Women In Photography International (www.womeninphotography.org) Celebrates
its 25th Anniversary showcasing Turning Silver a Worldwide Web Online
Juried Exhibition.
Los Angeles, August 10, 2006. The results are in and
100 winning images and artist statements are now showcased in an online
exhibition “Turning Silver” at www.womeninphotography.org.
The competition received close to 1000 entries from the USA and worldwide
including entries from Canada, Russia, Spain, France, South Africa, Mexico,
England and others. Juried by top industry professionals, the collection
is now part of the Women In Photography International archive...Turning
Silver .... into gold!
Founded in 1981, Women In Photography International (WIPI) is
one of the most recognized organizations for women photographers worldwide.
WIPI celebrates its 25th Anniversary with "Turning Silver”
- a very special collection of one hundred photographic prints. The winning
images are black & white based images including alternative process,
toned, hand painted, and digital manipulation prints.
WIPI will produce a Kodak.com leather
bound limited edition book as a commemorative of the collection. According
to Jean Ferro, Photo Artist and president of WIPI,"“for our
20th Anniversary we did a multi-media CD, for the 25th Anniversary we’re
staying in step with technology by creating an online book produced by
uploading images toa photo company printing house, simple, clean and a
perfect way to handle publishing. Ferro adds, 'This is a significant
time frame in history for women photographers. Women are becoming a powerful
source for imagery in the field of photography. The worldwide web has
enabled women express their creativity and expand their careers and WIPI
is thrilled to be a showcase for these talented women photographers."
To view the stunning 100 juror choice images as well as the selection
of Honorable Mention’s. visit http://www.womeninphotography.org.
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The exhibition will be online from August 10 through December 31st.
And then placed in the online
*** Turning Silver Jurors :
Kim Gougenheim, Deputy Photo Director, "O" The Oprah Magazine
Catherine Edelman, Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Joyce Tenneson, Photographer, New York City, NY
Jean Ferro, Photo Artist / President, WIPI / Los Angeles, CA
Rose Shoshana, Rose Gallery / Santa Monica, CA
Andrew Smith, The Andrew Smith Gallery / Santa Fe, NM
Susanne Konig,, New York, powerHouse Gallery, New York City, NY
Laurie Kratochvil, New York City, NY
Scott Mc Kiernan, Photographer/Publisher/Founder ZUMA Press / Los Angeles
Stephen Perloff, Founder, The Photo Review, Philadelphia, PA
Juror BIOS:
Arts Council
The Photo Review
Fresh Lists
WIPI History:
*** Women In Photography International is a 501.(c).3. Organization. The
online resource center is comprised of the WIPI history beginning 1981,
the Peter E. Palmquist Women In Photography International bibliography
of over 23,000 women photographers, an archive of exhibitions, member
links, the f2-eZine that includes feature stories, member lecture listings,
book reviews, world resources and the newly created Member Network Board
for member posting and public viewing.
** The original Women In Photography, Inc. was founded by creative
women who recognized the value of networking and sharing, in both their
work and their lives. Kicking off the 21st Century, WIPI moved onto the
information super highway to provide broader visibility for its photographers
with an international membership that includes some of the world's finest.
As an online resource center, the organization continued to honor and
serve as well as support the ever-changing needs of the women, the industry
and the changes in technology.
** WIPI’s Distinguished Photographer’s Award
WIPI recognition to an artist who has contributed significantly to the
world of photography. Past recipients include:
Eve Arnold, 1983
Ruth Bernhard, 1984
Judy Dater, 1985
Marion Post Wolcott, 1986
Linda McCartney, 1987
Mary Ellen Mark, 1988
Ruth Orkin, 1989
Joyce Tenneson, 1990
Berenice Abbott, 1991
Grace Robertson, 1992
Annie Leibovitz, 2003
Sylvia Plachy, 2004
Carrie Mae Weems, 2005
Distinguished Photography Awards
Women In Photography International (www.womeninphotography.org) Celebrates
it's 25th Anniversary with a juried black & white print collection
Call for Entries
2005, Original Call for Entries
Turning Silver Photographers, If you receive an article about your
work associated to Turning Silver, please send us the link to the Press
and upon approval, we will post a link to the article Anniversary@womeninphotography.org
Women In Photography International 25th Anniversary "Turning Sliver"
Print Collection and Online Exhibition,, 2006
Online Exhibition http://www.womeninphotography.org
Please note, although our website is womeninphotography.org,
the name to use for your resume or bio information is Women
In Photography International.
Editors, please review the exhibition
and any questions or release of images for publication, please contact: