Immediate Release - September 2001
Contact: Women In Photography International (323) 462-1444
TEA TIME IS BREWING ! Women In Photography International Celebrates 20th
Anniversary "Images of Women - Images of Tea"
October 10 to November 15, 2001 at the House of Photographic Art (HOPA)
San Juan
Capistrano, CA.
Los Angeles: To celebrate its 20th Anniversary as the world's leading photo
resource organization for women working in the photographic arts, Women
In Photography International (WIPI) kicks off the \traveling exhibition
International Tea Time: Images of Women - Images of Tea at the House
of Photographic Art in San Juan Capistrano, USA.
The theme for the juried exhibition was inspired by a wonderful image of a teapot
by the late photographer Linda McCartney, which will be exhibited along with 75
stunning images from 60 women artists. The images were chosen from over 1000 images
submitted by women photographers from around the world, representing countries
such as Australia, Canada, England, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Scotland, and the USA,
to name a few. Many of these remarkable photographs will be available for purchase.
The exhibition will travel throughout the USA and internationally over the next
two years, with invitations from Cuba, Italy, Pakistan and others.
"We are thrilled to announce that Linda McCartney's print, T-Pot, will
be on exhibit as well as a beautiful serene photograph by her daughter Mary McCartney
Donald. Our Anniversary exhibit is a wonderful testament to the success of women
photographers in the 21st century," said Jean Ferro, photo artist and president
of WIPI.
Winner of the first place award in the Tea category is "Afternoons,"
a striking fine-art composition of tea bags taken by Dar Spain. Carol
Nye won first place in the Women category with her moment-in-time
documentary-style image of two "Veiled Women" in China. Each first place
winner will receive an archival digital printer donated by Epson, USA.
The exhibition was juried by Cornelia H. Butler, Photo Curator of the Museum
of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles, and Joyce Wilson, award-winning
fine art photographer and a Professor of Photography at Brooks Institute,
Santa Barbara, CA. Juror Joyce Wilson commented, "Throughout history, women
have been the storytellers, and it is with dignity and grace that these images
tell endless stories."
Women In Photography International was created in 1981 as a 501.c.3 educational
outreach organization by a group of women photographers who were keen to communicate
ideas, opportunities and their passion for photography. In 1985, the Distinguished
Photographers Award was established to honor women who have contributed significantly
to the world of photography. Previous winners include: Eve Arnold, Ruth Bernhard,
Judy Dater, Marion Post Wolcott, Linda McCartney, Mary Ellen Mark, Ruth Orkin,
Joyce Tenneson and Berenice Abbott.
WIPI promotes the visibility of women photographers and their work. The web site
provides member galleries, reference library, and the F2-eZine,
which contains articles from around the globe, marketing news, photography links,
book reviews, and listings for competitions. For more information please visit
Tea Time: Images of Women, Images of Tea October 10-November 15, 2001
Opening Reception Saturday afternoon, October 20th, 1-4 p.m. House of Photographic
Art (HOPA) 27182 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, CA, USA 92675
Magazine (Jan 2002) SPECIAL
ZOOM 30 years (Jan 2002) (produced in Milano, and distributed in US, Canada,
UK, France and Spain. ZOOM was lanunced in the early 70’s, with a focus
on fine-art, and reportage including fashion, film theatre and graphic arts. Included
in the retrospective is the current state of the art including the information
on Women In Photography International Cover by Joyce Tenneson (WIPI
1990 distinguished Photographer Award ) WIPI page 77 House of
hotographic Art, San Juan Capistrano, CA Images of Women The Women
in Photography International (WIPI) resource organization is celebrating its 20th
Anniversary by launching the traveling exhibition”International Tea Time: Images
of Women, Images of Tea.” which began its run at the House of Photographic Art
this fall. The theme of the juried exhibition was inspired by an image of a teapot
taken by the late photographer Linda McCartney. The 75 works by 60 women were
selected from over 1,000 prints submitted by lens ladies around the world. Among
the single category winners, Carol Nye took first place in the Women category
with her documentar-style images of two veiled women in China. The WIPI organization
also launched the Distinguished Photographer’s Award fifteen years back which
has since recognized the work of Eve Arnold, Ruth Bernhard, Mary Ellen Mark, Ruth
Orkin, Berenice Abbott and others. Website:
pictured: Three images from”Images of women” clockwise from above: Carol Nye,
Veiled Women, Kashgar, Zin Jiaang, China: Mary Doresey Wanless At Mona’s
Tea With the Girls and Julia McLemore A leisure Suite #13
Time...Clips about the CD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST -
INVITATIONS: There is a very limited amount of Invitations that are for sale,
(200) $1.00 ea min. order ten plus $1.50 shipping and handling, for every 10 add
$1.50 additional shipping and handling. - POSTERS: Limited quantities
less than 200 available - CD... excellent gift to your gallery or family
and a wonderful opportunity to donate to your local library or university library,
so your work will be viewed by researchers and your community. (this may be the
only pressing of this CD) see info on Poster and
CD Here are some of our responses about the exhibition, CD and Poster:
Thank you for such a wonderful gallery event on Saturday. The placement and
lighting of the images was wonderful, and the atmosphere at HOPA really fit
the theme of the event... Cynthia Wands, Tea Time Artist --------
I think you guys did an amazing job. It is great. I love being able to see the
show on the CD. All the artists work are truly great works of art...Tania
Bravo, Tea Time Artist --------- The CD is SO wonderful!!!!! I was
skeptical about not having a paper catalog, but this is so much better!!! The
presentation is beautiful, the images look so alive. Thank you!!!...Dar Spain,
1st Place Tea -------- Thanks so much for the CD. It is terrific!
I am utterly impressed. I will make sure to show it to a couple of galleries
around San Diego. Maybe they can schedule something next year....Winifred
Meiser, Advisory Board Member ------- It is absolutely beautiful!
The music is wonderful, the graphics well-designed and the images are all
inspirational. I am honored to have been chosen to be part of this very important
and beautifully juried exhibition....Jennifer Drucker, Tea Time Artist
------- You and the others must be brimming with gladness about the stunning
CD. I just received it in the mail and popped it in. It's really gorgeous and
designed so elegantly and intelligently. And the music is beautiful.Brava!!! Thanks
so much. I am really honored to be part of this....Rose-Lynn Fisher, Tea Time
Artist ------- The CD is WONDERFUL! From the very beginning on throughout,
everything is quite a remarkable presentation. All who were involved should be
very proud of the product and how it represents WIPI to the world.........Stuart
Balcomb,, a magazine for Art, Photography, Literature
EVERY WAY!.. I think you've established a new standard for exhibitions...
Nancy Clendaniel, WIPI Director and 1987- 1992 and Charter Member, -------
Everyone enjoyed the exhibition tremendously and thought the House of Photographic
Art was absolutely beautiful - as did I...Elizabeth Kenneday, Tea Time Artist,
------- For the CD: The Flash intro was very slick, but also subtle,
like the music. Very nicely laid out...Amie Vanderford-Pfaff, Tea Time
Artist, ------- What a great CD! I just love it. You have just solved
my Christmas shopping problems. I just love the images. I would like to congratulate
you in making International Tea Time a great success. The House
of Photographic Art was a unique place to kick off the exhibition of the photographs
and the tea was scrumptious and well appreciated by many guests. I thank you also
for providing me a perfect opportunity to share my art works at the opening..Carol
Nye, 1st Place Women, ------- CD arrived today, beautiful!...Elizabeth
Rassiga, Tea Time Artist, ------- In the attachment there is an article
of the Italian newspaper (Il Secolo XIX), about the Tea Time exhibition...Paola
Zucchello, Tea Time Artist, ITALY ------------ I received my CD and
poster .It is soooooo nice! Gonna frame the poster. A nice size. The CD is very
impressive! I love the way the names click when you select a camera...I
love that sound. You must be soooo ebaebaeba right now. :-).. Lillian Wilson,
Tea Time Artist, --------- Received the CD and have showed it to
my photo group, the f5.6 group; they were very impressed..Jan Bogle, Tea
Time Artist, ------- I have just had the pleasure of viewing my CD
...Thank you very much for putting this show together. You have done an excellent
job! Brava! All the images of women and tea are beautiful, I cried (in a good
way) viewing the images. The power of women is remarkable!. .Suzun Lucia Lamain.
Tea Time Artist, ------- Jean, the reception sounded wonderful. Wish
I could have attended!!!!!! I was wondering if you are keeping a "scrapbook"
of sorts of any publicity for the event? My university paper did a short article,
and I'd be happy to send it if you are collecting such. Thanks again for the opportunity
to be part of this amazing show!!!!!! ...Mary Dorsey Wanless, Tea Time Artist,
------- I showed the poster to my neighbor Boris who is a scientist
and an engineer, and he thought "it made optimum use of the space showing
maximum use of information for the area. If the photos were any smaller, you couldn't
see the faces, but you can."'s well-engineered as well!!. ..Sharyn
Keller, Graphic Designer, -------- Jean, press release arrived in
one piece., I picked these off the website (Nye's winning picture will be mentioned
in the piece)"Vision North America 48, January issue, Zoom International,
Milano,ITALY -------- Received Posters & CD, thanks!!! Congratulations!
Was VERY impressed with CD! Enjoyed it thoroughly! Beautifully made! Loved the
music! Peters forward made me realize that I was the only female student in the
Creative Photography dept, in my year. So great to get introduced to other WIPI
members via their images. Hope the exhibition makes it to Edinburgh, so I can
meet some of you personally! (Am working on it) Aliki Sapounzi, Tea Time Artist,
SCOTLAND ---------- I did receive my CD and love it. It was so well
produced and the images are amazing. I'm so proud to be associated with such a
fine group of photographers...Cynthia Zordich, Tea Time Artist, ---------
WOW....Peter Palmquist, founder, historian, WIPI Archive. ---------
I received the beautiful CD just a few days ago, I was extremely impressed and
very proud to be amongst such talented and expressive people. I have been overwhelmed
with work (always before Ramadan), also Reuters and New York Times (two of whom
I work for in Kuwait) keep me busy with all the political situation in the Mid-east....I
am sure ou can imagine.... Stephanie McGeehee, Tea Time Artist/ KUWAIT
