can't keep developing everything, then you'll pave over paradise... Hawaii
- a special green-carpet
gala fundraiser
Gala fundraiser to launch Catherine Bauknight’s documentary:
“Hawaii: A Voice For Sovereignty”
Friday, February 29, 2008.
6523 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028
Press Contact: J.R.S Ticket information:
Award-winning photojournalist Catherine Bauknight’s stunning pilot
documentary Hawaii - A Voice for Sovereignty will be
celebrated with a gala, green-carpet event
at Boulevard 3 in Hollywood, CA on Friday, February
29, 2008.

Catherine Bauknight, “Hula Dancers Hana Festival”,
2005, edition of 250
Hawaii - A Voice for Sovereignty, currently a 10-minute
short, spotlights the struggle of indigenous Hawaiians to preserve their
ancestral islands. The film documents the social, economic, and ecological
issues that have developed in Hawaii since the takeover by the United
States in 1893. In rare and moving interviews, native Hawaiians reveal
their fears about the imminent loss of their culture and their land
as overdevelopment threatens an ancient and environmentally sustainable
way of life. Narration for the film will be supplied by the Hawaiian
entertainer and humanitarian Al Harrington, star of the TV-show “Hawaii
Five-O.” Bauknight hopes to bring this film to the world stage
by theatrical release, screenings at international film festivals, and
television programming.
Hawaii-A Voice for Sovereignty was selected from among 1,000 submissions
to premiere at the Maui Film Festival in June 2007. It also screened
at the Hana Film Festival in November 2007.

To promote these issues and raise money for the completion of a 90-minute
full-length version of Hawaii - A Voice for Sovereignty, this evening
promises to be an exciting mix of live entertainment: a Hawaiian hula
by Halau Keali’i O Nalani, a luau, a private screening of the
documentary short, Hawaiian-themed food & drink, special celebrity
attendees, and silent auction, featuring Hawaiian art. An exhibit of
Catherine Bauknight’s photography entitled 20 yrs. of Rock-‘N-Roll:
A Retrospect will also be on display.
“Civilizations are defined by their cultural traditions,”
declares Bauknight. “I feel a sense of honor to aid these people
in providing a voice for them to speak for themselves about their issues
and culture.”
Bauknight’s exploration of cultural identities has its origins
within her photojournalist background. A professional photographer for
over two decades, Bauknight’s work has been featured in such distinguished
publications as Rolling Stone, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times,
Newsweek, USA Today, Time, and People Magazine. She was one of five
international photographers who risked their lives to cover the Tiananmen
Square massacre. Other notable photography projects include: “Ethiopia
- Bad Water,” and “The Renaissance of the Catawba Indians.”
Bauknight is a member of both the NPPA and WIPI, and was an adjunct
professor of photography at Cal State University-Fullerton and California
Polytechnic State University. Bauknight is the Vice President on the
Board of Directors for the Visual Artists Guild, a contract photographer
for Zuma Press, and resides in Pasadena, CA.

Women in
Photography International
congratulates Catherine for her incredible photogaphs of the Hawaiian
The fiscal sponsor for the film is the International
Documentary Association, a non-profit organization supporting
documentary filmmaking.
Additional sponsors include
Pasadena Weekly,
Practically Perfect
GENART, and B.A.R.
For information about the film, or to purchase tickets
for the screening, please visit: http://www.catherinebauknight.com
all media requests and credentials, or to schedule an interview with
Catherine Bauknight,
contact: J.R. Savet at 805-405-0710;
e-mail: jrsavet@gmail.com
Bauknight: http://www.catherinebauknight.com
Event location: http://www.boulevard3.com/b3Gallery
Entertainment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zENrDhuw7hg&NR=1
All photos copyright Catherine Bauknight
http://artscenecal.com/Announcements |