Featured Professional Member Gallery
Archive 14 - April-June 2003


After the Funeral, Vałleni, Romania, 2000

After the body is buried and mourners return to the deceased's home, it is the bereaved family's duty to provide a feast for all who attended the funeral. Since the service typically lasts four hours, appetites have peaked. No manner of bad weather will discourage the crowd. When a popular community figure dies, rumors sometimes circulate that providing the funeral feast forced the dead person's family into ruin.

Dupał ”nmorm‰ntare, Vałleni, Romania, 2000

Dupał ce se terminał ”nmorm‰ntarea, oamenii se ”ntorc la casa mortului. Cum slujba de obicei dureazał patru ore, oamenilor li se face foame. E datoria familiei ”n doliu sał punał masa pentru cei care au participat la ”nmorm‰ntare. Chiar süi pe vreme rea, multüimea va asista la slujba de ”nmorm‰ntare. C‰nd moare o persoanał de vazał, se spune cał masa de pomanał duce familia mortului la sapał de lemn.