Sylvia Plachy by the Berlin Wall photo by James Ridgeway
2004 Distinguished Photographer Award Recipient
© Juanita Richeson 2004
when I look at a Sylvia Plachy photo its as though the ghost of
a stranger is telling me rare intimacies about the nature of life. Magical
is a word often used to describe her photos, but to me they are wise;
I trust them completely.
All photographers know how easy and frequently expedient it is to direct
the photo, to shape it into a message especially when ones
subjects are performing only as themselves. A choice of angle or lighting
or just a miserly effort on the part of the artist can produce a mean
and brittle gotcha.
Sylvia Plachy is a generous and unassuming photographer. I always feel
like a better person after looking at her images, and a little more
hopeful. Although Ive never met her, I imagine shes kind,
calm and exceptionally graceful because thats what those pictures
tell me. Even the ones full of tension and irony have a feeling of redemption.
In the years that I have seen her photos published in many places, I
have stopped repeatedly in front of yet another picture and said, Who
shot that? Its never a surprise to read her name. The photos
that have taken up permanent residence in my psyche are almost always
those of women. Cement Garden, Queens, 1980 is my favorite of
so many favoritesa blindfolded, fully dressed woman sunning herself
in the midst of hard angled metal and stone. She is half smiling and
traveling in her imagination, free for that moment. So many of Plachys
images reference elusive freedoms, small, willful actions. Even inanimate
objects like the dolls in a Beverly Hills collection take on life and
a determined personality.
Sylvia Plachy approaches the big issues in womens lives with an
objective balanceshe addresses first the sex trade, then midwifery,
twin poles of our sexuality. She pursues the photos with a quiet and
steely determination that appears effortless. There is no pretense or
declaration of greatness is her style, no grand price attached. Instead,
her photos should be carried around in a pocket or purse to pull out
in times of distress, carried until they shred to dust from the emotion
they have absorbed. I have carried them like talismans to ward off evil
spirits. Her work has made me patient and content to watch and wait
for some small measure of her perfect elegance.
©Juanita Richeson, 2004, reserved, to publish any part of story,
contact Juanit Richeson
Juanita Richeson is an award winning photographer and WIPI
PRO member
e-mail: jua.richeson@verizon.net
Awards Backstage - page 1
The Presentation, page 2
Adrien Brody Video Clip - page 3
The Private Party - page 4
winners and presenters
Plachy PR release
Amazon for a list of books related to Sylvia Plachy
Yorker Online slide show, posted 8/5/02
Humanities Forum -2000-2001 theme is "Style." Guest curated by Professor
Wendy Steiner http://www.upenn.edu/ARG/archive/plachy/plachy.html
CityPaper.net "Her Way" 5-12-2002
Search Sylvia Plachy