"2008" exhibition be online...?
The exhibition of winning images will be uploaded first
week of December 2008. Both Winning images and Honorable Mention's will be published
online. Following online presentation, the file will be archived online
and accessible through the
WIPI Exhibition link, the HOME
page and through the Archive
section. Can I mail a CD...?
No - online submission only.
Many images will be chosen...?
Top 10 and 25 Honorable Mention.
will prizes be distributed...?
OUt of the TOP 10 winning
images, 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice will receive prizes. Winners will have 30
days to claim their prizes.
is the image size requested...?
5" x 7" image (360 x 500 pixels, approximate VERTICLE or HORIZONTAL)
7" x 7" (500 x 500 pixels approximate SQUARE )
see instruction samples
Could you let me know.... ?
Did you receive my entry? Once you fill out
the online form, you will receive a response e-mail confirming your
entry, please print and make a copy for your files. WIPI will
e-mail winning entries by November 30, 2008. If you haven't received an e-mail,
please visit the website for a list of the winners which will be posted by
November 30th, 2008. Gallery presentation with BIO clips will be posted first week of December 2008.
I'm not very digital savvy, how can I submit?
You will have to find someone to help you with
your files. WIPI Provided
instruction samples to help you understand
what is required for submission.
not a WIPI member, Can I have my website link listed with my image? For
the Exhibition, we reserve the linking advantage to WIPI members only.
We will place links with images for those with membership up-to-date. WIPI works
very hard to produce and promote projects. This is a way to support the WIPI Membership.
PLEASE READ: Sometimes when I receive an e-mail with the http://
link, it doesn't work. Any suggestions?
Some e-mail message space splits the link and
carries part of it over to the next line. DOUBLE check the URL. It should
have .htm or .html at the end of the line.. all connected. If it's broken, just
copy the entire URL and paste it into a new browser window and
all should be fine.
ml (the broken text ht ml is a broken line - this won't work)
Should read: http://www.womeninphotography.org/wipihome.html