Notes: Looking Back, starting 1981-2016
the 80s photography consisted of the classic 35mm SLR cameras, i.e., Nikon,
Leica, Hasselblad, Pentax cameras and Polaroid SX70, and for many, required
technical skills, knowledge of light, film types, lenses, high end strobes
and lab print development.
In 1981 -
Mary McNally -
the first WIP president! Women
in Photography represented a grassroots gathering of women to share and
learn from each other. Transparency slideshows were presented on Kodak
carousel equipment for screen projection.
1980-81 - The first WIP Members Exhibition
at the Cityscape Photo Gallery in Pasadena, CA, July-August, 1981.
Carrie Mae Weems exhibited Family Pictures and Stories.
1981 - Created and obtained non-profit 501.c.3 status handled
by Thea Litsios - October 1981. After Mary McNally, founding member and
president, various presidential changes thru 1992. Board of Directors,
Glenna Avila, Alexandra Milovanovich, Sylvia White. McNally presided over
WIP for the first year and it changed presidencies throughout the 80s-90s.
created (presented to living photographers). Established to
give recognition to an artist who has contributed significantly to the
world of photography. Past 80s recipients include: Eve Arnold 1983
(1st award), Ruth Bernhard 1984, Judy Dater 1985, Ruth Orkin 1986, Linda
McCartney 1987 and Mary Ellen Mark 1988.
1985-1987 - WIP
80s programs included: juried competitions, member "show
and tell" gatherings, Evening with... (guest female photographer),
along with lectures and small member gatherings. During that period there
were two (2) photography catalogs and juried exhibitions:
Women Photographers in America, juried 1985 catalog
(The Woman’s Building and LA Center of Photography)
Women Photographers in America, 1987 catalog,
juried exhibition, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Aug. 11-Sept 13,
1987. (’87 catalog included in archive binder)
Late 1986 - 1987 - production of f2 Quarterly printed
Newsletter profiling photographers, events, competitions and call for
entries was created and produced, starting in 1987, intermittently published
until 1992 with Editor Bobbi Mapstone under the guidance of new Director
Nancy Clendaniel. Linda McCartney was chosen as the Distinguished Photographer
of 1987.
Spring 1988 - Long Beach, CA, Photo
West - Paris Photo Lab booth Nancy Clendaniel, Director while promoting
WIP, met Jean Ferro, PhotoArtist, signing autographs for her feature layout
in ZOOM Magazine. Jean joined WIPI Advisory Board and collaborated on
WIPI's projects with Clendaniel.
- TV show - 3 part series - Photography
Today - Cablevision
WIP Los Angeles - created and hosted by Nancy Clendaniel
#1 - Photography in Los Angeles, Dec 4, 1989 Guests:
Jean Ferro, PhotoArtist & Steve Wilzbach, Fine Art & Documentary
#2 - Photojournalism, Jan 10, 1990 Guest: Michael Jacobs,
#3 - The Business of Photography, Feb 14, 1990 Guest:
Maria Piscopo, Marketing & Promotions Expert
segments, filmed in color at Continental Cablevision studio facilities,
Hollywood, CA
1989 - 1992 - (2) International Exhibitions
1989 WIP International exhibition in
Stockholm, England and Italy with special Behind the Lens lecture
series, a selection of exhibitors, published in ZOOM Magazine 1989, juried
by Val Williams and curated by Linda Bellon Fisher.
- Women in Photography Celebrates Freedom
(see below-Winter 1992)
Distinguished Photographer
Award - the selected photographer received
a selection of ten member prints contained in a leather bound Brewer Cantelmo
portfolio case. - Distinguished Photographer Profiles documented in the
f2 newsletters. Joyce Tenneson, 1990, Berenice Abbott, 1991 and Grace
Robertson, 1992.
1992 - WIP Celebrates Freedom (48 photographers/50 images)
Los Angeles Photography Center/small b/w images published in the
winter 1992 f2 Quarterly, Women in Photography International Special edition
WIP Celebrates Freedom opened in Stockholm. Organization name change
from WIP to Women in Photography International 1992/1993. Website remained
In 1992 - Director Nancy Clendaniel moved
to Seattle and the organization lay dormant
(zzzZzz) until 1999.
Winter 1992 - Special Edition of f2, Judy
Dater Profile
by Nancy Clendaniel -
After a year of discussion and observations among the WIPI Board, Advisory
Board, founding members, f2Editor and myself, it seems that WIPI is another
outdated organization that needs to be redesigned or disbanded. Many women
have progressed so well in their field of photography that there is no
longer a need for the “umbrella” that WIPI has always offered.
We find, as our membership dwindles, that women are turning to the needs
of one, family and survival, rather than to group efforts.
is with this realization that Women in Photography, its Board of Directors,
Advisory Board and Executive Director, plan to close the doors of the
organization. The closing of the WIP CELEBRATES FREEDOM exhibit at the
Los Angeles Photography Center marks our last major WIP effort. -
Published in ZOOM Magazine, presentation of WIPI 1992.
1994 Organization
terminated name Women in Photography, Inc. to become Women in Photography
International and remained the same non-profit status 501.c.3.
Adopting the Wwomen in Photography as an educational website starting
in 1999 http://www.womeninphotographhy.org, .com, .net, WIPI.org
1997-1999 -
new developments - changes
Ferro and Clendaniel (both originally from Philadelphia area) collaborated
to reestablish WIPI as an online resource. Ferro, visiting the New
York Public Library women’s photographic exhibition in October 1996,
noticed a credit by Historian Peter Palmquist, Arcata, CA whose
Women in Photography archive was drawn upon for the exhibition. Jean suggested
they find Peter, who would be an important collaborator for WIPI’s
new online launch.
1997 - Nancy
met with Peter who visited her in Renton, WA where he collected
(in part) the early materials from 1981 thru 1992 and included the early
files into his on going Women In Photography Archive. In the 1990s, both
Peter and WIP changed the name to Women in Photography International.
Quote on shirt: I
have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.
~ Jorge Luis Borges
THE DIGITAL EVOLUTION - changed the face of photography
for women's work
1999 - In
November, Clendaniel and Ferro together launched
womeninphotography.org - the online website, and invited
Historian Peter Palmquist to become an Advisory Board member and to contribute
historical features to the re-invented f2-ezine. (Archive 2, Mar 1999-Jun
2002). Peter’s first historical feature profile for the organizations
website, California's Earliest Photographer May Have been a 12 Year
Old Girl (Archive 1, Apr 2000-Jun 2000). http://www.womeninphotography.org/historical/PeterPalmquist.html
Spring 2000 - Jean Ferro became president,
advancing WIPI into the 21st Century, leading the organization to the
#1 online resource promoting visibility of women photographers worldwide
through juried competitions/exhibitions.
2001 - Palmquist
placement of
his historical
bibliography of 23,000 women photographers and A-Z publications on
WomenInPhotography.org complimented WIPI’s vibrant new adventure
and Peter’s long-standing archive.
The need for specialization on the internet spurred the growth of the
organization forward as women gathered for recognition of their work,
and WIPI was one of the first organizations to provide an online exhibition
space and feature stories of women photographers. The newly revised f2
printed newsletter became the online f2-eZine. Peter contributed his 2000
Women in Photography Millennium Project (work in progress) to the website
with the last updated version April 2, 2001. See Reference Library: http://womeninphotography.org/bookarchive/index.html
2001 - WIPI’s 20th Anniversary Production
- International
Tea Time, Images of Women, Images of Tea. Jean Ferro had enlisted
graphic designer Sharyn Keller, and together they collaborated on the
design and production of the artwork for the Tea Time poster, DVD, and
promo materials. While working on the final digital art files, tragic
9/11 gripped the country and the world. The digital files had to be delivered
on September 14th … and the difficult decision was made to compartmentalize,
put emotions aside and hyper focus to make the deadline. DISC MASTERS
noted 9/11 on the proof print below. http://womeninphotography.org/teatime/teatimeL.html
Due to 9/11 all international exhibition opportunities outside the USA
were cancelled from 2002 forward.
2001 - 20th Anniversary Exhibition - Sponsored
by the House of Photographic Arts in San Juan Capistrano, Oct 10-Dec 15,
went on as planned and the DVD/poster completed. Linda McCartney’s
b/w image “Tea Pot” was the featured image donated by the
McCartney Foundation. Sixty-three photographers and seventy-five images
were exhibited, including Linda’s daughter, Mary McCartney. Juried
by Charlotte Cotton and Joyce Wilson.
2002 - WIPI
Photo LA - In January, because of 9/11, an opportunity was
presented for WIPI to participate in photo la for the first time. A WIPI
onsite auction including work by WIPI Distinguished Photographers, Joyce
Tenneson, Ruth Bernhard, and member work was curated by member photographer
Joanne Warfield. List of WIPI exhibitions: http://womeninphotography.org/exhibits.html
2003 - Annie
Leibovitz - Distinguished Photographer Award presentation
- a collaboration with the 1st Annual Lucie Awards, Beverly Hilton Hotel,
Beverly Hills, CA. There hadn't been an award since 1992 and Annie was
the #1 choice to rekindle the WIPI Awards program because of her successful
career in commercial photography, raising the bar for women photographers
Summer 2003 first shipment of WIPI organization
archive to the Beinecke.
Photo LA - special WIPI Member print exhibitions.
- Re-sentered in 2011 (WIPI 30th Anniv) through
2015 - both print and addition of digital were onsite presentations.
Photo LA 2015 installation Put Yourself in
the Picture interactive photo mirror collage, also exhibited
at the 2nd Annual 2015 Photo Independent Fair at Raleigh Studios/LA.
2004 - Sylvia
Plachy - Distinguished Photographer Award, 2nd Annual Lucie
Awards, American Theater, NYC. Presented to Plachy by Joyce Tenneson and
Jean Ferro with a special taped congratulation from her son Adrien Brody
with accompaniment of actor Jack Black (who were filming King Kong in
2005 - Carrie
Mae Weems - WIPI special announcement - Unable to participate
in the Lucie Award program due to Carrie’s year long Italian residency,
WIPI named Weems their Distinguished Photographer without the support
of the Lucie Awards.
2006 - 25th Anniversary - print
submission, online slide show. Kodak Professional sponsored 150 limited
edition books distributed to winning photographers, jurors and museums
and universities worldwide. Strong outreach promotion, press and membership
continued. http://womeninphotography.org/Events-Exhibits/Anniversary25/exhibitors.html
2008 - “One
Hundred” - Distinguished,
Established, Emerging and Debutante categories announced.
2001 thru 2015 -
onsite and online: approximately 29 exhibitions, presenting
over 1500 hundred women photographers and their work, adding to the thousands
of women who recognized WIPI as a source of exposure. Many
wonderful articles came from Patrizia Pulga from Italy, her features covered
women from Africa and the Middle East as well as her early 2001 in depth
2011 - 30th Anniversary Exhibition -
celebrated online and onsite at photo la 2011, curated by Carol
Henry with support from Jean Ferro. With the popularity of social
media as a source, Facebook became primary event promotion along with
the website. Candace Biggerstaff curated 2012 and 2013 photo la with the
support of her daughter, photographer Callie Biggerstaff. See WIPI
homepage: http://womeninphotography.org/wipihome.html
2013 - Editta Sherman - 101 year-old NYC photographer,
"Duchess of Carnegie Hall" - named WIPI Distinguished Photographer.
Editta was so grateful for the award, and within one month of receiving
the award, died from an accidental fall. It was one of WIPI’s proudest
awards to a photographer who dedicated her life to her work. Her family
called Jean to let her know it gave her so much joy to know she was honored
by WIPI at this last juncture of her life. http://womeninphotography.org/Events-Exhibits/DistinguishedPhotog/EdittaSherman-2013/index.html
- 2015 presentation - Seventy (70) CHARTER member
profiles and
image galleries, delivery of all contributed printed materials, computer
and backup drive of website and all competition files and onsite presentation
materials to the Women in Photography International, Western Americana
Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Charter Member Gallery portfolio and biography presentation. On
binder DVD and online: http://womeninphotography.org/Events-Exhibits/YALE-WIPI-ARCHIVE/submission2-NAMES.html
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library/Yale University, Western Americana
Collection - June 24, 2015 transferal of final archive files - all printed
materials, books, DVDs, paperwork and Apple G4 iLamp computer - followed
by backup hard drive digital files in September 2015. Seventeen
boxes, total.
Great appreciation for the dedication and support of Charter Member Sharyn
Keller, 2001 thru 2016. Sharyn provided her graphic design/production
skills and assistance (long days, countless hours) with competitions,
promotional materials, outreach and scanning/organization/transfer of
the WIPI digital and physical archive files in collaboration with WIPI
president, Jean Ferro.
As of 2015-2016 - all files, prints,
books, competition submissions, correspondence
files and computers associated
to the original Los Angeles based Women In Photography (WIP) and (WIPI)
1981-2016 organization are now archived in the Collection of Western Americana
at the Yale Beinecke Library. After gathering the final materials since
2014 — the
final step —
ten limited edition unique binders (each approx. 150+ pages with DVDs)
produced by Jean Ferro and Sharyn Keller were mailed to Museums &
Libraries, September 2016. It’s once again time to adjust, review,
plan and prepare for new outreach and collaborations that will best serve
and promote the visibility and education of women photographers and their
2016 -
After two years of Jean Ferro and Sharyn Keller pulling
the WIPI Archive together for transition, Grace Robertson's delightful
1954 image, Pub Outing reminds us to start dancing in celebration
of WIPI's new home at the Beinecke.
WIPI Distinguished Photographer Awardee, Grace Robertson
Grace Robertson (English, b. 1930) Robertson is a noted photojournalist.
Knowing that few women in the 1950's held a career in photojournalism,
Robertson found it necessary to work under the pseudonym Dick Muir. In
1950, Robertson was hired at The Picture Post, where she spent the majority
of her career photographing post-war Britain. One of Robertson's most
notable assignments was to photograph the Battersea Women's Pub outing.
Grace followed the women as they sipped beer, danced in a conga line,
and rode roller coasters.
Robertson is married to fellow photojournalist Thurston Hopkins with whom
she lives outside of London. She currently writes and gives lectures on
the role of women in photography. In 1999, Robertson was awarded the Order
of the British Empire, one of the country's highest honors. Represented
in Los Angeles by Peter Fetterman Gallery.
WIPI HISTORY: http://womeninphotography.org/wipihistory.html