September 8th
to ALL photographers!
part of WIPI'S long list of luminaries and success stories about
women photographers from around the world who have graced the pages
of our historical archive.
WIPI's archive is an important research archive showcasing
women's work reaching thousands of visitors worldwide from all areas
of photography, including curators, gallery owners, researchers,
writers, photographers and the public at large. The WIPI showcase
provides documentation and access to the history of women photographer's
WIPI decided to do something different. We all have those wonderful
images that are unique BLURRY,
OUT OF FOCUS or images that have MOVEMENT either
intentionally creative
or accidentally a great shot! Often they are very interesting and
capture the moment in unexpected ways or a planned vision.
to submit?
Image must contain at least 25-100%
"out of focus" or blurry image. OR PUT
another way, up to 75% or less of your image "in focus."
Submit any digital camera, cell phone, tablet,
scanned film, mixed media, b/w or color JPEG image. (no mail submissions)
Five (5) categories to choose from
or submit in any or all categories.
People (all ages, individuals or groups)
Abstract (manipulated or abstract visual design)
Animals (all pets including fish, birds, mice..whatever)
Objects (tea cups to pencils, pretty broad!)
Scenic ( landscapes, oceans, can include houses,buildings)
Choose images that reflect your artistic or commercial work. No
date restriction. Choose your most classic or new work! Previous
winners in any WIPI competition, please submit new images.
JUROR CHOICE For each category, 1st place and Juror Recognition
images will be included in the gallery presentation.
5 Categories: People (any age), Abstract, Animals, Objects
and Scenic (can include buildings, landscapes, etc.)
- September 8th - sorry, no extensions
Members &
Non-Members thru Sunday, Septermber 8th (11:59pm
- midnight-Los Angeles PDT)
(WIPI does two fund raising competitions a year)
to Winners Oct. 1st
PRESENTATION online uploaded Oct. 16th
WIPI welcomes ALL images: B/W, or Color taken with any type of film
or digital camera, including mixed media images, alternative or
manipulated, scanned film or scanned prints, cell phone, tablet
and submitted as a JPEG file. All images are submitted to jurors
as number only, no titles or visible names are viewed...It's all
about the image!
(see sample)
Minimum 2 image submission.
All photographers 18 years of age or older welcome.
*popular question.. what to submit?
If you are interested in having a gallery owner, editor or curator
take notice of your work, submit images from a series or body of
work that reflects a specific style, otherwise, just go for it and
submit your best image/s.
Images MUST BE saved as 8 bit JPEG's at "high" quality
* Images must be 72 -100 dpi
* Images cannot exceed 10 inches (approx) or 1000 pixels
at their widest point (horizontal, vertical or square)
* Files must be RGB Color or Black & White Grayscale
image JPG files.
* Files must be titled with your last name, the image number,
and category of the photograph. Both title and image attachment
must be the same.
We will request titles for the exhibition
after JUROR choice.
terms and conditions
In Photography International, a 501.c.3 organization founded in 1981,
is the #1 resource center for women photographers worldwide. WIPI brings visibility
to women working in the photographic arts to curators, educators, researchers,
gallery owners and the photographic community.
The WomenInPhotography.org website provides
Juried Competitions, Member PhotoProfile's, Feature stories,
Spotlight and the
Peter E. Palmquist bibliography of over 23,000 women photographers. WIPI
Home of the renowned Distinguished
Photographer’s Award, first presented to Eve Arnold in 1981. The Award
has been presented to outstanding photographers including, Ruth Bernhard, 1984,
Judy Dater, 1985, Marion Post Wolcott, 1986, Linda McCartney, 1987, Mary Ellen
Mark, 1988, Ruth Orkin, 1989, Joyce Tenneson, 1990, Berenice Abbott, 1991, Grace
Robertson, 1992, Annie Leibovitz, 2003, Sylvia Plachy, 2004 and Carrie Mae Weems,
2005. The Top 100
female Photographers List was completed August 31, 2008.