30 years!
Post mention Sunday, Jan 16, 2011 Nicole Campoy-Leffler Posted:
01-16-11 01:46 PM http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/16/photo-la-in-santa-monica-_n_809697.html#s224827 Great
we got a mention (4 out of 60+) ... But they got the link wrong.... Let the
Huffington Post know we are here... We sent a correction notice and asked them
to correct to: http://www.wipi.org or http://www.womeninphotography.org
you might want to suggest the same as well. At this link... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/contact/pop/corrections/
is now on: Search for the buried treasure and win! Damon published
on January 14, 2011 http://www.photoinduced.com/ ...”The
discovery of an organization like Women In Photography International, whose sole
purpose is to help women photographers in every way around the world: Share, advise,
promote and more. They even had an exhibit of members work, which was not for
sale, but meant as a great public venue for their work. One of the charter
members, Carol Henry, showed off some cameraless imagery that was actually some
of the coolest stuff we saw....”
Terrell Blog, Monday, Jan 17th photo la http://cynthiaterrellphotographyblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/photo-la-2011.html
Photograph Collector: photo l.a. XX 2011 RANDOM
NOTES 2011, by Jean Ferro, volume XXXII, No. 2, Feb. 16, 2011 http://womeninphotography.org/f2/JeanFerro/photola-ferro-2011.html

LA Facebook images:Access FULL LIST OF FOLDERS Jan 13 Reception – Jan 17th
http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=52330307762 each
days album will open in a separate URL.. you can copy and paste that URL and send
to friends or post on blogs. Please copy accompanying text below the photography
when sending or displaying any images.
Francoise Kirkland
can also visit each Facebook page directly: Photo LA, 2011 - Jan 13th, Reception http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=267356&id=52330307762&ref=mf If
you're signed on to FB... you can go directly to individual folders: photo
LA, 2011 - Fri. Jan 14 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=271127&id=52330307762 photo
LA, 2011 - Sat. Jan 15 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=271138&id=52330307762 photo
LA, 2011 - Sun. Jan 16 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=271147&id=52330307762 photo
LA, 2011 - Mon, Jan 17 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=271157&id=52330307762
images copyright Candace Biggerstaff and Callie Biggerstaff / WIPI-2011 back
to exhibitor list