Contribution by Linda McCartney Estate : Linda McCartney "T-Pot" 1997
Jane Fulton Alt, Evanston,
ILL, "Sacred Heart #2" ( 2nd
Place, Women )
b/w Silver Print, 16 x 20" - m.
4 ply 20x24" Shahla Bebe, Los Angeles/IRAN, "Unknown Woman"
( 3rd Place,
Women )
Color Print 16 x 20" - m. 4 ply 20x24"
Alexia Berry, Boston, MA/FRANCE "Havana, Cuba" b/w
Silver Print, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Jan Bogle, Bellevue,
WA, "Tea Pickers" Color Print, 8 x 12"
- m. 4 ply 16x20" Jan Bogle, Bellevue, WA "Tea Factory: Sir Lanka"
Sepia Silver Print, 7 x 10.5" - m. 4 ply 16x20"
Liza Hennessey Botkin, Studio City, CA, "I Am Woman" b/w
Silver Print, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Judy Dion Bracci,
Cottage Grove, MN , "The Esthetic" b/w Silver
Print 5 x 7" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Tania Bravo, Astoria, NY,
"Untitled" Color C-Print, 9 x 12" - m.
4 ply 11x14" Margaret Clarke, Los Angeles, CA “The
Resting Wall” C-print, 11x14 inches, 2001 Christine Dellosso,
Los Angeles, CA, "African Queen - Senegal" Color
Print, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Christine Dellosso, Los
Angeles, CA, "Three Gisha - Japan" Color Print
\, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Mary McCartney Donald,
England "Saint" 1998 * SPECIAL contribution b/w
Silver Print, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Jennifer Drucker,
Saint James, NY, "Fading" b/w CarboArt Paper,
15 x 15" - m. 4 ply 20 x24" Jean
Ferro, Los Angeles, CA, "Statue of Liberty" Epson
2000P color archival Inkjet, 9 x 12" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Jane Foley
Ferraro, East Aurora, NY, "High Tea" Color/Ciba/hand
colored, 11 x 11" - m. 4 ply 20x24" Helen K. Garber,
Venice, CA “Leigh Hennessey” silver print, 11x14 inches, 1995 Phoebe
Godfrey, New York City, NY “Smoky Chai - with Katharine Saxby”
silver print, 8.5x12 inches. 2001 Kimberly Gremillion, Houston,
TX “Shadow #14” silver print, 12x18 inches, 1999 Gloria
Golden,Plainview, NY, "Mint Tea -
Marrakesh" b/w Silver Print, 16 x 20" -
m. 4 ply 20x24" Judith Elaine
Halek, New York City, NY, "Between Contractions" b/w
Silver Print, 11 x 17" - m. 4 ply 20x24" Patricia Harper,
West End, AUSTRALIA, "Who Do You Think You Are" Color
C-print, 8 x 8" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Adrien Meredith Hefta,
Seattle, WA "October -Daisy" ( 3rd Place, Tea
Selenium tone/Silver Geletin, 9 x 13" - m.
4 ply 16x20" Rachel Hotchkiss, London, ENGLAND, "Tea and Sympathy"
Color C Print, 20 x 24" - m. 4 ply 20x24"
Marilyn Hunt, Austin, TX, "Chicken Pots" Color
C Print, 8 x 10" - m. 4 ply 11x14" Elizabeth Kenneday, Long
Beach, CA, "Song of Bolsa Chica" Series II" b/w
Digital/w/Oil varnish, 10" x 10" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Suzun
Lucia Lamaina, Brisbane, CA, "Maiden,
Mother, Crone" b/w Silver Print, 11 x 14"
- m. 4 ply 16x20" Nancy Martin, Los Gatos, CA “Souls
Feast” black & white iris print, 16x20 inches, 1999 Kate MacLeod,
Nova Scotia, CANADA, "Cup & Blue Nebula" ( Honorable
Mention, Tea ) Chromogenic
Color, 4.75 x 7.5"
- m. 4 ply 11x14" Linda McCartney "Tea Pot"
1987 * SPECIAL contribution 11 x 14" Silver Geletin - m. 4 ply 16 x20"
Julia K. McLemore,
Columbus, OH, "A Leisure Suite #4" ( 2nd
Place, Tea )
Color injet, 15 x 6.5" - m. 4 ply 20x16"
Julia K. McLemore,
Columbus, OH, "A Leisure Suite #13" (Honorable
Mention, Women)
Color/Inkjet, 6.5 x 15" - m. 4 ply 16x20"
Jamie Nicholl, Philadelphia, PA, "Profile" b/w
photo Silver Print, 9.5 x 6.5" - m. 4 ply 11x14" Carol
Nye, West Hills, CA,"Veiled Women, Kashgar, Zin Jiang, China" (
Place, Women )
Chromegenic Color, 13 x 7.5 - m. 4 ply 20x16"
Carol Nye, West
Hills, CA, "Bessie Loo, Fr. Chinese American" b/w
Silver Print, 10 x 10" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Patrizia
Pulga, Bologna, ITALY, "Indian Women" b/w
Print, Silver Print, 30 x 40cm - m. 4 ply 16x20" Patrizia
Pulga, Bologna, ITALY, "Bride In Brooklyn" b/w
Print, Silver Print, 30 x 40cm - m. 4 ply 16x20" Elizabeth
Rassiga, Reno,
Nevada, USA, Proprietess: "Tibetan Tea House"
c-print, 10.75x13.75 inches, 1997 Patrizia Riviera, Bergamo, ITALY,
"Unsure Feelings Cafe Florian" (Honorable
Mention, Women) b/w
RC Paper, 12 x 16" -
m. 4 ply 16x20"
Romais, New York, NY, "Tea Mill; Pouring Leaves...."
( Honorable
Mention, Tea )
b/w Injet Parchment, 13 x 9" - m. 4 ply 20x16"
Aliki Sapountzi,
SCOTLAND, UK, "Women Mourning, Udalpur, Rajasthan, India" Color
Print, 16 x 20" - m. 4 ply 20x24" Fanny Sarri, GREECE, "Bam,
Iran" Color Print, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply
16x20" Margaret Sartor, Durham, NC, "Katherine, Monroe, Louisiana"
b/w Silver Print, 16" x 20" - m. 4 ply
20x24" Kanako Sasaki, Ithaca, NY/JAPAN, "Untitled"
Chromogenic Color , 19 x 23.5" - m. 4 ply 20x24"
Sharon Seligman, Spicewood, TX, "Self-sufficient" Selenium
toned/Silver Geletin, 5 x 7" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Sharon Seligman,
Spicewood, TX, "Different Reflection" Selenium
toned/Silver Geletin, 5 x 7" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Leslie Sokolow,
Santa Monica, CA , "Untitled #19" b/w Silver
Geletin, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Dar Spain, Arcata, CA
*1st Place TEA"
“Afternoons” silver print/Handcolored, 10x15 inches, 2001 Mary
Ann Sulik, St. Paul, MN, "Prague, Czech Republic" Color
Print, 8 x 10" - m. 4 ply 11x14" Amie
Vanderford-Pfaff, San Jose, CA, "Sneaky Pete" b/w
Archival Inkjet, 8 x 10" - m. 4 ply 11x14" Carrie
Villines, Tarzana, CA, "Julie's
Hands" b/w Silver Print, 8.25 x 12" - m.
4 ply 16x20" Barbara Von Eckardt, Lincoln, NB, "In Memorium"
Color Digital Prnt, 9 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20" Mary
Dorsey Wanless, Topeka, KAN “At Mona's Tea With The Girls”
Color Photo Collage, 20x24 inches, 2001 Laine Whitcomb, New York, NY,
"A Crown For Stephanie" Color - C-Print, 7.50
x 9.50 - m. 4 ply 16x20" Sylvia White, Los Angeles, CA, "Window
Work #2" b/w Silver Print, 16 x 20" - m.
4 ply 20x24" Lillian Elaine Wilson, Burbank, CA “Tea and Memories”
silver print, 11x14 inches, 1995 Cynthia
Zordich, Canfield, OH, "Tea Party Approach" b/w
Silver Print, 8 x 8" - m. 4 ply 20x24" Paola
Zucchello, ITALY, "Poet Marina Piperno's Tea" b/w
Print, 11 x 14" - m. 4 ply 16x20"  Tea
Time exhibit... Available forl travel...
A Tea Time Party Exhibition
available for USA and Europe
See list of info, sizes and requirements
Availble for Exhbition (with the exception below) The Tea Time images on the following pages are released to Women
In Photography Internationall for inclusion into the WIPI archive and continued
exhibition of Tea Time
List of
Original 2001 participants not included in the WIPI TEA TIME archive or
current exhitbition:
due to NO REQUESTED RELEASE SIGNED, images returned to participant - photographs
are NOT INCLUDED in the Beinecke Library Archive)
Melissa Brown, Margaret Clarke, Maria Coletsis, Kathleen Connollly,
Kathleen Fahrer, Rose-Lynn Fisher, Helen K. Garber, Phoebe Godfrey, Kimberly
Gremillion, Linda Griffith, Andrea McCullough, Stephanie E. McGehee, Nancy
Martin, Talli Rosner-Kozuch, Dar Spain, Erin Spencer, Mary Dorsey Wanless,
Cynthia Wands, Joanne Warfield, Lillian Elaine Wilson, |