Ellersick Regional Program Manager Roots & Shoots New England shot is
of the Peace proclamation that was issued by the Massachusetts Governor Duval
Patrick l. to r. Penny Joy Snider-Light, Peace Representative, World
Peace Prayer Society - NGO-affiliate of UN
shot of the members who took part in the peace walk with the Doves
Sunday, September 20, 2009 the inspiring, youthful Jane Goodall’s
Roots & Shoots members and friends come together all over the world
to promote peace in support of the United Nations International Day of Peace.
In Boston, members gathered at Jamaica Pond where over 500 people attended. I
was honored to be included to photograph this incredible event along with CBS
and FOX news.
According to the Roots & Shoots website ‘the history
of Roots & Shoots Day of Peace begins in 1981. In that year, the United Nations
General Assembly passed Resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace.
Subsequently, in 2001, the General Assembly passed Resolution 55/282, which designated
September 21 as the yearly International Day of Peace. The intention for the U.N.
in these actions was to have the entire world spend a day in peace and free of
Expanded story on Roots & Shoots New England
Day of Peace photos at
posted by Peace in Focus from their project "I feel peaceful
when..." and their photo scavenger hunt:
About Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Founded
in 1991 by Dr. Jane Goodall and a group of Tanzanian students, the Roots &
Shoots program is about making positive change happen—for our communities,
for animals and for the environment. With tens of thousands of young people in
110 countries, the Roots & Shoots network connects youth of all ages who share
a desire to create a better world. Young people identify problems in their communities
and take action. Through service projects, youth-led campaigns and an interactive
website, Roots & Shoots members are making a difference across the globe.
For more information, please visit
the Jane Goodall Institute Founded in 1977, the Jane Goodall Institute
continues Dr. Goodall’s pioneering research on chimpanzee behavior—research
that transformed scientific perceptions of the relationship between humans and
animals. Today, the Institute is a global leader in the effort to protect chimpanzees
and their habitats. It also is widely recognized for establishing innovative community-centered
conservation and development programs in Africa, and the Roots & Shoots global
environmental and humanitarian youth program, which has groups in 110 countries.
For more information, please visit
Belinda Jentz Belinda is a New England Based Photographer doing event
based Photography and Freelance work.
She has been contributing her time and talents over the last 6 Months to Several
organizations in addition to: Roots and Shoots Harvard Medical School Office Of
diversity and Community Partnerships and Boston’s International Film Festival.
when she is not out shooting one can find her immersed in a database at a local
Boston college. Website:

in a solo exhibition in Pesaro, 2007

Patrizia with students during a workshop in Barcelona, 2003
(behind camera with red sweater)with her students of a Secondary School for
graphic design in Bologna, 2008
about census on European women photographers attending the “Women
Photographers net” and about WIPI - Orvieto Fotografia Convention
- Orvieto - Italy Interviewed
for the performance “Le Modelle. Antiche Donne e Contemporanee” (Ancient
and contemporary women) Tina Modotti & Patrizia Pulga - Province Pesaro-Urbino
/ Authority for Equal Opportunities – Pesaro - Italy
Workshops for immigrant women - Banca del Monte / European Community
/ Emilia Romagna Region / Women’s Association Armonie - Bologna, Rimini, Reggio Emilia
- Italy Workshop about photojournalism - University of Bologna – Italy Workshop
about archeological photography - European Community and Valle d’Aosta Region
– Aosta - Italy
Educational projects and related publications
realized with the students of schools for graphic design in Barcelona (Spain )
and Bologna (Italy): URBANO: EXEMPLA TRAHUNT about urban design
in Barcelona EMOSCIÒN about architecture and town planning
in Barcelona MULTICULTURE AMONG TEENAGERS in Bologna and
Barcelona sponsored by the European Community About
Patrizia Pulga Patrizia Pulga, based in Italy, as a commercial photographer
produces pictures of food for books and magazines. As a photojournalist Patrizia
is concerned with: - immigration and women’s condition in Europe, Africa,
Asia, North and South America. - architecture and town planning in european
cities in Italy, France, England, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia,
Esthonia and Czech Republic. Patrizia teaches photography workshops in Italy
and Spain and has had exhibitions in Europe and U.S.A.
Website: WIPI
ON FEMALE" at Orvieto Fotografia 2009
Pulga Women
In Photography International A Decade Of Images 2000-2010 Juror Choice, Honorable


Tribe Guard
is the educational, cultural and scientific organization of the UNITED NATIONS.
It was founded in 1945 and includes the World Heritage Centre which works to help
protect and preserve the world's greatest landmarks. In 2009 and in light of his
geo-artistic interests, UNESCO paleontologist Andrea
Baucon, Geopark Naturtejo Meseta Meridional, Portugal published the first
book of its kind tracing the history of art and Geology beginning with the works
of Leonardo daVinci up to and including several contemporary artists: “Geology
and Art; an unorthodox perspective.” An interview with WIPI Charter
Member, j. Madison and several of her signature photographs,
including the seminal and iconic fine art image of the Vagina along with the stirring
and powerful image of The Shaman were two of several images chosen from this original
and unique photographic collection as “key examples” in this significant
and pioneering publication. (See j.Madison
Rink WIPI member profile for these images)
Madison Rink BLOG for link to publication: “Geology and Art; an unorthodox
perspective…. Author, UNESCO GeoArtist and paleontologist, Andrea Baucon
Geopark Naturtejo Meseta Meridional
Link to book publication: Geology and Art: an unorthodox perspective, Author,
UNESCO GeoArtist and paleontologist, Andrea Baucon
j. Madison Rink, j. Madison, a WIPI Charter Member; award winning
photographer, writer and artist now lives in Taos, New Mexico where she continues
to develop and expand her collection of photographic works involving the magic
of perception and the sacred nature of the earth by hunting and photographing
these natural and often ancient sculpted images, created by our own “Mother
Nature” with the atmospheric elements and geologic evolution as her mediums.
(Images from New Mexico collection) website:
WIPI Photo Profile:
Ellen Money

Colis hugging Devon Williams
and Jan Ping
May 11, 2010, the creators of the ONE In EIGHT Project,
had their debut at the Huntington Hospital Cancer Center in Pasadena,
Devon Williams, the creator of the ONE IN EIGHT project,
along with, Catherine Ellen Money, the photographer for the
“Pasadena Portraits, and Jan Ping, Emmy
award winning make-up artist, were there to discuss the project and
unveil the imagery for the first time to a breast cancer support group
and panel of staff psychologists and its subjects.
The event included a panel discussion, a photographic slide presentation,
and finished art of three of the current eight photographs attributed
to the “Pasadena Portraits”.
As each woman’s intimate story was revealed, the evening unfolded
like the blossoming of a beautiful flower. Supported by these intimate
images, it was a powerful and emotional evening. Sharing photographs
of my
mother, a 30 year breast cancer survivor, now in her 80’s
was personally profound for me.
Perhaps this passage that I offered to the seminar, will help convey
my deepest sentiment.
“It is my humble honor to be given this opportunity, through Devon,
to bring to a fuller awareness, the truths and beauty residing within
these incredible women. As an artist, it is not only my task to record
the realities of this horrible disease, but much more importantly, to
bring it to a greater place of light. A light , which illuminates the
human spirit. It has been my sincere goal to capture the unique qualities
that each woman brings to this journey. A strong reminder, that we are
much more than the sum of our bodies.
We are Hope. We are Courage. We are Inspiration. We are Love.
And Love, above all else, stands as the greatest healer of all.
It is my heartfelt desire, that my imagery radiates a Love that will
begin to heal these scars. Please approach these images with gentle
Please take the time to seek the beauty that quietly lingers
beneath the surface. There is more within than meets the eye.”
Ellen Money

Colis, Devon Williams, Jan Ping and Catherine Money
In EIGHT Photographic Project
Outlook Feature
left image, Catherine Money Women
In Photography International A Decade Of Images 2000-2010 Juror Choice, Honorable
Catherine Money Juror
Choice 2nd Place Gallery, Self Portraits 2009
your project to WIPI, see instructions |