WIPI / Lucie Award Presentation
photos by Jean Ferro
Kirkland, MC
Evening, I'm Jean Ferro, President of Women In Photography International.
Thank you International Photography Awards and Hossein Farmani for inviting
us to participate in the Lucie Awards.
Women In photography International was created in 1981 and still today
as an online resource center at womeninphotography.org (remember that
name) women come together to communicate ideas and express their passion
for photography.
WIPI presented its first award in 1985 to Eve Arnold and over the years
to such luminaries as Ruth Bernhard, Mary Ellen Mark, Linda McCartney,
Joyce Tenneson, Grace Robertson and last year we named Annie Leibovitz
the recipient.
Tonight we are proud to present our award to Sylvia Plachy and have
invited renown photographer Joyce Tenneson, a WIPI Advisory Board member
and the current winner of IPAs Book Award for her book "Intimacy"
to introduce Sylvias work and present the award. And now here
is Joyce..."

Joyce Tenneson
an honor to present this distinguished photographer award. Sylvia Plachy
was born in Hungary and immigrated to the US with her parents in 1958.
She has been photographing NYC for over 40 years - for 8 years the Village
Voice published one of her black and white photos weekly - she is also
a regular contributor at the new Yorker and many other top magazines.
Plachy is the author of 4 books and the recipient of many awards including
a Guggenheim fellowship. One of her enduring subjects has also been
her son, Oscar Winner, Adrien Brody.
Her mentor and compatriot Andre Kertesz said of her work: I have never
seen the moment sensed and caught with more intimacy and humanity than
in the photographs of Sylvia Plachy.
I invite you now to look at some of Sylvias work on the screen
Sylvia please come forward to receive your award"

Plachy accepting award and then we announced:
we have a special surprise for you..

son Adrien Brody made a special tape since he couldn't attend the celebration.
While filming King Kong in New Zealand, he produced an "I Love
You Mom" visual letter,
expressing his great appreciation for his mom and her work.
In the clip, Jack Black is directing Adrien to give it the extra umph
and gusto.!

his chest he drew a heart, bow and arrow with the inscription
was completely surprised and delighted