Silverman, Barbara
Pickles, Bev
Pettit Edward
L. Rubin,
Gloria Golden, Ivy
Bigbee Joan
E. Bowers Kathleen
T. Carr, Lee
Anne White, Marguerite
Garth, Merrie
Asimow Rebecca
Joyce, Rosa
Isabel Vázquez, Wendi
Diane Silverman
Los Angeles, Ca
Betrayed, Maine, 2007
has been my primary focus for the past twenty-five
years. My artistic development has paralleled the
development of my career. As a psychoanalyst, art
psychotherapist and visual artist, I am constantly
immersed in the world of emotions, fantasy, dreams
and the unconscious mind. See full
bio and gallery |
Choice Special Recognition
PRO Member
Juror Choice Gallery Presentation
WIPI 2013 Annual Competition

of a Stay At Home Mom #3, 2009
Barbara Pickles
Camarillo, California, USA
Pickles is a fine art and commercial photographer
and graphic designer. After graduating from Wellesley
College, in Massachusetts, she worked as a photographer,
art director, and commercial & music video
producer in Los Angeles. With the birth of her
third son the family moved to the Ventura County
where Pickles continues to photograph her world
while raising her boys. Pickles received her MFA
in Photography from the renown Brooks Institute
in Santa Barbara, CA. In addition to her fine
art photography, Pickles photographs portraits,
weddings, and events, teaches classes and workshops,
designs websites and print media, and writes articles
on photographers and photography

Bev Pettit
Skull Valley, Arizona, USA
life as an artist began at an early age. Throughout
the educational and work stages of my life I
incorporated art classes, teaching and a career
as an artist in whichever ways were possible
at the time. Because I travelled and worked
in many countries it became difficult to express
my creativity through such usual artistic mediums
as paints and brushes. It was in the early 1990s,
when I moved to Asia, that I picked up my first
camera as I set out to travel the back roads
of China, Vietnam, Thailand, India and Malaysia.
I never looked back. At that time I knew that
the camera was the tool that I wanted to use
to explore and develop a new creative process
that was exciting and alive with new possibilities
for growth and expansion as a photographic artist.
Website: bevpettit.com
WIPI PhotoProfile

Room Sometimes, 2012
Edward L. Rubin
Los Angeles, California, USA
Edward L. Rubin is a photographer, a painter,
and an Emmy Award winning Production Designer
in Television and Film. He has a degree in Architecture
from UC Berkeley, an MFA in Theatre Set Design
from Carnegie Mellon University, and he studied
painting at the Academie de Port Royal, Paris,
France. Edward lives in Los Angeles, his home
town, with his partner of twenty-three years,
the poet Sam Ambler. He is working on a photography
book called My Vermont, An Outsider's Inside View,
a look at life in Central Vermont. His award winning
work can be viewed on his website:

China, 2011
Gloria Golden
Plainview, New York, USA, Black and white photography
appeals to me because it is more soulful and creates
a particular mood. Although the subject matter
of my photographs includes almost anything to
which I’m attracted, my great joy is in
photographing people. My goal is to discover what
they’re all about through the lens of the
camera. Traveling to various parts of the world
allows me to photograph the unusual landscapes
that offer their own special drama ...often magical
in appearance. “Rooftops” was taken
in China, and I couldn’t avoid becoming
spellbound as the mist settled on the rooftops
of the market stalls near the Yangtze River. ggoldenimages.com
WIPI PhotoProfile

Centreville, Virginia, USA
Whether “capturing fireflies in a bottle”—how
Ivy Bigbee describes photographing global entity,
Cirque du Soleil for “Portraits from the
Cirque du Soleil” (1999-2000)—or
in revealing how a US postage stamp she created
memorializes the husband she lost in Vietnam,
Bigbee ‘s fine art/ editorial photography
is internationally published and nationally
exhibited. Highlights of the Miami, FL native’s
career include the critically-acclaimed commission,
“Faith’s Foundations: Images of
Religious Diversity”: an award-winning,
b/w architectural series installed in City Hall,
Jacksonville, FL. Harnessing her Summa cum laude
BA degree with analog darkroom concentration,
Bigbee combines poetry with photography in Optical
Allusions: an Art Photographer’s Poems.
WIPI PhotoProfile

to Nowhere, 2009
Joan E. Bowers
Seattle, Washington, USA
grew up in Pennsylvania in an area where the
land was subjected to degradation through the
pursuit of coal. For the past decade, I have
been searching for and photographing landscapes,
waterscapes and various aspects of Northwest
geography in an effort to discover scenes that
I find soothing and supportive of a momentary
and meditative respite from daily life. It is
my hope that viewers of my work find this same
opportunity for respite, however brief. irongatephotography.net
Hilo, 2011
Kathleen T. Carr
Honaunau, Hawaii
Kathleen T. Carr is a professional and fine
art photographer, teacher, author, and a former
Polaroid Creative Uses Consultant. She received
a B.F.A. (cum laude) in Photography from Ohio
University, and then studied extensively with
Minor White and worked for Aperture. Her work
has been exhibited internationally and has appeared
in numerous books and periodicals, including
her books, Polaroid Transfers, Polaroid Manipulations
(Amphoto Books), and To Honor the Earth (HarperSanFrancisco).
She was a staff photographer at the Findhorn
Foundation, Scotland, and Esalen Institute,
Big Sur, CA during the ‘70s and ‘80s,
and a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship
recipient in 1991. She resides in the Captain
Cook area of Hawaii. kathleencarr.com
The Mutable Sea series
Lee Anne White
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
known for her landscapes, Lee Anne White recently
turned her eye to the sea—capturing viewers’
imaginations with her painterly and contemplative
style. She also explores both natural and architectural
subjects in black and white. Lee Anne has photographed
more than 70 magazine features and is a principal
contributor to nearly 20 books, including 7
of her own titles. Her work has been featured
in solo and group exhibitions and she has taught
at the Maine Media Workshops. She has a master’s
degree in creative studies and an undergraduate
degree in journalism and commercial art. leeannewhite.com
WIPI PhotoProfile

Pond #4, 2011
Los Gatos, California, USA
Garth is a photographic artist and environmentalist
living in Northern California. Her artworks
probe the nature of place and the complex ecological
and societal issues present and observable in
the landscape of the American West. Her work
has been honored with twenty-two international
photography awards since 2011, including ‘Photographer
of the Year 2011’ by the Worldwide Photography
Gala Awards, the prestigious Salon Prize in
London, and several 1st place honors from The
International Photography Awards Competition
(Lucie Awards). Garth describes her work as
‘visual poetry’. margueritegarth.com
WIPI PhotoProfile

at Dawn, 2012
Travel to Myanmar - Inle Lake
Merrie Asimow
Menlo Park, California, USA
in exotic travel compelled Merrie Asimow to visit
Inle Lake in Myanmar and
photograph the unique leg-rowing fisherman at
dawn. Yet Merrie is best known for photos of horses
in nature. Her “White Horses of the Camargue”
series along with a book of the same name won
several awards and are on display in a local gallery.
She has participated in group and solo exhibitions,
been interviewed by magazines, and won numerous
awards for her travel photography. Now Merrie
is adding another level to her work as she turns
her creative imagination to surrealism in photography.
WIPI PhotoProfile |
Operated, Static series, 2013
Rebecca Joyce
Los Angeles, California, USA
I'm a mostly self-taught fine art photographer.
I work primarily in black and white, both digitally
and on film. Although I studied psychology and
sociology, I worked through college at photo
developing and printing labs. For me, the photographic
process isn't complete until it is on paper.
My work is a combination of street photography,
urban landscape, and visual storytelling. My
current project, Static, has been well- received
and the first in a series of books has been
published and is available at the Burgundy Room
Gallery in Hollywood.

in Motion, 2011
Rosa Isabel Vázquez
Madrid, Spain
Rosa Isabel Vázquez studies
a professional photography course, and received
an International Master Degree (2002-2003). Her
early works were developed in both the professional
and artistic fields but later in time her signature
work becomes her main focus. Her images have
been credited with more than 50 prizes and awards
in international competitions such as the IPA?s
Tenth Annual Competition (USA), Pollux Awards
of the International Gala Awards (UK), Best Nature
Photography (USA), Women In Photograrphy International
It's Magical, (USA), International Color Awards
(USA), Glanzlichter (Germany), Asferico International
Nature Photography Competition (Italy), Premio
Combat Prize (Italy), GDT European Wildlife Photographer
of the Year (Germany), International Loupe Awards
(Australia), Creative Asia Photography Awards
2012 (China), Narava (Slovenia), and spanish awards
(8 National Professional Photography Awards),
among others. She co-authors the educational book
"Foto a Foto 04" (Photo by Photo 04)
from the Foto Ruta collection

M., 2013
Wendi Schneider
Denver, Colorado, USA
Wendi Schneider’s sensual photographs
are often recognized for their focus on detail,
grace of composition and delicate balance between
the real and the imagined. She began photographing
in 1983. Her images are inspired by a background
in painting and art history and the lush beauty
of her southern heritage. A major contributor
to the original Victoria magazine, she is also
known for her hand-painted flower images, nearly
100 book cover photographs, and for designing,
photographing and producing the recreation of
the 1901 Picayune’s Creole Cook Book.
She is passionately engaged in wildlife, nature
and figurative photography and pigment printing
with gold and silver leaf and metallic substrates,
incorporating fundraising for education and
conservancy organizations. Her photographs have
been exhibited internationally and are included
in collections around the world. They can be
viewed by appointment in Denver and upon request
at A Gallery for Fine Photography in New Orleans.
WIPI PhotoProfile
would like to thank our juror Daniel Miller, DUNCAN
All images/and or content on the Women In Photography
International website
COPYRIGHT the photographer of the image
and not to be used in any manner without persmission
of the owner.
2008-2012 Exhibitions
- Oct - It's Magical, images of Sunrise, Sunsets &
- May- Annual Juried Exhibition
& Color 2011
A Decade
of Images 2000-2010
2009 Juried Competition
Juried Competition Family Gatherings - Landscapes-Self-Portraits
Juried competition winners
EXHIBITIONS starting 1985
In Photography International, a 501.c.3
organization founded in 1981, is the #1 resource
center for women photographers worldwide. WIPI
brings visibility to women working in the photographic
arts to curators, educators, researchers, gallery
owners and the photographic community.
The WomenInPhotography.org website
provides Juried Competitions, Member PhotoProfiles,
Feature stories, Hire-a-WIPI-PRO,
and the Peter E. Palmquist bibliography of over
23,000 women photographers. WIPI
Home of the renowned Distinguished
Photographer’s Award, first presented
to Eve Arnold in 1981. The Award has been presented
to outstanding photographers including, Ruth
Bernhard, 1984, Judy Dater, 1985, Marion Post
Wolcott, 1986, Linda McCartney, 1987, Mary Ellen
Mark, 1988, Ruth Orkin, 1989, Joyce Tenneson,
1990, Berenice Abbott, 1991, Grace Robertson,
1992, Annie Leibovitz, 2003, Sylvia Plachy,
2004 and Carrie Mae Weems, 2005. The Top
100 female Photographers List was completed
August 31, 2008.