- CHARTER MEMBER - Toronto, Canada
1) Fine Art     2) Conceptual   3) Self Portrait
*Format 35mm, 2 1/4, Holga (toy
camera), some Digital

The images of Elizabeth Siegfried increasingly have become recognized for their intricacy of detail and sophistication of content. Known for her work in self portraiture, landscape and photographic narrative, Siegfried has worked with the historical process of platinum for over twenty-five years and has exhibited her images in Canada, the US, Italy, Germany, Japan and Mexico. In recent years, she has expanded her mode of presentation to include iris and other archival digital prints.

Her first book entitled LifeLines was published in 2000 and includes a literary introduction by the National Book Award Winner Andrea Barrett.

Siegfried’s photographs have been reproduced and discussed in such publications as SHOTS magazine, Schwarzweiss, La Fotografia Actual, Camera Art and ARTNews. In 2008, she was one of the featured photographers on Behind The Camera, a television production aired on Bravo! and Discovery HD.

Siegfried’s work is represented in many private and public collections, including the Aaron Copland House in New York; Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts in Japan; the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography in Canada; and the Peter E. Palmquest Women in Photography International Archive held at Yale University, Connecticut.

Yale University Beinecke Library Rare Book & Manuscript Library,
WIPI Archive CHARTER GALLERY 2015-2016

WIPI 30th Ansniversary presentation photo la 2011
WIPI PhotoLA 2012 Members Open Call



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