatinal Archive now housed at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University.The publications in this collection have been gathered over a twenty-seven-year period. Every title listed has at least a perceived connection with one or more female photographers. Included are autobiographies, biographies, literary works, "how-to" and other technical writings, photojournalism, and fine art publications. A large number are monographs or exhibition catalogues. Some are scarce, and a considerable number of these publications have not been previously identified as works relative to women photographers. This is especially true of female travel writers who also produced the photographs which illustrate their books. All of the books on this list are shelved at the Women in Photography International Archive.
The books are organized alphabetically by photographer, and then chronologically by date of publication. Note that there are two broad divisions to this listing, as follows:
I. Publications centered on single photographers
Books A-C
Books D-J
Books K-P
Books V-Z
II. "Collections" with multiple photographers
Citations should be considered tentative, inasmuch as this is not a critical bibliography and entries have not been edited to a uniform style. Diacritical elements are also not included. Annotations, such as page count, have been rounded off to the nearest signature size. The physical size of the book (vertical measurement), and location indicators are intended for collection management purposes only. In some instances articles have been included, either because they are especially significant or have already been bound as a book. Likewise, some books are actually bound research notes and exist only in this archive.
Eventually, it is hoped that this listing will be winnowed into a comprehensive bibliography of writings by and about women photographers, including books, articles, and other resources such as video tapes and websites.
Finally it should be clearly understood that this bibliography is merely a work in progress. The user should anticipate misspellings, typos, inconsistent and/or incomplete citations, and so on. It is also possible that a few male photographers have been listed in error.
The Women in Photography International Archive continues to be interested in acquiring or learning about other writings by and about women photographers on a global basis.
Peter E. Palmquist, Curator (1936-2003)
WIPI Archiveheld at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University
DAHL-WOLFE, LOUISE [1895-1989]
Margaretta K. Mitchell. Recollections: Ten Women of Photography. New York: Viking Press, 1979. [Includes Louise Dahl-Wolfe; hardback, 208 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 10/50; filed under collections]
Louise Dahl-Wolfe: A Photographer's Scrapbook. New York: St. Martin's/Marek, 1984. [First edition; preface by Frances McFaddin; hardback, 146 pages, 24 cm., 3/35]
Sally Eauclaire. Louise Dahl-Wolfe: A Retrospective Exhibition. Washington, D.C.: The National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1987. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 64 pages, chronology and bibliography; 27 cm., 12/35]
Pat Dallas. Dallas in Wonderland: The Adventures of a Playgirl Photographer. Los Angeles: Reed Books, 1978. [First edition; hardback, 160 pages, 26 cm., 8/40]
D'AMICO, ALICIA [1933- ]
Erika Billeter. Fotografie Lateinamerika: Von 1860 Bis Heute. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Verlag, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Alicia D'Amico; First edition; text in German; hardback, 416 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 65/100; filed under Latin America]
Ana Daniel. Bali Behind the Mask. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981. [Paperback, 168 pages, 23 cm., 10/20]
Daniel, Thase and Franklin Russell. Wings on the Southwind: Birds and Creatures of the Southern Wetlands. Birmingham, Alabama: Oxmoor House, 1984. [First edition; text by Franklin Russell and introduction by Roger Tory Peterson; photographs by Thase Daniel; hardback, 160 pages, 15/40; oversize]
Francis Maziere and Dominique Darbois. Parana: Boy of the Amazon Chicago and Paris: Follett Publishing Company/ Fernand Nathan, 1959. [A "Children of the World Book"; photographs by Dominique Darbois; story by Francis Maziere; adapted from the French; hardcover, 48 pages, 25 cm., 2/35; ex-library; archive box]
Dominique Darbois. African Dance: A Book of Photographs by Dominique Darbois. Prague: Artia, 1962. [First edition; hardback, 136 pages, 27 cm., 85/85; archive box]
Sullivan, Michael. The Cave Temples of Maichishan. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. [First edition; photographs by Dominique Darbois; hardback, 204 pages, 29 cm., 50/85]
Dominique Darbois. Nick in Tahiti. London: Andrew Dakers, [c.1970]. [First edition; hardback, 48 pages, 28 cm., 4/50; ex-library; archive box]
Dominique Darbois. Nick In Africa. London: Andrew Dakers, [c.1970]. [First edition; "photographs and text by Dominique Darbois"; hardback, 48 pages, 28 cm., 15/65; archive box]
Fotografia Druheho Dychu: Antologie Sucasnej Sovietskej Fotografie. Bratislave, Russia: Komorna galerie fotografie MDKO, 1987. [Includes Elena Darikovicova; exhibition catalogue; paperback, 16 pages, 29.3 cm., 5/35]
Esther Birdsall Darling. Baldy of Nome. San Francisco: A. M. Robertson, 1913. [First edition; photographs presumed taken by the author; hardback, 78 pages, 19.5 cm., 20/45]
Anne Tucker. The Woman's Eye. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973. [Includes Judy Dater; first edition; paperback, 170 pages, biography, 25 cm., 10/20; filed under collections]
Women and Other Visions. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Morgan & Morgan, 1975. [First edition; essay by Henry Holmes Smith; photographs by Judy Dater and Jack Welpott; paperback, 140 pages, chronologies, 27 cm., 25/40]
Forty American Photographers. Sacramento: E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, 1978. [Includes Judy Dater; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, 21 cm., 10/25; filed under California catalogues]
Louise Katzman. Photography in California 1945-1980. New York: Hudson Hills Press, in association with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1984. [Includes Judy Dater; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 206 pages, biography, index, 25.5 cm., 13/35; filed under California catalogues]
Judy Dater: Twenty Years. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press in association with The De Saisset Museum, University of Santa Clara, 1986. [First edition; introduction by James L. Enyeart; hardback, 130 pages, bibliography, 29 cm., 30/40]
Carolyn Coman and Judy Dater. Body & Soul: Ten American Women. Boston: Hill & Company, 1988. [First edition; hardback, 136 pages, 28 cm., 18/25]
Reflections: Women's Self-Image in Contemporary Photography. Oxford, OH: Miami University Art Museum, 1988. [Exhibition catalogue; essays by Catharine R. Stimpson and Barbara Hershey; foreword by Edna Carter Southard; photographs by Judy Dater and others; first edition; paperback, 96 pages, 27.5 cm., 30/45; filed under collections]
Steven Carothers and Gail Roberts. Photographer's Dialogue, Boca Raton, Florida: SIRS and Boca Raton Museum of Art, 1989. [Includes Judy Dater; First edition; paperback, 144 pages, biographies, 27 cm., 13/35; filed under collections]
Judy Dater/Cycles. Pasadena, CA: Curatorial Assistance, Inc., 1994. [First edition; introduction by Sheryl Conkelton; foreword by Clarissa Pinkola Estes; hardback, 256 pages, chronology, 31 cm., 50/85; oversize]
DAVIS, LYNN [1944- ]
Lynn Davis. Monument. Santa Fe, NM: Arena Editions, 1999. [First edition; hardback, 128 pages, 30 cm., 60/75; oversize]
Antigua Black: Portrait of an Island People. San Francisco: Scrimshaw Press, 1973. [First edition; text by Gregson Davis and photographs by Margo Davis; hardback, 144 pages, 31 cm., 10/85]
Mary Lee Davis. Uncle Sam's Attic: The Intimate Story of Alaska. Boston: W. A. Wilde Company, 1930. [First edition; autographed by the author; photographs by the author; hardback, 402 pages, 22 cm., 25/100; archive box]
Mary Lee Davis. We Are Alaskans. Boston: W. A. Wilde Company, 1931. [First edition; photographs by the author; hardback, 336 pages, 22 cm., 7/75]
Six Women Photographers. Auckland, New Zealand: PhotoForum, Inc., 1987. [Includes Margaret Dawson; Photoforum New Zealand #56; paperback, 60 pages, biographies, 20 cm., 0/35; filed under collections]
No Borders: Works by Four North American Native Photographers [Exhibition catalogue; includes Patricia Deadman; first edition; paperback, 32 pages, 14 cm., 0/25; filed under collections]
DEAN, TACITA [1965- ]
Mise En Scene. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1994. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Tacita Dean; paperback, 64 pages, biographies, 25 cm., 14/25; filed under collections]
Reframing the Past: Recent Work from Texas Women Photographers. Houston, TX: Houston Center for Photography, [c.1993]. [Includes Cara Catherine DeBusk; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 36 pages, 20 cm., 9/20; filed under collections]
Light and Lens: Methods of Photography. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Hudson River Museum/ Morgan & Morgan, Inc., 1973. [Includes Liliane De Cock; first edition; edited by Donald L. Werner; paperback, 84 pages, 27.5 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
Liliane DeCock Photographs. Fort Worth, TX: Amon Carter Museum/ Morgan & Morgan, 1973. [First edition; foreword by Ansel Adams; paperback, 64 pages, 23 cm., 15/30]
Photography for Collectors/ Volume 2: The Midwest. [n.p.: Michigan State University, c.1984]. [Catalogue; includes Barbara DeGenevieve; paperback, 96 pages; biographies, 22 cm., 0/25; filed under collections]
Christine De Grancy: Lebenszeichen/ Ein Photoalbum in Kupfertiefdruck. Nordlingen, Germany: Greno, 1987. [First edition; text in German; paperback, 116 pages, 18 cm., 0/20]
Out of Silence: Photographs by Adelaide De Menil. New York, Evenston, San Francisco, London: Published for the Amon Carter Museum by Harper & Row, 1971. [First edition; paperback, 128 pages, 24 cm., 5/30]
Tangle of Complexes: Photographing in Mexico. Birmingham, Alabama: Space One Eleven, 1996. [Includes Carolyn Demeritt; exhibition catalogue; text in English and Spanish; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, 28 cm., 0/20]
Winnie Denker and Francoise Sagan. The Eiffel Tower. New York and Paris: The Vendome Press, 1989. [Previous edition published in England; photographs by Winnie Denker; hardback, 112 pages, 35 cm., 40/65; oversize]
DENNIS, LISL [1947- ]
Lisl Dennis. How to Take Better Travel Photos. Tucson, AZ: Fisher Publishing, Inc., 1979. [HP Photobook #6; paperback, 160 pages, index, 27.5 cm., 4/25]
DERGES, SUSAN [1955- ]
Under the Sun: Photographs by Christopher Bucklow, Susan Derges, Garry Fabian Miller, and Adam Fuss. San Francisco: Fraenkel Gallery, 1997. [Exhibition catalogue; paperback, 104 pages, biographies, 26.5 cm., 0/30]
Flavia Robinson Derossi: Eyes and Lashes. New York: Bertha Urdang Gallery, 1989. [Exhibition catalogue; poems by Ferruccio di Cori; paperback, 12 pages, 20.5 cm., 5/10]
"Sylvia De Swaan," Contact Sheet 71 [c.1992], pp. 4-7. [archive box]
"Return: Photographs by Sylvia De Swaan," Contact Sheet 84 [c.1995]; most of issue. [archive box]
Return/ Sylvia De Swaan. Utica, New York: Munson Williams Proctor Institute, [c.1995]. [Exhibition catalogue; paperback, 8 pages, 21.5 cm., 0/20]
Lucinda Devlin: The Omega Suites. Syracuse, NY: Robert B. Menschel Photography Gallery, 1992. [Menschel Gallery publication #29; paperback, 8 pages, 20.5 cm., 0/10]
DEW, GWENDOLYN [1903-1993]
Gwen Dew. Prisoner of the Japs. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943. [Five copies; First edition; 310 pages, map, 22 cm.; 1) and 2) with dust jackets, 50/145; 3) second printing, autographed by Dew, 25/100; and 4) inscription and autograph by Dew, 65/85; items 1-4 located archive box. #5 is without d.j., 40/75]
Brooks Johnson, (ed.). That Old Time Religion: A Documentation of Protestant Revivalism by Eleanor Dickinson. Oakland, California: Oakland Museum History Department, 1979. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 32 pages, 28 cm., 55/75]
Stephanie Dinkins: Photography Retrospective 1956-1986. New Orleans: Simms Fine Art Gallery, 1987. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback; 96 pages, index, 23 cm., 13/35]
Photographers of the Farm Security Administration: An Annotated Bibliography, 1930-1980. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1983. [First edition; hardback; 264 pages, index, 22 cm., 40/65; filed under collections]
John Telfer Dunbar. Herself: The Life and Photographs of M.E.M. Donaldson. Edinburgh, Scotland: William Blackwood & Sons, 1979. [First edition; paperback, 74 pages, 21 cm., 9/40]
The Invented Landscape. New York: The New Museum, 1979. [Includes Bonnie Donohue; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 40 pages, biographies, 10/30; filed under collections]
A.H. Blake. "The Work of Madame dOra," Photo-Era, vol. 29, no. 6 (December 1912): 280-284.
Argentina. Paris: Courtois, c.1930. [First edition; includes laid-in symphony program for La Argentina dated December 10, 1930; edited by Arnold Meckel; photographs by D'Ora; paperback, 14 pages, 25 cm., 75/250; archive box]
Fritz Kempe. Nicola Perscheid/ Arthur Benda/ Madame d'Ora. Hamburg: Museum Fur Kunst Und Gewerbe, 1980. [Dokumente der Photographie #1; first edition; catalogue by Odette M. Appel-Heyne; text in German; hardback, 172 pages, catalogue of works, 23.5 cm., 50/85]
Monika Faber. Madame d'Ora Wien-Paris: Portraits aus Kunstund Gesellschaft 1907-1957. Vienna and Munich: Edition Christian Brandstatter, 1983. [First edition; text in German; hardback, 206 pages, 29 cm., 85/100]
D'Ora/ Vienna & Paris 1907-1957: The Photography of Dora Kallmus. Poughkeepsie, New York: Vasser College Art Gallery, 1987. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 60 pages, chronology and bibliography, 30 cm., 25/45; oversize]
Hanne Holm-Johnsen. Madame d'Ora: God fotograf blir den som lever. Horten, Norway: Norsk Museum for Fotografi, 1998. [Fotografiske Smaskrifter No. 3; text in Norwegian and English; paperback, 30 pages, 20.5 cm., 0/25]
DORFMAN, ELSA [1937- ]
Elsa Dorfman. Elsa's Housebook: A Woman's Photojournal. Boston: David R. Godine, 1974. [First edition; paperback, 80 pages, 23 cm., 10/35]
Sisters of the South. Paris: Marval, in association with United Nations Population Fund, 1994. [Includes Marie Dorigny; first edition; text in English, French and Spanish; hardback, 128 pages, 28 cm., 45/65; filed under collections]
DORR, NELL (KOONS) [1893-1988]
Nell Koons. Mangroves: Verse and Photographs. Miami Beach, FL: published by the author, 1933. [First edition; paperback, 38 pages, 31 cm., 175/250; archive box]
Nell Dorr. In a Blue Moon. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1939. [First edition; hardback, 80 pages, 22.5 cm., 8/125; archive box]
Nell Dorr. Mother and Child. New York: Harper Brothers, 1954. [2 copies; first edition; hardback, 92 pages, 21 cm.: 1) Signed and dated by Dorr; prospectus laid-in, 50/200; and 2) Signed by Dorr; 5/100; both in archive box]
Nell Dorr. The Bare Feet. Greenwich, CT: The New York Graphic Society, 1962. [2 copies; first edition; hardback, 80 pages, 26.5 cm.; 1) ex-library in archive box, 20/100; and 2) 7/100; oversize]
Nell Dorr. Of Night and Day. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1968. [2 copies; first edition; hardback, 98 pages, 23.5 cm.; 1) archive box, 50/100; and 2) 20/85]
Nell Dorr. Life Dance. Allendale, NJ: Alleluia Press, 1975. [First edition; hardback (one of 250 copies in hardback); 74 pages, cm., 85/150; archive box]
Margaretta K. Mitchell. Recollections: Ten Women of Photography. New York: Viking Press, 1979. [Includes Nell Dorr; hardback, 208 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 10/50; filed under collections]
Odella/ A Hidden Survivor: A Photographic Essay by Carlota Duarte. Albuquerque, NM: published by the author and distributed by the University of New Mexico Press, 1990. [First edition; paperback, 60 pages, 23 cm., 18/30]
DUBY, GERTRUDE [cf. Blum, Gertrude Duby]
DUNN, PHOEBE [1915-1990]
The Little Rabbit. New York: Random House, 1980. [A Random House Pictureback; story by Judy Dunn and photographs by Phoebe Dunn; paperback, 32 pages, 20.5 cm., 2/5]
Zoe Leonard and Cheryl Dunye. The Fae Richards Photo Archive. San Francisco: Artspace, 1996. [First edition; hardback, 72 pages, 21 cm., 15/25]
Arnold, Sir Edwin. The Light of Asia. London: Kagan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., c.1905. [First edition; "12 photogravures by Lady Eardley-Wilmot"; hardback, 169 pages, 14 cm., 5/95; archive box]
Lawrence Hope. Songs From the Garden of Kama. New York: John Lane Company, 1909. [2 copies; December 1908 imprint on copyright page; hardback, 116 pages, photographs by Mabel Eardley-Wilmot; 25.5 cm.: 1) 15/50; and 2) 38/95, in archive box]
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1912. [First edition; "illustrated with thirty-eight {tipped-in} pictures, from photographs by Mabel Eardley-Wilmot"; hardback, 140 pages, 26 cm., 135/175; archive box]
Haunted New England. Riverside, CT: Chatham Press, 1972. [Photographs by Mary Eastman and text by Mary Bolte; autographed by the authors; first edition; hardback, 128 pages, 28.5 cm., 10/30]
Erica Echenberg and Mark P. And God Created Punk. London: Virgin Books, 1996. [Paperback, 144 pages, 26 cm., 17/20]
Women En Large: Images of Fat Nudes. San Francisco: Books in Focus, 1994. [First edition; paperback, 116 pages, 27.5 cm., 30/35]
Alexandra Edwards. New York: James Danziger Gallery, c.1993. [First edition; paperback, 36 pages, 26 cm., 10/35; oversize]
EIBICH, IRMA [1950- ]
Beyond the Surface: Photographs by Irma Eibich. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada: Stone House Publishing, Inc., 1988. [First edition; text in French, English and German; hardback, 128 pages, 28 cm., 15/35; oversize]
Carl Eickemeyer and Lilian Westcott Eickemeyer. Among the Pueblo Indians. New York: Merriam Company, 1895. [Xerox copy; hardbound, 28 cm., 30/30]
Alan R. Woolworth, (comp.). Sarah Louise (Judd) Eldridge (1802-1886): First Know Photographer of Minnesota Territory. [Xerox compilation of notes; hardback, 28 cm., 30/30]
ELETA, SANDRA [1942- ]
Erika Billeter. Fotografie Lateinamerika: Von 1860 Bis Heute. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Berlag, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Sandra Eleta; first edition; text in German; hardback, 416 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 65/100; filed under Latin America]
Sandra Eleta. "Portobello": Fotografia de Panama. Buenos Aires: La Azotea, 1991. [Second edition; text in English and Spanish; paperback, 76 pages, biography, 23 cm., 35/40]
Amanda Hopkinson, (ed.). Desires and Disguises: Five Latin American Photographers. London: The Serpent's Tail, 1992. [First edition; includes Sandra Eleta; paperback, 80 pages, biographies, 21.5 cm., 13/25; filed under collections]
Elisabeth Elliot. The Savage My Kinsman. New York: Harper & Brothers and London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1961. [First edition; picture editor Cornell Capa; photographs by Elisabeth Elliott and Cornell Capa; hardback, 160 pages, 28 cm., 15/95]
Ellen Coit Elliott. In Xanadu: A Fantasy of the Exposition. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1916. [Includes tipped-in black & white photographs presumed taken by the author; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, 20 cm.. 10/65]
Nan Elliot. "I'd Swap My Old Skidoo For You": A Portrait of Characters On the Last Frontier. Issaquah, Washington: Sammamish Press, 1989. [First edition; paperback, 200 pages, 24 cm., 10/25]
Marcus B. Peladeau. Chansonetta: The Life and Photographs of Chansonetta Stanley Emmons, 1858-1937. Waldoboro, ME: Maine Antique Digest, and distributed by Morgan & Morgan, Dobbs Ferry, New York 1977. [First edition; introduction by Berenice Abbott; paperback, 96 pages, 22.5 cm., 9/45]
Documenting a Myth: The South as Seen by Three Women Photographers/ Chansonetta Stanley Emmons/ Doris Ulmann/ Bayard Wootten/ 1910-1940. Portland, OR: Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, 1998. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, 26 cm., 0/25]
Women of the Stieglitz Circle. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Owings-Dewey Fine Art, 1998. [Includes paintings by Englehard; exhibition catalogue; essay by Suzan Campbell; first edition, paperback, 19.5 cm., 36 pages, 4/20]
ENGLISH, JANE [1942- ]
Lao Tsu. Tao Te Ching. New York: Random House, 1972. [Photographs by Jane English; paperback, 86 pages, 28 cm., 5/15]
Liane Jennifer Enkelis with Karen Olsen & Marion Lewenstein. On Our Own Terms: Portraits of Working Women. City Center, Minnesota: Hazelden, 1997. [First edition; spiral bound, engagement calender format, 108 pages, 21.5 cm., 2/15]
ENOS, CHRIS [1944- ]
Gar-Baj. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1982. [First edition; spiral bound with stiff wrappers in box; 2 pages plus 24 color (Polaroid-size) photographs, 11 cm., 65/75; archive box]
They Came to My Studio: Famous People of Our Time Photographed by Vivienne. London: Hall publications, 1956. [First edition; edited by A. George Hall and Margaret Sherman; introduction by Sir Beverley Baxter, M. P.; hardback, 172 pages, index, 30 cm., 10/50]
Pittsburgh Revealed: Photographs Since 1850. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Carnegie Museum of Art, 1997. [Includes Janyce Erlich-Moss; exhibition catalogue, paperback, 210 pages, biographies, 24 cm., 20/35; filed under catalogues]
Amanda Hopkinson, (ed.). Desires and Disguises: Five Latin American Photographers. London: The Serpent's Tail, 1992. [First edition; includes Paz Errazuriz; paperback, 80 pages, biographies, 21.5 cm., 13/25; filed under collections]
Wilma Ervin. On The Edge: The East Village. New York: Times Books, and Toronto: Random House of Canada, 1985. [First edition; introduction by Andy Warhol; paperback, 82 pages, 20.5 cm., 5/35]
Avoir 20 Ans a Teheran. Paris: Editions Alternatives, 1999. [Photographs by Isabelle Eshraghi; first edition?; text in French; essays by Azadeh Kian-Thiebaut and Seyyed Ebrahim Navavi; paperback, 96 pages, 24 cm., 35/35]
ESS, BARBARA [1948- ]
Shifting Focus: An International Exhibition of Contemporary Women's Photography. Bristol and London: Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol; Serpentine Gallery, London, 1989. [Includes Barbara Ess; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, biography, 29 cm.; 15/35; filed under collections]
Barbara Ess. Madrid and New York: Galeria La Maquina Espanola in collaboration with the Curt Marcus Gallery, 1990. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; text in Spanish and English; paperback, 32 pages, 18 cm., chronology and bibliography, 15/25]
Barbara Ess: I Am Not This Body. New York and Santa Monica: Michael Kohn Gallery/ Curt Marcus Gallery, 1991. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 23 cm., chronology and bibliography, 15/25]
Barbara Ess: Art at the Edge. Atlanta, GA: High Museum of Art, 1992. [Exhibition catalogue; introduction by Susan Krane; first edition; paperback, 20 cm., chronology and bibliography, 8/25]
Barbara Ess. Barcelona, Spain: Sala Montcada de la Fundacio "La Caixa," 1994. [Exhibition catalogue; text in Spanish; paperback, 32 pages, 20.5 cm., 15/25]
Seeking the Sublime: Neo-Romanticism in Landscape Photography/ Sally Apfelbaum/Barbara Ess/Nancy Goldring/Sandra Haber/Lorie Novak/Jan Staller. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, 1995. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, 21.5 cm., 12/25; filed under collections]
Barbara Ess, Eva-Maria Schon, Cecile Wick. Body Exposures. [Exhibition catalogue; text in German and English; hardback, 64 pages, biographies, 22.5 cm., 17/30]
Photographers Midwest Invitational. Vineland Place, MN: Walker Art Center, 1973. [Includes Gwen Widmer Estabrook; exhibition catalogue; paperback, 40 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 10/45; filed under collections]
Wendy Ewald, (ed.). Appalachia: A Self-Portrait. Frankfort, Kentucky: Gnomon Press for Appalshop, Inc., 1979. [First edition; foreword by Robert Coles and text by Loyal Jones; photographs by Lyn Adams, Shelby Adams, Robert Cooper, Earl Dotter, Will Endries, Wendy Ewald and Linda Mansberger; paperback, 112 pages, biographies, 24.5 cm., 6/20]
Wendy Ewald. Portraits and Dreams: Photographs and Stories by Children of the Appalachians. London and New York: Writers and Readers Publishing, 1985. [First edition; introduction by Robert Coles and afterword by Ben Lifson; paperback, 124 pages, 25.5 cm., 5/30]
Wendy Ewald. Magic Eyes: Scenes from an Andean Girlhood/ From Stories Told by Alicia & Maria Vasquez. Seattle: Bay Press, 1992. [First edition; photographs by Wendy Ewald an others; paperback, 180 pages, 20 cm., 19/25]
Wendy Ewald. Retratos y Suenos/ Portraits and Dreams: Photographs by Mexican Children. Pasadena, CA: 1993. [Exhibition catalogue; text in Spanish and English; paperback, 12 pages, 21.5 cm., 5/15]
FACIO, SARA [1932- ]
Erika Billeter. Fotografie Lateinamerika: Von 1860 Bis Heute. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Verlag, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Sara Facio; first edition; text in German; hardback, 416 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 65/100; filed under Latin America]
Amanda Hopkinson, (ed.). Desires and Disguises: Five Latin American Photographers. London: The Serpent's Tail, 1992. [First edition; includes Sara Facio; paperback, 80 pages, biographies, 21.5 cm., 13/25; filed under collections]
Sara Facio. Fotografia en la Argentina desde 1840 a Nuestros. Buenos Aires: La Azotea, 1995. [First edition; text in Spanish and English; paperback, 124 pages, 27 cm., 50/65; filed under Argentina.]
Deborah Willis. Imagining Families: Images and Voices. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institutions, 1994. [Includes Fay Fairbrother; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 72 pages, 21.5 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
Marion Faller: Detail-Repetition-Variation. Syracuse, NY: Robert B. Menschel Photography Gallery, Syracuse University, 1988. [Menschel Gallery #14; first edition; paperback, 4 pages, 21.5 cm., 0/10; filed with Menschel Gallery catalogues]
Farkas, Shelley and Judith Stiles. Duet: An Experience in Visual Communication. Amherst, MA: published by the authors, 1978. [First edition; photographs by Shelley Farkas and photo silk screens by Judith Stiles; autographed by Shelley Farkas; paperback, 80 pages, exhibition checklists, 30.5 cm., 10/65]
Ronnie Farley. Women of the Native Struggle: Portraits & Testimony of Native American Women. New York: Orion Books, 1993. [Library of the American Indian; first edition; introduction by Anna Lee Walters; paperback, 160 pages, 23 cm., 11/20]
Ronnie Farley. Cowgirls: Contemporary Portraits of the American West. New York: Crown, 1995. [First edition; paperback, 160 pages, 22.5 cm., 12/20]
FARMER, FRANCES [1913-1970]
Frances Farmer. Will There Really be a Morning?: An Autobiography of Frances Farmer. New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1982. [Reprint of the 1972 edition; paperback, 380 pages, 17.5 cm., 3/20; archive box]
In Arcadia. New York: George M. Allen Company, 1892. [First edition; illustrated with 6 photogravures on tissue by Farnsworth; hardback, 32 pages, 30 cm., 185/300; archive box]
Sunshine and Play-Time. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1893. [First edition; verses by the Rt. Reverend William Croswell Doane; illustrated with 8 photogravures on tissue by Farnsworth; hardback, 40 pages, 25.5 cm., 225/300; archive box]
Diane Farris. Evensong. Chicago: published by the author, 1980. [First edition (limited to 1,000 copies); signed by the photographer; paperback, 32 pages, 20 cm., 1/35]
Diane Farris. In Dolphin Time. New York: Four Winds Press, 1994. [First edition; hardback, 32 pages, 24 cm., 1/20]
Cosette Faust-Newton. The Rainbow-Hued Trail . . . Around the World. Dallas, Texas: published by the author, 1932. [Limited, de luxe, autographed edition [#7]; with letter to the owner of this book, signed and dated by the author, tipped in; hardback, 312 pages, appendix of places visited, index and maps, 24 cm., 75/350; archive box]
FAY, IRENE [1914-1986]
Irene Fay: Photographs 1936-1984. Petaluma, CA: Singer Photography, 1997. [Sales catalogue; paperback, 48 pages, biography, price list, 28 cm., 0/25]
Gertrude Fehr: Fotografien seit 1918. Munich: Munchner Statmuseum, 1980. [First edition; text in German; paperback, 56 pages, chronology, 23.5 cm., 20/45]
Women on Women: Twelve Photographic Portfolios. New York: A & W Publishers, 1978. [Includes Jo Alison Feiler; hardback, 162 pages, 30 cm., 23/75; filed under collections]
Steven Carothers and Gail Roberts. Photographer's Dialogue. Boca Raton, Florida: SIRS and Boca Raton Museum of Art, 1989. [Includes Sandy Fellman; first edition; paperback, 144 pages, biographies, 27 cm., 13/35; filed under collections]
From the West: Chicano Narrative Photography. San Francisco: The Mexican Museum, 1995. [Includes Christina Fernandez; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 88 pages, biographies, 30 cm., 10/35]
FERRAN, ANNE [1949- ]
Shifting Focus: An International Exhibition of Contemporary Women's Photography. Bristol and London: Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol; Serpentine Gallery, London, 1989. [Includes Anne Ferran; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, biography, 29 cm.; 15/35; filed under collections]
Donna Ferrato. Living With the Enemy. New York: Aperture, 1991. [Introduction by Ann Jones; paperback, 176 pages, 30.5 cm., 20/30; oversize]
FERRERO, PAT [1942- ]
Pat Ferrero, Elaine Hedges and Julie Silber. Hearts and Hands: The Influence of Women & Quilts on American Society. San Franciso: Quilt Digest Press, 1987. [First edition; paperback, 112 pages, 28 cm., 20/30]
Three Perspectives on Photography: Recent British Photography. London: Hayward Gallery and the Arts Council of Great Britain, 1979. [Includes Aileen Ferriday; exhibition catalogue; paperback, 96 pages, biographies, 24 cm., 20.40; filed under collections]
FISKIN, JUDY [1945- ]
Judy Fiskin. Beverly Hills, CA: A.R.T. Press, 1988. [First edition; interview by John Divola, essay by Christopher Knight and edited by William Bartman; paperback, 40 pages, 25.5 cm., 4/25]
Typologies: Nine Contemporary Photographers. Newport Beach, CA and New York: Newport Harbor Art Museum/Rizzoli, 1991. [Includes Judy Fiskin; exhibition catalogue; first edition; hardback, 136 pages, 28.5 cm., 10/45; filed under collections]
Judy Fiskin: Some More Art. Los Angeles: The Museum of Contemporary Art, 1992. [First edition; paperback, 38 pages, 23 cm., 10/30]
Frances Hubbard Flaherty. Elephant Dance. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1937. [First edition; preface by John Collier; hardback, 136 pages, 23.5 cm., 50/85]
Frances Hubbard Flaherty. The Odyssey of a Film-Maker: Robert Flaherty's Story. Urbana, Illinois: Beta Phi Mu, 1960. [First edition; limited to 2,000 copies; Beta Phi Mu Chapbook, no. 4; hardback, 48 pages, chronology, 25 cm., 12/65]
Picturing Paradise: Colonial Photography of Samoa, 1875 to 1925. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, 1995. [Includes Frances Hubbard Flaherty; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 150 pages, 21.5 cm., 25/45; filed under regional publications/South Pacific]
Sue Flanagan. Sam Houston's Texas. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1964. [First edition; hardback, 216 pages, index, 28 cm., 0/75]
FLAX, CAROL [1952- ]
Some (M)other Stories: A Parent(hetic)al Tale. Daytona Beach, Florida: Southeast Museum of Photography, 1995. [First edition; paperback, 32 pages, 21.5 cm., 15/20]
Peter E. Palmquist. Elizabeth Fleischmann: Pioneer X-Ray Photographer. Berkeley: Judah L. Magnes Museum, 1990. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 36 pages, appendices, 22 cm., 5/15]
Peter E. Palmquist. "Elizabeth Fleischmann-Aschheim, Pioneer X-Ray Photographer," Western States Jewish History, vol. 23, no. 1 (October 1990), pp. 35-45.
FLETCHER, CHRISTINE B. [c.1872-1961]
Peter E. Palmquist and Rachel Ihara. The Life and Still Life of Christine B. Fletcher. Arcata, CA: Women in Photography International Archive, 2000.
[Edition limited to ten copies; hardback, 80 pages, 27.5 cm., 75/75]
Peter E. Palmquist, compiler. Christine B. Fletcher: Collected Notes as of January 2000. [Xerox copies; hardbound, 28 cm., 30/75]
Pamela Fong. Breaking the Cycle: Survivors of Child Abuse and Neglect. New York and London: W. W. Norton, 1991. [First edition; essay by Robert Coles; paperback, 120 pages, 25.5 cm., 20/30]
Lariane Fonseca. If Passion Were a Flower. North Melbourne, Australia: Spinifexpress, [1989?]. [First edition; hardback, 92 pages, 31 cm., 30/50; oversize]
Mrs. A.S.C. Forbes. Mission Tales in the Days of the Dons. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1909. [2 copies; first edition; hardback, 344 pages, 21 cm.: 1) 35/75, in archive box; and 2) 23/50]
Mrs. A.S.C. Forbes. California Missions and Landmarks: El Camino Real. Los Angeles: published by the author, 1925. [8th edition; hardback, 392 pages, index, 20 cm., 2/30]
Rosita Forbes. The Secret of the Sahara: Kufara. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1921. [First edition; photographs by the author; hardback, 356 pages, map and index, 22 cm., 15/45; archive box]
Barbara Forshay: Fotografie. Brescia, Italy: Edizioni del Museo Ken Damy, 1992. [First edition; text by Ken Damy in English and Italian; paperback, 20 pages, chronology, 33 cm., 10/30; oversize]
Dorrie Forstmann. Fragments. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Morgan & Morgan, 1983. [First edition; paperback, 80 pages, 26.5 cm., 6/30]
Mary Abigail Fowler. Snap Shots with Tales of Travel Truthfully Told. Chicago: H. J. Smith Publishing Company, 1898. [First edition; hardback, 318 pages, 24 cm., 14/125; archive box]
FOX, FLO [1945- ]
Asphalt Gardens: 69 Photographs by Flo Fox. Washington, D.C.: National Access Center, 1981. [First edition; essay by Lief Ericksenn; edited by Peter Green; paperback, 76 pages, 21 cm., 10/35; two copies]
FOX, SUE [1963- ]
Sue Fox. Post Mortem. [Manchester, England?]: Viewpoint Photography Gallery/ Salford City Council, 1997. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; hardback, 32 pages, 21.5 cm., 20/35]
FRANCIS, VIDA HUNT [1870-1957]
Andrews, Nathalie Taft. Your Loving Vida. Louisville, Kentucky: J. B. Speed Museum, 1976. [First edition; paperback, 38 pages, chronology, 25.5 cm., 20/35]
De Temps en Temps: Photographies de Martine Franck. Paris. Les Petits Freres, 1988. [First edition; preface by Claude Roy; text in French; hardback, 84 pages, 23.5 cm., 35/45]
Martine Franck: One Day to the Next. New York: Aperture, 1998. [First American edition; hardback, 168 pages, 28 cm., 40/50]
FRANK, JOANN [1947- ]
3 Dozen: JoAnn Frank. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974. [First edition; signed by the photographer; paperback, 58 pages, 20.5 cm., 7/40]
Erna Fergusson. Our Southwest. New York & London: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941. [Second printing; "with 24 photographs by Ruth Frank and others"; hardback, 382 pages, index and maps, 22.5 cm., 23/45]
Stolen Glances: Lesbians Take Photographs. London: Pandora Press, 1991. [First edition; edited by Tessa Boffin and Jean Fraser; photographs by Jean Fraser and others; paperback, 252 pages, biographies and index, 24.5 cm., 23/35; filed with collections]
Jill Freedman. Old News: Resurrection City. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1970. [2 copies; First edition; 140 pages, 28.5 cm.: 1) hardback, 15/75 in archive box; and 2) paperback, 140 pages, 28.5 cm., 5/50]
Jill Freedman. Circus Days. New York: Harmony Books, 1975. [First edition; hardback, 128 pages, 31 cm., 13/50; oversize]
Dennis Smith and Jill Freedman. Firehouse. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1977. [First edition; photographs by Freedman; hardback, 144 pages, 28 cm., 8/40]
Jill Freedman. Street Cops. New York: Harper & Row, 1981. [First edition; paperback, 256 pages, 31.5 cm., 25/75]
Dianora Niccolini. Women of Vision: Photographic Statements by Twenty Women Photographers. Verona, New Jersey: Unicorn Publishing House, 1982. [Includes Jill Freedman; first edition; paperback, 128 pages, biographies, 26 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
Jill Freedman. A Time That Was: Irish Moments by Jill Freedman. New York: Friendly Press, 1987. [First edition; hardback, 124 pages, 28.5 cm., 15/40]
Music People & Others. Milan: Gabriele Mazzotta, 1987. [Exhibition catalogue; text by Daniela Palazzoli; text in English and Italian; paperback, 20.5 cm., 28/40]
Peter E. Palmquist. With Nature's Children: Emma B. Freeman, Camera and Brush. Eureka: Interface California Corporation, 1977. [First edition; paperback, 134 pages, catalogue and appendices, 23.5 cm., 5/35]
Mae Blacker Freeman. Fun With Ballet: A Beginners' Book for Future Ballerinas. New York and Toronto: Random House, 1952. [Two copies; first edition; hardback, 64 pages, 26 cm., 5/35; and a later edition, 5/20]
FREEMAN, MARY [1975-1943]
Catherine S. Fowler, "Shadow Catcher/ Mary Freeman, Photographer," Churchill County [Nevada] In Focus, vol. 8, no. 1 (1994-1995), pp. 4-13.
FRESE, LYNDA [1956- ]
Beyond Permission: Gregory Davis/Lynda Frese/Gordon Hollter/ Kim Moseley/Charles Schorre/Kim Stringfellow. Houston, TX: Houston Center for Photography, 1989. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 5/25; filed under collections]
Gisele Freund. The World in My Camera. New York: The Dial Press, 1974. [Reprint of Le Monde et Ma Camera (Paris: Denoel/Gontheir, 1970); first American edition; hardback, 260 pages, index, 28 cm., 50/100]
Gisele Freund. Photography & Society. Boston: David R. Godine, 1980. [Reprint of French edition, 1974; paperback, 232 pages, index, 19 cm., 5/30]
Gisele Freund, Photographer. New York: Abrams, 1985. [First edition; foreword by Christian Caujolle; hardback, 224 pages, index, 29 cm., 35/65]
Three Days with Joyce. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1985. [Reprint of Trois Jours Avec Joyce (Paris: Editions Denoel, 1982); hardback, 70 pages, 21.5 cm., 5/25]
Gisele Freund: Portraits von Schriftstellern und Kunstlern. Munich, Germany: Schirmer/Mosel, 1989. [Text in German; paperback, 96 pages, 19 cm., 18/25]
Gisele Freund/ Die Frau mit der Kamera: Fotografien 1929-1988. Munich, Paris, London: Schirmer/Mosel, 1992. [Exhibition catalogue; Text in German; first edition; hardback, 104 pages, 29 cm., 55/85]
Marcia Friedman. Cuba: The Special Period. Madison, Wisconsin: Samuel Book Publishers, 1998. [First edition; hardback, 96 pages, 26 cm., 9/25]
Charles Jones. A Separate Place. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1974. [Photographs by Susan Friedman; first edition; hardback, 144 pages, 28 cm., 30/40]
FRISSELL, TONI [1907-1988]
Ships and Water. Philadelphia: David McKay Company, 1938. [First edition; compiled and edited by Alfred A. De Lardi; arranged by Heyworth Campbell and foreword by Joseph C. Lincoln; photographs by Toni Frissell and others; spiral bound, 98 pages, 30 cm., 2/95; archive box under Eleanor Park Custis]
Robert Louis Stevenson. A Child's Garden of Verses. New York: U. S. Camera Publishing Corp., 1944. [First edition; photographs by Toni Frissell; hardback, 96 pages, 27 cm., 40/85; archive box]
The Happy Island: Bermuda. New York: T. J. Maloney, 1946. [A U. S. Camera book; first edition; story by Sally Lee Woodall and photographs by Toni Frissell; hardback, 72 pages, 60/85; archive box]
Toni Frissell's Mother Goose. New York: Harper & Brother, 1948. [First edition; hardback, 96 pages, 27 cm., 85/100; archive box]
The King Ranch, 1939-1944: A Photographic Essay by Toni Frisell. New York: Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, with Morgan & Morgan, Dobbs Ferry, New York, 1975. [First edition; introduction and captions by Holland McComb; hardback, 140 pages, 27.5 cm., 28/40]
Margaretta K. Mitchell. Recollections: Ten Women of Photography. New York: Viking Press, 1979. [Includes Toni Frissell; hardback, 208 pages, biographies, 28 cm., l0/50; filed under collections]
Toni Frissell Photographs: 1933-1967. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland: Doubleday in association with the Library of Congress, 1994. [First edition; introduction by George Plimpton and foreword by Sidney Frissell Stafford; hardback, 156 pages, 30.5 cm., 50/65]
Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers, and Broadcasters During World War II. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1995. [Includes Toni Frissell; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, biography and checklist, 21.5 cm., 0/15; filed under collections]
Great Artist of Our Time: An Exhibition of Photographs by Margo Friters-Drucker. Albuquerque: [Michael Costello?], 1976. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, 23 cm., 5/25]
FUKOVA, EVA [1927- ]
Emanuel Frynta. Eva Fukova. Prague: Statni Nakladatelstvi Krasne Literatury a Umeni, 1963. [First edition; text in Czechslovakian?, Russian, French and German; paperback, 66 pages, 17.5 cm., 150/150; archive box]
Marilyn Suriani Futterman. Dancing Naked in the Material World. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992. [First edition; hardback, 140 pages, 22 cm., 15/35]
Light/Color: An Exhibition of Contemporary Color Photography. New York: Handwerker Gallery/Ithaca College, 1981. [Includes Phyllis Galembo; exhibition catalogue; paperback, 44 pages, biographies, 27.5 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
Phyllis Galembo. Pale Pink. Rochester, New York: Visual Studies Workshop Press, 1983. [First edition; paperback, 24 pages, 19.5 cm., 6/10]
Phyllis Galembo. Divine Inspiration: From Benin to Bahia. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1993. [First edition; foreword by David Byrne; essays by Robert Farris Thompson, Joseph Nevadomski, Norma Rosen and Zeca Ligiero; hardback, 172 pages, 29 cm., 50/50; oversize]
GALL, SALLY [1956- ]
The Water's Edge: Photographs by Sally Gall. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1995. [First edition; essay by James Salter; hardback; 72 pages, 23.5 cm., 13/35]
GALUP, AMELIE [1856-1943]
Amelie Galup/ Une femme photographe a la fin du siecle dernier: Albi/Saint-Antonin 1895-1901. Paris: Mission du Patrimoine Photographique, 1984. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; essay by Claude Harmelle; text in French; paperback, 36 pages, 21 cm., 15/35]
GAMBLE, SUSAN [1957- ]
The Ghost in the Machine. Cambridge: MIT List Visual Arts Center, 1994. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, biographies, 26.5 cm., 16/25]
"Two Vermont Photographers: Ellen Foscue Johnson & Gisela Gamper," Halicon Nine: The Journal of Women's Arts and Letters, no. 11 (1884), pp. 46-53.
Lydia Gans. To Live with Grace and Dignity. Horsham, Penn.: LRP Publications, 1994. [First edition; paperback, 72 pages, 22.5 cm., 20/30]
Traversees: Elizabeth Lennard/Anne Garde/Cecile Talec. Paris: Mai de la photo/Centre Georges Pompidou, 1988. [Exhibition catalogue; text in French; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, 24 cm., 3/25; filed with collections]
GARDNER, DORE [1946- ]
Nino Fidencio: A Heart Thrown Open. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1992. [First edition; essay by Kay F. Turner; hardback, 136 pages, 25.5 cm., 30/40]
Feu Notre Monde: Photographies de Catherine Gardone. Paris: Editions Creaphis, 1995. [Exhibition catalouge; first edition; text in French; essays by Francois Bon, Noel Barbe, Denis Chevallier, Philippe Mairot; paperback, 116 pages, 27 cm., 60/85]
GARDUNO, FLOR [1957- ]
Between Worlds: Contemporary Mexican Photography. New Amsterdam, NY: Impressions, 1990. [Includes Flor Garduno; first edition; paperback, 144 pages, biographies, 25.5 cm., 10/30; filed under collections]
"[Flor Garduno]," Du/ Die Zeitschrift der Kultur (January 1992): entire issue. [Paperback, 96 pages, 33 cm., 30/40; oversize]
Mexico Indio: Testimonios En Blanco Y Negro/ Fotografias de Alicia Ahumada, Gertrudis Duby, Flor Garduno, Graciela Iturbide, Mariana Yamplosky. Mexico City: InverMexico Grupo Financiero, 1994. [First edition; test in Spanish; essay by Elena Poniatowska; hardback, 192 pages, 31 cm., 95/110; filed under collections]
Sylvia Wolf. Focus: Five Women Photographers. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Company, 1994. [First edition; includes Flor Garduno; hardback, 64 pages, biographies, 23 cm., 19/25; filed under collections]
Gretchen Garner, (ed.). "Women In Photography," [entire issue] Exposure, vol. 19, no. 3 (1981). [Filed under collections]
An Art History of Ephemera: Gretchen Garner's Catalog/ Photographs, 1976-1978. Chicago: Tulip Press, 1982. [First edition; spiral bound; 62 pages, 20.5 cm., 15/45]
Reclaiming Paradise--American Women Photograph the Land. [Exhibition catalogue; curated by Gretchen Garner; paperback, 64 pages, biographies and bibliography, 28 cm., 0/35; filed under collections]
Dorothy Hales Gary. Sun, Stones and Silence. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1963. [First edition; introduction by Georges Duhamel and text by Robert Payne; hardback, 128 pages, catalogue, 30.5 cm., 23/100; oversize]
Dorothy Hales Grary and Robert Payne. The Splenders of Asia. New York: Viking Press, 1965. [First edition; hardback, 158 pages, 31 cm., 13/85; oversize]
GAY, E. JANE [1830-1919]
Jane Gay Photograph Collection Catalog. Boise, ID: Idaho State Historical Society, 1980. [Compiled by Lillian W. Dawson; introduction by Alan G. Marshall; Strip-bound paperback, 120 pages, index, 28 cm., 40/65]
E. Jane Gay. With the Nez Perces: Alice Fletcher in the Field, 1889-92. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1981. [First edition; edited, with an introduction, by Frederick E. Hoxie and Joan T. Mark; hardback, 188 pages, index, 22.5 cm., 45/75]
Leonard and Marjorie Gayton. Landscape Photography. London and New York: The Focal Press, [c.1950]. [First edition; hardback, 216 pages, index, 23.5 cm., 4/40]
Anne Geddes: 1996 Datebook/ A Collection of Images. San Rafael, CA: Cedco Publishing Co., 1995. [Hardback, 108 pages, 23.5 cm., 3/8]
GEE, HELEN [1926- ]
Helen Gee and the Limelight: A Pioneering Photography Gallery of the Fifties. New York: Carlton Gallery, 1977. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; introduction by Peter C. Bunnell; paperback, 20 pages, chronology, 22.5 cm., 6/30]
GEE, NANCIE [1940- ]
Nancie Gee. Reflections in Pike Place Markets. Seattle: Superior Publishing Company, 1968. [First edition; hardback, 128 pages, 31 cm., 20/95]
Pursuing Wild Bamboo: Portraits of Asian American Artists, San Francisco: Kearny Street Workshop Press, 1992. [First edition; paperback, 60 pages, biographies, 23 cm., 9/15]
Judy Gelles. When We Were Ten: A Photo/Text Story of a Mother and Her Son. Rochester, New York: Visual Studies Workshop, 1997. [First edition; paperback, 40 pages, 17.5 cm., 0/20]
Diane Koos Gentry. Enduring Women. College Station, TX: Texas A. & M. University Press, 1988. [First edition; paperback, 256 pages, 18 cm., 8/15]
"Ingeborg Gerdes," Camera [Switzerland], vol. 54, no. 1 (January 1975), pp. 40-46. [archive box]
Reframing the Past: Recent Work from Texas Women Photographers. Houston, TX: Houston Center for Photography, [c.1993]. [Includes Robin Dru Germany; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 36 pages, 20 cm., 9/20; filed under collections]
Pennsylvania Potato Farmers: Portrait of Change. Philadelphia, PA: Public Committee for the Humanities in Pennsylvania, 1979. [Public Papers in the Humanities #4; first edition; photographs by Ellen S. Giamportone; paperback, 64 pages, 21.5 cm., 13/25]
Rachel Giese: The Donegal Pictures. Winston-Salem: Wake Forest University Press, 1987. [First edition; introduction by Ciaran Carson and Irish titles by Cathal O'Searcaigh; hardback, 100 pages, 29 cm., 18/35]
Out of the Northwest: Photographs by Lorraine Gilbert/ Frank Gohlke/ Darius Kinsey. Rochester, New York: Hartnett Gallery/ University of Rochester, 1991. [First edition; paperback, 110 pages, 28 cm., 5/20]
GILPIN, LAURA [1891-1979]
Laura Gilpin. The Rio Grande, River of Destiny: An Interpretation of the River, the Land, and the People. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1949. [First edition; signed by Gilpin?; hardback, 244 pages, 27 cm., 65/70]
Laura Gilpin. The Enduring Navaho. Austin and London: University of Texas, 1968. [First edition; hardback, 264 pages, index, 27.5 cm., 75/100]
Margaretta K. Mitchell. Recollections: Ten Women of Photography. New York: Viking Press, 1979. [Includes Laura Gilpin; hardback, 208 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 10/50; filed under collections]
The Early Work of Laura Gilpin 1917-1932. Tucson: Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, 1981. [Research Series #13; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, 28 cm., 5/35]
Martha A. Sandweiss. Laura Gilpin: An Enduring Grace. Fort Worth, TX: Amon Carter Museum, 1986. [First edition; hardback, 340 pages, index, 32 cm., 50/85; oversize]
Denizens of the Desert/ A Tale in Word and Picture of Life Among the Navaho Indians: The Letters of Elizabeth W. Forster/ Photographs by Laura Gilpin. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1988. [First edition; edited and with an introduction by Martha A. Sandweiss; hardback, 140 pages, 26.5 cm., 20/40]
Carole Naggar and Fred Ritchin, (eds.). Mexico Through Foreign Eyes 1850-1990. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996. [Includes Laura Gilpin; exhibition catalogue; paperback, 320 pages, biographies, 30.5 cm., 35/40; filed under collections]
Of Women Born: Photographs by Carol Ginandes. Carlisle, MA: Pentacle Press, 1976. [First edition; paperback, 72 pages, 21.5 cm., 5/40]
GLASER, NINA [1955- ]
Outside of Time: Sixty Photographs by Nina Glaser. San Francisco: Beaux-Arts Press, 1984. [First edition; foreword by Paul Raedeke; hardback, 88 pages, 26 cm., 10/30; 2nd copy autographed by Glasser; paperback; 10/40]
Judith Glashow, Doris Goldstein, and Suzanne Mahler. Shoot the Works: How to Take Photographs That Protect Your Possessions. New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1980. [Book Club Edition; hardback, 84 pages, index, 28.5 cm., 5/15]
Helga Glassner. Portugal. Berlin and Zurich: Atlantis-Verlag, 1942. [First edition; text in Portuguese and German; hardback, 160 pages, 30.5 cm., 30/125; archive box]
Keith and David Gledhill. The Gledhills Portraits: The Artistic Portraits by Carolyn and Edwin Gledhill. Santa Barbara, CA: Mission Creek Studios, 1988. [First edition; foreword by Margaretta K. Mitchell; hardback, 124 pages, 29 cm., 20/40]
GODWIN, FAY [1931- ]
John Fowles. Islands. Boston & Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1978. [First American edition; photographs by Fay Godwin; hardback, 108 pages, 23.5 cm., 30/35]
Remains of Elmet. New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London: Harper & Row, 1979. [First edition; poems by Ted Hughes and photographs by Fay Godwin; hardback, 128 pages, 26 cm., 15/40]
Fay Godwin: Bison at Chalk Farm. London, Melbourne, and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982. [First edition; foreword by Frank Muir and afterword by Giles Gordon; hardback, 48 pages, 18 cm., 2/20]
Fay Godwin: Land. Boston & Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1985. [First American edition; introduction by Ian Jeffrey and essay by John Fowles; hardback, 128 pages, 28 cm., 35/45]
Faces: Profiles of Dogs. London: Harvill Press, 1961. [Photographs by Laelia Goehr and text by V. Sackville-West; first edition; hardback, 96 pages, 28 cm., 40/50]
County Fair. New York and London: Peebles Press, 1978. [First edition; written and photographed by Steve Lesberg and Naomi Goldberg; hardback, 152 pages, 30.5 cm., 2/30]
Photo/Trans/Forms. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Judith Golden; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, chronology, 21 cm., 20/30]
Louise Katzman. Photography in California 1945-1980. New York: Hudson Hills Press, in association with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1984. [Includes Judith Golden; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 206 pages, biography, index, 25.5 cm., 13/35; filed under California catalogues]
Judith Golden: Cycles, A Decade of Photographs. San Francisco: The Friends of Photography, 1988. [Untitled #45; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, chronology, 29.5 cm., 30/40; oversize]
Reflections: Women's Self-Image in Contemporary Photography. Oxford, OH: Miami University Art Museum, 1988. [Exhibition Catalogue; essays by Catharine R. Stimpson and Barbara Hershey; foreword by Edna Carter Southard; photographs by Judith Golden and others; first edition; paperback, 96 pages, 27.5 cm., 30/45; filed under collections]
Faces Photographed: The Photographic Portrait. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photogaphy, Daytona Beach Community College, 1992. [Includes Judith Golden; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, 21.5 cm., 3/15; filed under collections]
Judy Goldhill/ A British Portrait: Photographs of the Anglo/Jewish Community. London: Judy Goldhill, 1983. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, 24 cm., 5/15]
GOLDIN, NAN [1953- ]
Nan Goldin. The Other Side. New York, Zurich, Berlin: Scalo Publishers, 1993. [Previously published in association with the D.A.A.D. Artist-in-Residence-Program, Berlin, 1992; edited with David Armstrong and Walter Keller; hardback, 144 pages, 27.5 cm., 30/40]
David Armstrong and Nan Goldin. A Double Life. New York, Zurich, Berlin: Scalo Publishers, 1994. [First edition; hardback, 184 pages, 32 cm., 25/40; oversize]
Hospice: A Photographic Inquiry. Boston, New York, Toronto, London: Little, Brown and Company, 1996. [Includes Nan Goldin; first edition; paperback, 170 pages, biographies, 28.5 cm., 14/25; filed under collections]
"Nan Goldin," Portfolio: Bibliothek Der Fotografie No. 11 [Entire issue]. [Paperback, 100 pages, 36 cm., 20/25; oversize]
Emotions & Relations. Koln Lisboa London New York Paris Tokyo: Taschen, 1998. [Exhibition catalogue; text in German and English; paperback, 200 pages, 30 cm., 12/35]
Seeking the Sublime: Neo-Romanticism in Landscape Photography/ Sally Apfelbaum/Barbara Ess/Nancy Goldring/Sandra Haber/Lorie Novak/Jan Staller. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, 1995. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, 21.5 cm., 12/25; filed under collections]
Alix Goldsmith. Celebritest: Intimate Profiles of Seventy Celebrities. New York, etal.: Simon & Schuster, 1991. [First edition; paperback, 192 pages, 19 cm., 5/10]
The Police. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983. [First United States edition; paperback, 112 pages, 30 cm., 3/25]
Springsteen: Photographed by Lynn Goldsmith. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. [First edition; paperback, 48 pages, 27.5 cm., 1/10; poor condition; oversize]
Lynn Goldsmith. PhotoDiary. New York: Rizzoli, 1995. [First edition; paperback, 240 pages, 28 cm., 9/35]
Judith Glashow, Doris Goldstein, and Suzanne Mahler. Shoot the Works: How to Take Photographs That Protect Your Possessions. New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1980. [Book Club Edition; hardback, 84 pages, index, 28.5 cm., 5/15; filed under Judith Glashow]
GOMEZ, MIRTA [1953- ]
An Exhibition of Photographs by Eduardo Del Valle and Mirta Gomez. Miami, Florida: Miami-Dade Community College South Campus Art Gallery, 1984. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, artist's bios, 17.5 cm., 3/35]
Almost Free: 100 Photographs by Eduardo Del Valle/Mirta Gomez. Miami, Florida: Art Museum at Florida International University, 1989. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; autographed "Best regards, E&M"; essay by Sally Eauclaire; paperback, 16 pages, 21.5 cm., 3/25]
Photography by Cintas Fellows. Miami, FL: Art Museum at Florida International University, 1993. [Includes Mirta Gomez; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 30 pages, biographies, 30 cm., 8/35; filed under collections]
Seton Gordon. Thirty Years of Nature Photography: A Personal Record of Two Observers London: Cassell & Company, 1952. [Reprint of 1936 edition; "illustrated in Collotype from 65 photographs taken by the author and his wife"; hardback, 168 pages, 25 cm., 5/35]
GORE, TIPPER [1948- ]
Tipper Gore. Picture This: A Visual Diary. New York: Broadway Books, 1996. [First edition; hardback, 152 pages, 21.5 cm., 12/25]
The Gambia. Covina, CA: Classic Publications, 1977. [First edition; text by Dr. Andria Fletcher; photographs by Mitnee Duque Gosswiller; hardback, 306 pages, index, 25.5 cm., 10/35]
Jane Gottleib: Photographs. Laguna Beach: Laguna Beach Art Museum, 1988. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 56 pages, 23 cm., 9/25]
Jane Gottlieb. Car Tales: Classic Stories about Dream Machines. [New York]: Viking Studio Books/Fly Productions, 1991. [Photographs by Jane Gottleib; introduction by Mario Andretti; hardback, 102 pages, 16.5 cm., 10/15]
GRACE, DELLA [1957- ]
Susie Bright and Jill Posener, (eds.). Nothing But the Girl: The Blatant Lesbian Image. New York and London: Freedom Editions, 1996. [Includes section on Della Grace; First edition; hardback, 144 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 32/40]
Dorothy Graham. Through the Moon Door: The Experiences of an American Resident in Peking. New York: J. H. Sears & Company, Inc., 1926. [First edition; includes photographs by the author; hardback, 342 pages, 24.5 cm., 25/65; archive box]
Spectrum: New Directions in Color Photography. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Art Gallery, 1979. [Includes Linda Grammell; exhibition catalogue; paperback, 32 pages, 21.5 cm., 5/35; filed under collections]
Reframing the Past: Recent Work by Texas Women Photographers. Houston, TX: Houston Center for Photography, [c.1993]. [Includes Susan Kae Grant; exhibition catalogue; First edition; paperback, 36 pages, 20 cm., 9.20; filed under collections]
GREEN, FLORIDE [1863-1936]
Floride Green. Some Personal Recollections of Lillie Hitchcock Coit. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1935. [First edition (450 copies); hardback, 48 pages, 28.5 cm., 75/200]
Photography for Collectors/ Volume 2: The Midwest. [n.p.: Michigan State University, c.1984]. [Catalogue; includes Darcy Drew Greene; paperback, 96 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 0/25; filed under collections]
William A. Ewing. Breaking Bounds: The Dance Photography of Lois Greenfield. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1992. [First edition; paperback, 120 pages, 26.5 cm., 15/20]
GREER, LYNDA [1944- ]
A World of Change: A Book of Portraits by Lynda Greer. Atlanta, Georgia: Longstreet Press, 1992. [Hardback, 108 pages, 29.5 cm., 12/25]
The Beauty of the Female Form: 48 Photographic Studies by Bertram Park and Yvonne Gregory. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1934. [Third printing; hardback, 72 pages, 25 cm., 40/65; archive box]
Mimica Cranaki. Mediterranee. Lausanne, La Guilde du Livre, 1957. [First edition; photographs by Henriette Grindat; boards, 92 pages, 28 cm., 65/85]
Erika Billeter. Fotografie Lateinamerika: Von 1860 Bis Heute. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Verlag, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Lourdes Grobet; first edition; text in German; hardback, 416 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 65/100; filed under Latin America]
Garcia Canclini. Tijuana: La Casa De Toda La Gente. [Mexico]: INAH/ENAH/Programa Cultural de las Fronteras, 1989. [Photographs by Lourdes Grobet; text in Spanish; first edition; paperback, 64 pages, 25 cm., 15/40]
Companeras de Mexico: Women Photograph Women. Riverside, CA: University Art Gallery, University of California, 1990. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; essays by Amy Conger and Elena Poniatowska; text in English and Spanish; photographs by Lourdes Grobet and others; paperback, 80 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
GROOVER, JAN [1943- ]
The Nation's Capital in Photographs, 1976: Jan Groover. Washington, D. C.: The Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1976. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, 20 cm., 20/35]
Contemporary American Photographic Works. Houston, TX: Museum of Fine Arts, 1977. [Includes Jan Groover; exhibition catalogue; first edition; edited by Lewis Baltz; paperback, 86 pages, chronologies, 22.5 cm., 15/25; filed under collections]
American Images: New Work by Twenty Contemporary Photographers. New York, et al: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979. [Includes Jan Groover; first edition; edited by Renato Danese; hardback, 216 pages, biography, 28 cm., 13/50; filed under collections]
Ben Lifson. "Jan Groover's Embrace," Aperture 85, (1981), pp. 34-43. [6/20; archive box]
Photography: A Sense of Order. Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 1981. [Includes Jan Groover; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 60 pages, 23.5 cm., 5/25]
Sally Eauclaire. The New Color Photography. New York: Abbeville Press, 1981. [Includes Jan Groover; first edition; paperback, 286 pages, chronology, 23 cm., 20/75; filed under collections]
Jan Groover Photographs. Purchase, NY: Neuberger Museum and the State University of New York, 1983. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 48 pages, catalogue, biography, bibliography, 25.5 cm., 30/75; oversize]
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Carnegie Museum of Art, 1997. [Includes Aaronel Deroy Gruber; exhibition catalogue, paperback, 210 pages, biographies, 24 cm., 20/35; filed under collections]
"Daniela Gubelin," Camera [Switzerland], vol. 54, no. 4 (April 1975), pp. 22-29. [archive box]
Vacant Eden: Roadside Treasures of the Sonoran Desert. Los Angeles: Balcony Press, 1997. [Introduction by Jim Heimann and photography by Abigail Gumbiner and Carol Hayden; paperback, 96 pages, 23 cm; 25/25]
GUNNING, LUCY [1964- ]
Lucy Gunning. Cardiff, Wales: Chapter, 1998. [Exhibition catalogue; paperback, 16 pages, chronology, 23 cm., 10/15]
The Photographs of Mattie Gunterman. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada: The Photographers Gallery, 1977. [First edition; text in English and French; paperback (1000 copies), 24 pages, 17.5 cm., 5/15]
Henri Robideau. Flapjacks & Photographs: A History of Mattie Gunterman, Camp Cook and Photographer. Vancouver: Polestar, 1995. [Paperback, 204 pages, 22.5 cm., 0/35]
Susie Bright and Jill Posener, (eds.). Nothing But the Girl: The Blatant Lesbian Image. New York and London: Freedom Editions, 1996. [Includes section on Morgan Gwenwald; first edition; hardback, 144 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 32/40]
William Bridges. Lion Island. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1965. [First edition; photographs by Emmy Haas and Sam Dunton; hardback, 64 pages, 28.5 cm., 12/45; ex-library]
Emmy Haas. Pride's Progress: The Story of a Family of Lions. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. [First edition; photographs by the author; hardback, 120 pages, 28 cm., 2/35]
HABER, SANDRA L. [1956- ]
Seeking the Sublime: Neo-Romanticism in Landscape Photography/ Sally Apfelbaum/Barbara Ess/Nancy Goldring/Sandra Haber/ Lorie Novak/Jan Staller. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, 1995. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, 21.5 cm., 12/25; filed under collections]
HAFFER, VIRNA [1900-1974]
Virna Haffer. Making Photograms: The Creative Process of Painting With Light. New York: Amphoto, 1969. [First edition; introduction by Jacob Deschin; hardback, 128 pages index and glossary, 24.5 cm., 9/40]
HAHN, BETTY [1940- ]
Into the 70's: Photographic Images by Sixteen Artists/Photographers. Akron, OH: Akron Art Institute, 1970. [Includes Betty Hahn; exhibition catalogue, edited by Tom Muir Wilson; foreword by Robert Doty; first edition; paperback, 80 pages, biographies, 20 cm., 10/40; filed under collections]
Light and Lens: Methods of Photography. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Hudson River Museum/ Morgan & Morgan, Inc., 1973. [Includes Betty Hahn; First edition; edited by Donald L. Werner; paperback, 84 pages, 27.5 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
New Art from Photosensitized Materials. [n.p.]: Vassar College Art Gallery, 1973. [Includes Betty Hahn; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, biographies, 32 pages, 25.5 cm., 2/35; filed under collections]
Forty American Photographers. Sacramento: E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, 1978. [Includes Betty Hahn; exhibition catalogue; First edition; paperback, 52 pages, 21 cm., 10/25; filed under California collections]
Betty Hahn, (ed.). Contemporary Spanish Photography. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1987. [First edition; essay by Joan Fontcuberta; hardback, 124 pages, 24 cm., 35/45]
Betty Hahn: Inside and Outside. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Art Galleries, 1988. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; essay by Steve Yates; paperback, 20 pages, chronology, 20 cm., 10/40]
Steve Yates. Betty Hahn: Photography or Maybe Not. Albuquerque and Santa Fe: University of New Mexico Press/ Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, 1995. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; hardback, 198 pages, chronology, checklist and bibliography, 22 cm., 80/80; oversize]
Suzanne Haldane. Faces on Places: About Gargoyles and Other Stone Creatures. New York: Viking Press, 1980. [First edition; photographs by author and others; hardback, 40 pages,20.5 cm., 10/25]
Chimp Chat. Hollywood: "Photographed and published by Theda and Emerson Hall," [c.1950]. [First edition; hardback, 96 pages, 26.5 cm., 6/50]
Peter E. Palmquist. Louise E. Halsey: An American Pictorialist. Arcata: Humboldt State University, 1985. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition (limited to 85 copies); paperback, 24 pages, 25.5 cm., 0/40]
Peter E. Palmquist, (compiler.). Louise Edwards Halsey. [Unpublished notes collected by the author, c.1978-1985; hardback, 28 cm., 20/30]
Mina Fisher Hammer. History of The Kodak and Its Continuations. New York: The House of Little Books, 1940. [First edition; hardback, 96 pages, 23 cm., 35/50; ex-library]
Wanda Hammerbeck. Depositions. San Francisco: Studebaker/NFS Press, 1978. [First edition; paperback, 64 pages, 28 cm., 9/50]
HAMMOND, RITA [1924- ]
Rita Hammond: Making Connections. Syracuse, NY: Robert B. Menschel Photography Gallery, Schine Student Center, Syracuse University, 1995. [Menschel Gallery #40; first edition; paperback, 20 pages, bio, 20 cm., 0/25]
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, 1905. [Illustrated by Adelaide Hanscom and Blanche Cumming. At least two variants exist: A) photos on tissue; and B) photos not on tissue.] [Six copies; first edition; 200 pages, 26 cm.: 1) w/o tissue, 50/125; 2) w/o tissue, 85/150, in archive box; 3) w/tissue, 60/250; 4) w/tissue, 100/250, in archive box; 5) w/tissue, 20/250, in archive box; and 6) w/tissue, disbound in archive box]
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, 1912. [28 tipped-in photographs (hand-colored) by Adelaide Hanscom and Blanche Cumming.] [3 copies; 200 pages, 26 cm.: 1) 85/250, in archive box; 2) 60/250, in archive box; and 3) 125/350 (deluxe binding), in archive box]
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, 1916.
[4 tipped-in photographic plates (colored) by Adelaide Hanscom and Blanche Cumming.] [Hardback, 116 pages, 22 cm., 30/75]
Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Sonnets From the Portuguese. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, 1916. [18 tipped-in photographs by Adelaide Hanscom; 124 pages, 26 cm., 150/450]; archive box]
Adelaide Hanscom Leeson: Pictorialist Photographer, 1876-1932. Carbondale, IL: University Museum, Southern Illinois University, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 34 pages, 19 cm., 4/35]
"Marion Hardman," Camera. [Switzerland], vol. 55, no. 1 (January 1976), pp. 22-27.
Karen Hardy. The New Breed: Actors Coming of Age. New York: Henry Holt & Company,1988. [First edition; paperback, 160 pages, 28 cm., 18/30]
Then (1895-1912): Photo Folio by Mrs. Alice Hare. San Jose, California: San Jose Historical Museum Association, 1996. [Limited edition folio of 12 plates in wrappers, 20.5 cm., 25/35]
Rosamund Marriott Watson. The Heart of a Garden. London: Alexander Moring Ltd, The De La More Press, 1907. [Second printing of 1905 edition; includes 5 photos by Lady Harmsworth; hardback, 164 pages, 24 cm., 15/35]
Another Way of Being: Photographs of Spence Bay N.W.T.. Toronto: Impressions, January 1976. [Impressions #15; first edition; autographed by Harris, paperback, 60 pages, 26 cm., 7/45]
Pamela Harris. Faces of Feminism: Portraits of Women Across Canada. Toronto: Second Story Press, 1992. [First edition; paperback, 180 pages, index, 25.5 cm., 26/45]
Edith Battles. 501 Balloons Sail East. Reading, MA: Young Scott Books, 1971. [First edition; photographs by Florence Harrison; 48 pages, 25.5 cm., 18/40]
Ethel Jacobson. The Cats of Sea-Cliff Castle. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1972. [Photographs by Florence Harrison; first edition; hardback, 48 pages, 22 cm., 10/20]
Orville Schell. The Town that Fought to Save Itself. New York: Pantheon Books, 1976. [Photographs by Ilka Hartman; first edition; hardback, 200 pages, 21 cm., 17/35]
Susan Meyers and Ilka Hartman. Pearson: A Harbor Seal Pup. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1980. [Photographs by Ilka Hartman; autographed by Susan Meyers; first edition; hardback, 60 pages, index, 25 cm., 12/25]
HATOUM, MONA [1952- ]
Witness. North Vancouver, British Columbia: Presentation House Gallery, 1994. [Includes Mona Hatoum; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 32 pages, 24 cm., biographies, 10/25; filed under collections]
HAUSER, GAIL [1953- ]
Wisconsin Images: Wisconsin Artists Working in the Arts. Madison: Wisconsin Arts Board, 1978. [Includes Gail Hauser; first edition; paperback, 96 pages, 23.5 cm., 4/25]
"Josepha Haveman," Camera [Switzerland], vol. 52, no. 3 (March 1973), pp. 34-41. [Archive box; filed under Lynne Bama]
Graham Ovenden. Clementina - Lady Hawarden. New York: St. Martin Press, 1974. [First edition; hardback, 112 pages, 29.5 cm., 1/35]
Pre-Raphaelite Photography. London: Fine Arts Department/ The British Council, 1983. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Lady Hawarden; first edition, paperback, 48 pages, 25 cm., 8/25; filed under collections]
Domestic Idylls: Photographs by Lady Hawarden from the Victoria and Albert Museum. Malibu, CA: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1990. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; accordion-fold; 8 pages, 22 cm., 0/5]
Carol Mavor. Becoming: The Photographs of Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1999. [Paperback, 214 pages, index, 23.5 cm., 17/20]
Virginia Dodier. Lady Hawarden: Studies from Life 1857-1864. New York: Aperture, 1999. [First edition; introduction by Marina Warner and afterword by Mark Haworth-Booth; hardback, 128 pages, 29.5 cm., 40/50]
Erika Billeter. Fotografie Lateinamerika: Von 1860 Bis Heute. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Verlag, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Maria Eugenia Haya; first edition; text in German; hardback, 416 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 65/100; filed under Latin America]
Nervous Landscapes/Dean Chamberlain/Masumi Hayashi/Craig Roper/Jim Vecci/Paul Seawright/Stephen Lawson/John Divola. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, 1994. [Exhibition catalogue, first edition; paperback, 21.5 cm., 15/25]
Vacant Eden: Roadside Treasures of the Sonoran Desert. Los Angeles: Balcony Press, 1997. [Introduction by Jim Heimann and photography by Abigail Gumbiner and Carol Hayden; paperback, 96 pages, 23 cm., 25/25; filed under Abigail Gumbiner]
Dannielle B. Hayes, (ed.). Women Photograph Men. New York: William Morrow Co., 1977. [First edition; introduction by Molly Haskell; "More than 100 images of men by 70 women photographers"; hardback, 136 pages, biographical sketches, 28.5 cm., 25/35; filed under collections]
Roswitha Hecke. Love Life: Scenes With Irene. New York: R & B Book/Grove, 1982. [First Evergreen edition; paperback, 128 pages, 24 cm., 25/35]
Naomi Weissman & Debra Heimerdinger. Self-Exposure: A Workbook in Photographic Self-Portraiture. New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London: Harper & Row, 1979. [First edition; paperback, 176 pages, 21.5 cm., 8/35]
Annemarie Heinrich: El Espectaculo En La Argentina 1930-1970. Buenos Aires: La Azotea, 1987. [First edition; text in Spanish and English; hardback, 72 pages, chronology, 24 cm., 50/65]
Erika Billeter. Fotografie Lateinamerika: Von 1860 Bis Heute. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Verlag, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Annemarie Heinrich; first edition; text in German; hardback, 416 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 65/100; filed under Latin America]
Seeds of Light/ Images of Healing: Self-Portraits by Angelina Margaretha Antoinetta Hekking. San Francisco: Angel Publishing, 1990. [First edition; paperback, 96 pages, 25.5 cm., 9/35]
Beatrice Helg. [Germany]: Galerie Dreiseitel, Koln und Gallerie Sonia Zannettacci, Genf, 1984. [Katalog #19; first edition; text in German; paperback, 24 pages, bio and chronology, 25 cm., 13/30]
Architectonic Illusion: Photographs by Beatrice Helg. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, 1994. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 68 pages, 21.5 cm., 25/35]
Londoners: Photographs by Nancy Hellebrand. London: Lund Humphries, 1974. [First edition; introduction by Simon Wilson; hardback, 60 pages, 25.5 cm., 5/30]
Suzanne Hellmuth and Jock Reynolds: Photographs and Documents 1975-1985. Santa Cruz, Davis, Irvine: University of California, 1986. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 44 pages, biographies, 21.5 cm., 18/35]
Charles Franklin Parker. Peace Unto You: A Book for Personal Devotions. Phoenix, Arizona: The Republic and Gazette Commercial Printery, 1941. [First edition; photographs by Esther Henderson and others; hardback, 31 cm., 13/85; oversize]
HENRI, FLORENCE [1893-1982]
Florence Henri. Milan: Electa, 1995. [Text in French and English; paperback, 176 pages, 28 cm., 40/50]
Florence Henri. Genoa and New York: Martini & Ronchetti Gallery, December 1974 [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; hardback, 48 pages, 28 cm., 20/65]
Diana C. DuPont. Florence Henri: Artist-Photographer of the Avant-Garde. San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1990. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 158 pages, chronology, 30.5 cm., 20/45]
Abigail Heyman. Growing Up Female: A Personal Photo-Journal by Abigail Heyman. New York, Chicago and San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974. [First edition; hardback, 120 pages, 25 cm., 25/50]
Espejo: Reflections of the Mexican American. Oakland, CA: Oakland Museum,.1978. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Abigail Heyman; paperback, 64 pages, 26.5 cm., 5/15]
Jeanne Hilary. La Plume et le Zinc: Writers in the Cafes of Paris. [Paris?]: Editions Hazan, 1998. [First edition; text in English and French; paperback, 120 pages, 22.5 cm., 30/35]
Hill, Pati. Letters to Jill: A Catalogue and Some Notes on Copying. New York: Kornblee Gallery and Visual Studies Workshop Press, 1979. [First edition; paperback, 128 pages, biographic notes, 21 cm., 20/50]
HILMER, LUCY [1945- ]
Lucy Hilmer. Birthday & Other Suits: A Journey From the Outside In. Unpublished manuscript, 1994. [Xerox copy; hardback, 62 pages, 28 cm., 0/40]
Julia Hirsch. Family Photographs: Content, Meaning and Effect. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981. [First edition; hardback, 140 pages, 22.5 cm., 3/20]
Barbara Hirschenhauser. The Charm of Salzburg. Vienna: Verlag Gerold & Co., 1948. [First edition; photographs by the author; hardback, 64 pages, 28 cm., 8/95]
Tana Hoban. How to Photograph Your Child. New York: Crown Publishers, 1955. [Little Technical Library Series; first edition; foreword by Jaquelyn Judge; hardback, 128 pages, 17.5 cm., 1/5]
Tana Hoban. Photographing Youth. New York: Amphoto, 1961. [First edition; text by Edna Bennett; hardback, 122 pages, 20.5 cm., 4/20]
Tana Hoban. One Little Kitten. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1979. [Paperback, 32 pages, 19 cm., 1/20]
Dianora Niccolini. Women of Vision: Photographic Statements by Twenty Women Photographers. Verona, New Jersey: Unicorn Publishing House, 1982. [Includes Tana Hoban; first edition; paperback, 128 pages, biographies, 26 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
Edith Baer and Tana Hoban. The Wonder of Hands. New York: Macmillan, 1992. [Photographs by Hoban; hardback, 48 pages, 26 cm., 6/15]
Three Perspectives on Photography: Recent British Photography. London: Hayward Gallery and the Arts Council of Great Britain, 1979. [Includes Christine Leah Hobbeheydar; exhibition catalogue; paperback, 96 pages, biographies, 24 cm., 20/40; filed under collections]
HOCH, HANNAH [1889-1978]
Maud Lavin. Cut with the Kitchen Knife: The Weimar Photomontages of Hannah Hoch. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1993. [First edition; hardback, 260 pages, index, 26 cm., 11/30]
The Photomontages of Hannah Hoch. Minneapolis: MN: Walker Art Center, 1997. [Exhibition catalogue; hardcover, 228 pages, biography, chronology and index, 30 cm., 50/65]
Shifting Focus: An International Exhibition of Contemporary Women's Photography. Bristol and London: Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol; Serpentine Gallery, London, 1989. [Includes Candida Hofer; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, biography, 29 cm.; 15/35; filed under collections]
Typologies: Nine Contemporary Photographers. Newport Beach, CA and New York: Newport Harbor Art Museum/Rizzoli, 1991. [Includes Candida Hofer; exhibition catalogue; first edition; hardback, 136 pages, 28.5 cm., 8/25; filed under collections]
Candida Hofer: Photographie. Munich, Paris, London: Schirmer/Mosel, 1998. [Exhibition catalogue; text in German and English; hardback, 96 pages, biography, 28 cm., 65/70]
HOFER, EVELYN [1924- ]
V. S. Pritchett. London Perceived. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1962. [First American edition; photographs by Evelyn Hofer; hardback, 116 pages, index, 28.5 cm., 8/45]
James Hofer. The Presence of Spain. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1964. [First edition; photographs by Evelyn Hofer; hardback, 120 pages, index, 28.5 cm., 50/85]
V. S. Pritchett. New York Proclaimed. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1965. [First American edition; photographs by Evelyn Hofer; hardback, 116 pages, index, 28.5 cm., 10/45]
William Walton. The Evidence of Washington. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. [First edition; photographs by Evelyn Hofer; hardback, 132 pages, index, 28.5 cm., 15/75]
V. S. Pritchett. Dublin: A Portrait. New York and Evanston: Harper & Row, 1967. [First United States edition; photographs by Evelyn Hofer; hardback, 100 pages, index, 28 cm., 5/10; ex-library]
Evelyn Barish. Emerson in Italy. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1989. [First edition; photographs by Evelyn Hofer; hardback, 116 pages, 31. cm., 10/45; overzie]
Evelyn Hofer. Lausanne, Switzerland: Musee de l'Elysee, 1994. [Exhibition catalogue; First edition; in French and English; paperback, 72 pages, 21 cm., 12/35]
HOFFMAN, JULIE E. [1856-1934]
Katherine Church Holland. Julia E. Hoffman: A Family Album. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1977. [Exhibition Catalogue; first edition; hardback, 48 pages, 24 cm., 25/45]
Jo Spence and Patricia Holland, (eds.). Family Snaps: The Meaning of Domestic Photography. London: Virago Press, [1992?]. [Paperback, 256 pages, 23 cm., 20/25; filed under collections]
We the Homeless: Portraits of America's Displaced People. New York: Philosophical Library, 1988. [First edition; text by Victoria Irwin, introduction by Robert M. Hayes and photographs by Stephenie Hollyman; hardback, 256 pages, 31 cm., 17/45; oversize]
HOLT, NANCY [1938- ]
Nancy Holt. Ransacked/Aunt Ethel: An Ending. New York: Printed Matter, Inc., in association with Lapp Princess Press, Inc., 1980. [First edition; paperback, 38 pages, 25.5 cm., 6/35]
Nancy Holt. Time Outs. Rochester, New York: Visual Studies Workshop, 1985. [First edition; paperback, 64 pages, 21.5 cm., 15/30]
Franz Tovey and the Rare Animals. [UK and USA]: Harlin Quist, 1968. [Story by Wendy Ann Kesselman, photographs by Norma Holt, and drawings by Eleonore Schmid; hardback, 32 pages, 28.5 cm., 3/15]
Gerda Klein. The Blue Rose. New York: Lawrence Hill and Company, 1974. [Third printing, June 1978; photographs by Norma Holt; hardback, 64 pages, 23 cm., 4/20]
Face of the Artist: Photographs by Norma Holt. Provincetown: Provincetown Art Association and Museum, 1980. [Exhibtion catalogue; paperback, 96 pages, 20 cm., 5/30]
Focus on Art: Photography and Notes by Florence Homolka. New York: Ivan Obolensky, Inc., 1962. [First edition; hardback, 116 pages, 28 cm., 5/35]
Martha Homsy, (ed.). Hawaiian Life As Seen Through the Lenses of Hawaii's Cameramen. Honolulu, HA: Tongg Publishing Company, 1942. [First edition; photographs by Martha Homsy, Ray Jerome Baker, Danny Morse, Werner Stoy, David Muramoto, and Robert E. Farrier; paperback, 80 pages, 30.5 cm., 10/85; oversize]
HONEY, NANCY [1948- ]
Freely, Maureen. Entering the Masquerade: Girls from Eleven to Fourteen. [England]: National Museum/Photography, Film, Television, 1992. [Photographs by Nancy Honey; paperback, 64 pages, 27.5 cm., 30/30]
Katharine Hooker. Wayfarers in Italy. San Francisco: D. P. Elder and Morgan Shepard, 1902. [First edition; #39 of 100 copies; presumed illustrated with photographs by Marion Osgood Hooker; hardback, 312 pages, map, 23.5 cm., 20/65; archive box]
Katharine Hooker. Through the Heel of Italy. New York: Rae D. Henkle Company, Inc., 1927. [First edition; photographs by Marion Osgood Hooker; hardback, 306 pages, index, 12/65; archive box]
Samuel Marshall Ilsley. Katharine Hooker: A Memoir. Santa Barbara, CA: published by the author, 1935. [First edition; autographed by the author; includes 8 tipped-in vintage photographs presumed taken by Marion Osgood Hooker; paperback, 50 pages, 20 cm., 5/85; archive box]
HOOPER, GRACE [1899-1979]
Grace Hooper. Modern Negative Retouching. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1944]. [Camerette #7 from The Camera (Febuary 1944), pp. 45-72; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; periodical file]
Grace Hooper. Modern Print Finishing. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1944]. [Camerette #15 from The Camera (October 1944), pp. 41-68; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; periodical file]
Grace Hooper. Tabletop Photographs. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1945]. [Camerette #22 from The Camera (May 1945), pp. 39-70; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; archive box]
Grace Hooper. Still Life Photography. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1948]. [Camerette #58 from The Camera (March 1948), pp. 75-106; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; archive box]
Grace Hooper. How to Make Photograms. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1949]. [Camerette #72 from The Camera (March 1949), pp. 115-142; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; archive box]
Grace Hooper. How to Photograph Texture. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1950]. [Camerette #96 from The Camera (October 1950), pp. 99-122; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; archive box]
Grace Hooper. Reduction and Intensification of Prints and Negatives. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1950]. [Camerette #98 from The Camera (December 1950), pp. 75-106; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; archive box]
Grace Hooper. How to Make High-Key Pictures. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1951]. [Camerette #100 from The Camera (February 1951), pp. 55-86; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20: archive box]
Grace Hooper. Pictures by Existing Light. Baltimore, MD: The Camera Publishing Company, [1951]. [Camerette #106 from The Camera (August 1951), pp. 51-82; paperback, 24 cm., 5/20; archive box]
Chine. Geneva: Editions D'Art Albert Skira, 1946. [First edition; text by Paul Claudel and photographs by Helene Hoppenot; text in French; stiff boards, 86 pages, 35 cm., 85/185; archive box]
Helene Hoppenot. Guatemala. Lausanne: Editions Claire-fontaine, 1955. [First edition; stiff boards; 86 pages, 28 cm., 50/125; archive box]
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The Song of Hiawatha. Chicago, New York and London: Rand McNally & Company, 1911. [The Players' Edition; first edition, photographs by Grace Horn; hardback, 248 pages, 23.5 cm., 100/300; archive box]
The Indian Play "Hiawatha" in the Land of the Ojibways. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway, 1912. ["Illustrations from Original Photographs by Grace Chandler Horn; paperback, 32 pages, 25 cm., 85/100]
HORNA, KATI [1912- ]
Emma Cecilia Garcia Krinsky. Kati Horna: Recuento de Una Obra. Mexico City: CENIDIAP, INBA, 1995. [Text in Spanish with an English translation at the end of the book; hardback, 200 pages, 13.0 cm., 65/65]
Miss Houghton. Chronicles of the Photographs of Spiritual Beings and Phenomena Invisible to the Naked Eye. London: E. W. Allen, 1882. [First edition; hardback, 276 pages, plus 8 pages of testimonials, 19 cm.; 65/135; archive box]
Ida Lynch Hower. The Art of Retouching Systematized. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Company, 1908. [First edition; tipped-in frontis photograph by author; hardback, 48 pages, 19.5 cm., 7/50]
Josephine Hunt. An Introduction to Medical Photography. London and New York: Staples Press, 1950. [First edition; foreword by Sir Cecil Wakeley; hardback, 244 pages, index, 22 cm., 10/35]
Annie Oakes Huntington. Studies of Trees in Winter: A Description of the Deciduous Trees of Northeastern America. Boston: Knight and Millet, 1902. [Second impression January 1902 (First impression December 1901); photographs by the author; hardback, 198 pages, index, 21.5 cm., 100/120]
Annie Oakes Huntington. Poison Ivy and Swamp Sumach. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts: published by the author, 1916. [First edition; photographs by the author; hardback, 60 pages, index, 19.5 cm., 25/35]
A Woman's View: The Photography of Elfie Huntington (1868-1949. Salt Lake City: Utah Woman's History Association, 1988. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 24 pages, chronology, 25 cm., 10/30]
Harriet E. Huntington. Let's Go to the Seashore. New York: Junior Books/Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1941. [First edition; photographs by the author; hardback, 92 pages, 21 cm., 65/75]
Into the Eighties: New England Photography. Keene, NH: Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery, Keene State College, [1980?] [Includes Christina Hutton; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, biographies, 20 cm., 2/25; filed under collections]
The Raw Seduction of Flesh: Photographs by Connie Imboden. London: Silver Arts, 1999. [First edition; paperback, 52 pages, 25 cm., 12/20]
Women on Women: Twelve Photographic Portfolios. New York: A & W Publishers, 1978. [Includes Irina Ionesco; hardback, 162 pages, 30 cm., 23/75; filed under collections]
Irina Ionesco. Tokyo: Treville Company, Ltd., 1991. [Text in Japanese and English; hardback, 96 pages, 19 cm., 15/35]
IRVINE, EDITH [1884-1949]
Kristiana Gregory. Earthquake at Dawn. San Diego, New York, and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. [First edition; hardback, 194 pages, bibliography, 21.5 cm., 16/25]
Historic Savannah. Savannah, Georgia: Historic Savannah Foundations, Inc., 1977. [Fourth printing, 1982; text by Malcolm Bell, Jr.; photographs by N. Jane Iseley; paperback, 80 pages, 27.5 cm., 3/10]
Sisters of the South. Paris: Marval, in association with United Nations Population Fund, 1994. [Includes Chieko Ishikawa; first edition; text in English, French and Spanish; hardback, 128 pages, 28 cm., 45/65; filed under collections]
Switch: Photographers Face the Camera. Basel, Switzerland: Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag, 1992. [First edition; text in German; 224 pages, 25 cm., 60/85]
Terence Pitts. Contemporary Photography in Mexico: 9 Photographers. Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson, AZ: Center for Crative Photography, et al, 1978. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Graciela Iturbide; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, 28 cm., 2/25; filed under collections]
Erika Billeter. Fotografie Lateinamerika: Von 1860 Bis Heute. Bern, Switzerland: Benteli Verlag, 1981. [Exhibition catalogue; includes Graciela Iturbide; first edition; text in German; hardback, 416 pages, biographies, 22 cm., 65/100; filed under latin America]
Graciela Iturbide. Suenos De Papel. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1988. [Reprint of l985 edition; paperback, 27 cm., 25/35]
Shifting Focus: An International Exhibition of Contemporary Women's Photography. Bristol and London: Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol; Serpentine Gallery, London, 1989. [Includes Graciela Iturbide; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 52 pages, biography, 29 cm.; 15/35; filed under collections]
Companeras de Mexico: Women Photograph Women. Riverside, CA: University Art Gallery, University of California, 1990. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; essays by Amy Conger and Elena Poniatowska; text in English and Spanish; photographs by Iturbide Graciela and others; paperback, 80 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
Amanda Hopkinson, (ed.). Desires and Disguises: Five Latin American Photogaphers. London: The Serpent's Tail, 1992. [First edition; includes Graciela Iturbide; paperback, 80 pages, biographies, 21.5 cm., 13/25; filed under collections]
Mexico Indio: Testimonios En Blanco Y Negro/ Fotografias de Alicia Ahumada, Gertrudis Duby, Flor Garduno, Graciela Iturbide, Mariana Yamplosky. Mexico City: InverMexico Grupo Financiero, 1994. [First edition; text in Spanish; essay by Elena Poniatowska; hardback, 192 pages, 31 cm., 95/110; filed under collections]
Graciela Iturbide: La Forma y La Memoria. Mexico City: Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey, 1996. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 132 pages, 30 cm., 25/35; oversize]
Kelly Wise, (ed.). Lottie Jacobi. New Hampshire: Addison House, 1978. [2 copies: 1) first edition; hardback, 188 pages, 29.5 cm., 75/140; and 2) variant dust jacket (presumed to be a later printing), 35/45; both oversize]
Lotte Jacobi: Portraits & Photogenics. Baltimore: University of Maryland/ Baltimore County, Library, 1978. [Photogenic catalogue #85; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, 21.5 cm., 10/25]
Margaretta K. Mitchell. Recollections: Ten Women of Photography. New York: Viking Press, 1979. [Includes Lotte Jacobi; hardback, 208 pages, biographies, 28 cm., 10/50; filed under collections]
Jean S. Tucker. Light Abstractions. St. Louis: University of Missouri, 1980. [Includes Lotte Jacobi; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 88 pages, chronology, 30 cm., 15/25; filed under collections]
Lotti Jacobi Theatre & Dance Photographs. Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press, 1982. [First edition; introduction by Cornell Capa; paperback, 48 pages, 21.5 cm., 15/35]
Lotte Jacobi: A Selection of Vintage and Modern Photographs. Beverly Hills, CA: Stephen White Gallery, 1986. [Gallery catalogue; paperback, 64 pages, 21 cm., 25/35]
Lotte Jacobi: Russland 1932/33/ Moskau, Tadschikistan, Usbekistan. Berlin: Verlag Dirk Nishan, 1988. [First edition; text in German; paperback, 128 pages, 20 cm., 25/35]
Atelier Lotte Jacobi: Berlin/New York. Berlin: Das Vergorgene Museum/ Nicolai, 1998. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; hardback, 224 pages, chronology, 28 cm., 60/60]
Doranne Jacobson. A Day in the Country: The Pleasures of Country Life. New York: Smithmark Publishers, Inc., 1994. [First edition; hardback, 128 pages, 32 cm., 9/20; oversize]
Hilla and Max Jacoby. The Land of Israel. London: Thames & Hudson, 1978. [Previously published in West Germany by Hoffman and Campe Verlag, Hamburg, 1978; introduction by Heinrich Boll; 174 pages, 33 cm., 18/75; oversize]
JAMES, NEILL [1902- ]
Neill James. Petticoat Vagabond: Among the Nomads. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1939. [First edition; photographs by the author and others; hardback, 350 pages, 21 cm., 6/40]
[JAMES, SHARON--ficticious subject]
Elizabeth Wesley. Sharon James: Free Lance Photographer. New York: Bantam Books, 1961. [First published 1956; paperback, 120 pages, 17.5 cm., 1/15]
Light and Lens: Methods of Photography. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Hudson River Museum/ Morgan & Morgan, Inc., 1973. [Includes Catherine Jansen; first edition; edited by Donald L. Werner; paperback, 84 pages, 27.5 cm., 10/25; filed under collections]
Britta Jaschinski. Zoo. London: Phaidon, 1996. [First edition; hardback, 96 pages, 14 cm., 20/25]
The Glory of the Loire. New York: The Viking Press, 1971. [First edition; text by Eugene Pepin; photographs by Jeanbrau; hardback, 240 pages, index, 24 cm., 10/35]
JEKYLL, GERTRUDE [1843-1932]
Gertrude Jekyll. Old English Household Life: Some Accounts of Cottage Objects and Country Folk. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1925. [First edition; hardback, 222 pages (plus advertisments), index, 23.5 cm., 125/135; archive box]
Sally Festing. Gertrude Jekyll. London and New York: Viking, 1991. [Hardback, 324 pages, index, 23 cm., 20/45]
Gertrude Jekyll: Private Gardens, Vanishing Arts. Berkeley: University Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive of the University of California at Berkeley, 1993. [Exhibition catalogue; accordion fold, 8 pages, 25.5 cm., 0/10]
Christie Jenkins. A Woman's Look at Men's Buns. New York: Perigee Books, 1980. [paperback, 92 pages, 18.5 cm., 3/10]
Six Women Photographers. Auckland, New Zealand: PhotoForum, Inc., 1987. [Includes Megan Jenkinson; Photoforum New Zealand #56; paperback, 60 pages, biographies, 20 cm., 0/35; filed under collections]
Aylette Jenness and Alice Rivers. In Two Worlds: A Yup'ik Eskimo Family. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989. [First edition; photographs by Aylette Jenness; hardback, 84 pages, index, 21.5 cm., 10/35]
Camilla Jessel. Catching the Moment: Photograph Your Child. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1985. [First edition; hardback, 160 pages, index, 27 cm., 10/20]
Fie Johansen: Rhodos. Denmark: Ministry of Culture, 1997. [First edition; essay by Tove Thage; paperback, 64 pages, 26 cm., 45/60]
"Two Vermont Photographers: Ellen Foscue Johnson & Gisela Gamper," Helicon Nine: The Journal of Women's Arts and Letters, no. 11 (1984), pp. 46-53.
Faces Photographed: The Photographic Portrait. Daytona Beach, FL: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, 1992. [Includes Jennifer Johnson; exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 16 pages, 21.5 cm., 3/15; filed under collections]
Jessica Johnson & Michel Odent. We are all Water Babies. Berkeley: Celestial Arts, 1995. [Photographs by Jessica Johnson; first American edition; paperback, 128 pages, 30.5 cm., 13/25]
JOHNSON, OSA [1894-1953]
Martin Johnson. Lion: African Adventure with the King of Beasts. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929. [Third impression; hardback, 282 pages, 24 cm., 25/35]
Martin Johnson. Congorilla. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1931. [First edition; photographs by Martin and Osa Johnson; hardback, 282 pages, 21.5 cm., 20/35]
Martin Johnson. Over African Jungles. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1935. [Second printing; autographed by Osa Johnson; photographs by Martin and Osa Johnson; hardback, 264 pages, 24 cm., 65/95]
Osa Johnson. I Married Adventure. Philadelphia, New York, London and Toronto: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1940. [First edition; autograph by Osa Johnson; photographs by Martin and Osa Johnson; hardback, 376 pages, index, 24 cm., 2/50]
Osa Johnson. Four Years in Paradise. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1941. [First edition; photographs by Martin and Osa Johnson; hardback, 346 pages, index, 23.5 cm., 10/40; also a second copy in dj, 8/20]
Osa Johnson. Bride in the Solomons. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1944. [Riverside Press edition; hardback, 252 pages, index, 19 cm., 5/15]
Oso Johnson. Last Adventure: The Martin Johnsons in Borneo. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1966. [Second printing; hardback, 234 pages, index, 21 cm., 7/15]
Stott, Kenhelm W., Jr. Exploring with Martin and Osa Johnson. Chanute, Kansas: Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum Press, 1978. [Second printing; paperback, 133 pages, 21.5 cm., 15/40]
Dole, Gertrude E. Vignettes of Some Early Members of The Society of Women Geographers in New York. New York: Society of Women Geographers, 1978. [Includes Osa Johnson; paperback, 30 pages, 21.5 cm., 0/10; filed under collections]
The Hampton Album. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1966. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 56 pages, 18 cm., 2/25]
Anne Tucker. The Woman's Eye. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973. [Includes Frances Benjamin Johnston; first edition; paperback, 170 pages, biography, 25 cm., 10/20; filed under collections]
Pete Daniel and Raymond Smock. A Talent for Detail: The Photographs of Miss Frances Benjamin Johnston 1889-1910. New York: Harmony Books, 1974. [First edition; hardback, 182 pages, 21.5 cm., 5/50]
Frances Benjamin Johnston: Women of Class and Station. Long Beach, CA: The Art Museum and Galleries, California State University, Long Beach, 1979. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 96 pages, 28 cm., 35/50]
Toby Quitslund. "Her Feminine Colleagues: Photographs and Letters Collected by Frances Benjamin Johnston in 1900", in, Josephine Withers, Women Artists in Washington Collections. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Art Gallery, and Women's Caucus for Art, 1979. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback, 144 pages, 25.5 cm., 50/75; filed under collections]
Amy S. Doherty. "Frances Benjamin Johnston 1864-1952," History of Photography [London], vol. 4, no. 2 (April 1980), pp. 97-111.
"I Won't Make a Picture Unless the Moon is Right...": Early Architectural Photography of North Carolina by Frances Benjamin Johnston and Bayard Wootten. Raleigh, NC: Preservation/ NC, 1994. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; paperback,16 pages, 30 cm., 0/25; oversize]
Focus: Photographs from the Collection of Helen Johnston. Santa Clara, CA: de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University, 1989. [Exhibtion catalogue; first edition; paperback, 48 pages, 22 cm., 10/20]
Carolyn Jones. Living Proof: Courage in the Face of Aids. New York, London, Paris: Abbeville Press, 1994. [First edition; hardback, 88 pages, 22.5 cm., 20/25]
JONES, LAURA [1948- ]
Rediscovery: Canadian Women Photographers 1841-1941. North London, Canada: London Regional Art Gallery, 1983. [Exhibition catalogue; first edition; curated by Laura Jones; paperback, 36 pages, 21 cm., 10/40]
Peggy Ann Jones: Convergence. New York: Bertha Urdang Gallery, 1988. [Exhibition catalogue; paperback, 12 pages, 14 cm., 5/20; 2 copies]
Diane Kagan and Meryl Joseph. Who Won Second Place At Omaha? New York: Random House, 1975. [First edition; photographs by Meryl Joseph; hardback, 102 pages, 28 cm., 30/50]
Fitz Henle's Figure Studies/New Edition. New York: Viking Press, 1962. Revision of 1954 edition; introduction by Jacquelyn Judge; hardback, 76 pages, 26 cm., 5/15]