A Glorious Day, Mt. McKinley, Alaska
Struggle: Meiser sculpture combining flag & eagle images
We All Need A Little Space, Canada

Library Story Time: A reading of my environmental story, Vista, CA

Dances With Whales
Baze, winning her 2000th race,
Over Boys - Vicky Baze gets in the win picture.

Puppy Love

Symbiotic Relationship

Praying Mantis in (Bird of) Paradise
MEISER Since arriving in the USA from Scotland
as a new bride in the early sixties, I’ve visited and lived in numerous
places throughout the US and Europe, sometimes by choice, but more often by the
random selection of assignments in my husband's career - first in the U.S Navy
- then as an aerospace employee. Fortunately (maybe unfortunately for
some folks) I love talking with people and frequently found myself with new people
in new settings, which made my foray into photojournalism a natural extension
of my life. And in a real twist of fate, I’ve even been on a photo assignment
aboard a military ship for several weeks at sea while my sailor spouse remained
ashore on temporary assignment. And now with time and opportunity, we’ve
traveled in our motorhome up and down and across America and Canada, even reaching
“The Top of the World” on our way to Chicken, Alaska and throughout
the delightfully colorful Canadian Maritime Provinces
Wherever I am, I like to have a camera nearby. Sometime it’s a photographer's
paradise – others places are less obviously photogenic, but photography
is more than snapping pretty pictures. It's about looking and seeing, experiencing
a taste of the world around you.
Initially, I took photos to accompany
my articles and later began participating in exhibits. With the advent of digital
equipment and software such as Photoshop, the sky – and your imagination
– are your only limits.
For example, using Photoshop, I incorporated
two of my photographs – an American flag and an Alaskan Bald Eagle, into
one 6 ft canvas image entitled “Freedom’s Messenger” for a “Kites
Over Vista” banner which hung on a lamppost in downtown Vista, CA. The movements
from the flag’s stars and stripes are replicated in the movements of the
Eagle’s wings and in the red & white stripes it carries in its’
this image, I created the design for my sculpture “Freedom’s
Struggle” (now on permanent display in Vista, CA) as a tribute
to our military and veterans. The streetlamp is an integral part
of the sculpture. The April 7, 2014 edition.San Diego Union Tribune
published the article “Military Tribute to Become Permanent
“ and a photo http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2014/apr/07/freedomsstruggles-militarytribute-kitesovervista
chance meeting with a Gifted and Talented elementary school teacher opened a new
avenue in my life. She invited me to talk with her students about photography.
I felt that the children needed a hands-on experience, not just someone
to show them pictures and talk about their photos. Thus
was the beginning of Through Children’s Eyes, Inc. a nonprofit (501) (c)
(3) organization using photography as an educational tool. It was incorporated
in 1984 with donations of equipment and supplies from the photographic industry
including Vivitar, Nikon & Fuji.
Photographers - both amateur and professional - from a college
student to newspaper reporter - to WIPI members (including current
President and Photo Artist, Jean Ferro who conducted a program
with children at the Los Angeles. CA Children’s Museum,
and Past President Nancy Clendaniel in Seattle, WA on a ferry-board
ride with a boatload of eager youngster) volunteer their skills
to help instruct and develop children’s visual awareness
and communication skills.
children's images, from the US, Russia, and Indonesia, have been exhibited in
numerous locations, from local libraries, photography centers, children's museums,
and the United Nations in NYC.
In March 2000 we held our first Internet-based
programs and online Photo Gallery exhibits in cooperation with YMCA children’s
programs in Atlanta, GA, Boston, MA and St. Paul, MN. An
exhibit of a recent program, “A Hunt For Public Art In Downtown Vista”
is at the Vista Civic Center (open through May 15, 2015 at Vista's City Hall).
During a reception for their exhibit, the children were introduced to City Council
members while their proud parents and family watched. The children then presented
a copy of their book “What I Saw and Learned on a Photographic Hunt For
Public Art in Downtown Vista” to the City Council. Local
news coverage included the San Diego Union Tribute’s publication of a group
photo and an online slide show and article “Cameras On the Go” by
The Vista Press. A copy of the book, which includes my documentation photos, the
children’s Artist’s Statements, and recognition to the sponsors, is
included in the WIPI/Yale Archival project. Recent Program: http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2015/apr/27/vista-arts-academy-kids-city-hall-photo-exhibit
the years, a lot has happened, yet in some ways, nothing has changed. Here, in
2015, I still find ways to fit in everything in that means a lot to me –
the Through Children’s Eyes program, my photography and art projects, my
writing, the environmental and tobacco education programs - and of course, the
comradeship with other WIPI members and their encouragement, which keeps us all
Affiliated Organizations: Through
Children’s Eyes, Inc. Founder/Director 1982 - Present www.ThroughChildrensEyes.org
<http://www.ThroughChildrensEyes.org> A four-minute youtube documentary
on the Through Children’s Eyes program was created and narrated by Jenna
Holmes, a very talented HS senior who went on to study film in college. Jenna
has many great youtube projects to her credit. See documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWjXIyh0jhk
Art Foundation
Founding member & Past Director of VAF’s
Young Artists Gallery
Published Works - Productions - Photography
Exhibitions PUBLISHED
Photographer/Writer /Contributor for books, magazines and
newspapers articles and published photography including: Editor &
photo documentarian for Photo-Book by Through Children’s Eyes participants “What
I Saw & Learned on a Hunt For Public Art in Downtown Vista”. "Women
& Work”, Maureen R Michelson NewSage Press 1986 Contributing photographer
credits. (Two editions) Book “Playing Smart" by LA Times Reporter
Susan K Perry. Contributing chapter credits on conducting photography activities
with gifted children. Magazines, & Newspapers (print & on-line) photos
and/or writing 92081 Zip Code Magazine Feb 27 & 28, 2015 “Five North
County Mayors Give Thumbs Up” & “JC Wynn Vista’s Person
of the Year”. Alta Vista Botanical Gardens (photojournalism) Photography
& story-time at annual community Earth Day Celebrations and Fall Festivals,
including photo-ops with VHS Key Club volunteers and “Roxy the Recycling
Robin from my children’ environmental story & one-act play “Roxy
the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of the Missing Trees” Photo LA WIPI
booth photo of Voice of America Interviewing a WIPI member. Vista Chamber of
Commerce (2 cover photos & inside photos) Vista Parks & Rec. Quarterly
Magazine Cover photo Vista Village Center 10th Anniversary Celebration (photojournalism) City
of Vista photography and public art pieces (on line images & juried shows)
City of Vista photography and public art pieces (on line images & juried
shows: Digital Photography Winifred Meiser "Freedom's Messenger"
Shutterbug Magazine (photos for their article on Through Children’s
Eyes program and Winifred Meiser) Gambling Times (photojournalism) Photographer
for 8/1986 article on Thoroughbred horseracing Gifted Children Monthly
(education photos & Article Peterson’s Photographic photos for article
on Through Children’s Eyes Stars & Stripes - European edition –
(photojournalism) Photos and article Off Duty Magazine Europe Photos and articles Winline
monthly columnist for Naples, Italy military families (Journalism) Newspapers:
Photos published in periodicals including: Los Angeles Times, Daily News, San
Diego Union Tribune, The Vista Press, and Zipcode magazine 92081.
Creator/Producer: Environmental Film Festival & DVD, Dove library Auditorium
Co-Producer: Earth Day Celebrations, Vista Townsite Community Center Producer:
Earth Day Celebrations, Carlsbad Dove library Courtyard & Auditorium Executive
Producer/Script Writer, TCE Pubic Service Ads featuring Steve Allen Executive
Producer/Author: of “Roxy the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of the Missing
Trees” a children’s one-act play Premiere Civic Arts Plaza, Thousand
Oaks, CA Received Gold Award Outstanding Achievement in Recycling Education
1996) Co-Producer. ASI Photographic Seminar TCE fund-raiser LA Convention Center Co-Producer
ASI Photographic Seminar TCE fundraiser Ambassador Hotel LA.
(Photography & Civic Recognition) Photography Awards City
of Vista Juried Shows “The Road Home” Honorable Mention Kites Over
Vista Banner digital image "Freedom's Messenger" Vista Art Foundation
Juried Exhibit 1st Place “Hummingbird Refueling Station City of ‘Vista
Juried Exhibit Honorable Mention “The Road Home” CA Environmental
Art 2nd place LA County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO: Honorable Mention The
Millennium Project international Honorable Mention
Civic Recognition
USMC Camp Pendleton CO Commanding General Volunteer Appreciation 2012 USMC
Camp Pendleton MCI West CO Certificate of Appreciation 2012 CA Department of
Conservation Award for Recycling Awareness Program 2006 City of Vista (Vista
in Bloom) Mural art project 2004 City of Vista Townsite Community Partnership
Outstanding Service Award 2002 -2003 City of Vista Proclamation Co-Founder
First Vista Earth Day Celebration 2003 City of Thousand Oaks, Gold Award Outstanding
Achievement in Recycling Ed. 1996 Ventura County Public Health Outstanding
Achievement in Tobacco Ed. 1993 United Nations Youth Forum on Environment:
Letter of Commendation San Fernando Valley Arts Council Certificate of Appreciation
1991 City of Los Angeles Mayor Bradley Commendation for Public Services 1986 American
Business Women’s Association SFV Chapter Woman of the Year 1986 Congresswoman
Bobbi Fiedler, Letter of Commendation 1985
Exhibitions &
Photographic Art Installations: 2001 - 2015
City of Vista, CA
Public Art Permanent installation 2014: “Freedom’s Struggle”
San Diego Union Tribune April 7, 2014: Military tribute to become permanent.
Article by Linda McIntosh City of Vista, CA Public Art Permanent installation
“The American Flag & CA Poppies” I used my photographs of the
US Flag & California Poppies were used to design the mural.°©°©°© San
Diego Union Tribune reporter Jennifer Kabbany interviewed artists for article
July 12, 2004 titled: ”Vista utility boxes to get fresh look”.
City of Vista Public Art a Kites Over Vista Banner “Freedom’s
Messenger” 2008 Digitally combined images printed on large canvas and
displayed downtown Vista on streetlight at Main St. and Indiana for one year.
Diego Regional exhibits 2001 - 2015
Civic Center, Vista, CA Photography
“Coming Home” Art Center Fallbrook, CA Photography “America
– It’s Beautiful” Library Fallbrook Photography “Remembering
911 Responders” Vista Library VAF Member Voices of Vista “ Memorial
Day” Community Center Library, Encinitas CA (Sculpture) “Ode to
Andy Worhol” Vista Art Beat/ Vista Art Foundation’ Room, “By
the Dawn’s Early Light” Vista Wellness Center “A Symbiotic
Relationship"\Dove library & Auditorium Earth Day Celebration
Exhibits1982 - 2000 The Millennium Project international online project
“Last Turning of the Night sky” PhotoShow International Los Angeles
Convention Center “My Friendship With Italy” PhotoShow International
Santa Monica Convention Center (TCE Documenting Photos) UN Youth Forum on
Environment (Environmental Ed & Nature photography exhibits Las Vegas Convention
Center Photography “Documenting Through Children’s Eyes” Civic
Arts Plaza Thousand Oaks (Sculpture project) “Recycleo the Lion” Warner
Center Gallery, San Fernando Valley Los Angeles (Photography) UCLA International
Students Association Exhibit Photography: “Highland Games”. Los
Angeles Cal Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, (Sculpture) “Pack o Lies” Los
Angeles World Trade Center (photography) “Cavacalda Sardi”
Exhibits: “Winifred Meiser” 2001 - 2015
WIPI Women In Photography International Exhibits US and UK (photography)
WIPI You & Your Camera Exhibitors photo la 2015 “Winifred
WIPI - Photo LA 2014 POSTCARDS “Freedom’s Struggle
WIPI Photo LA WIPI photo credit of “Voice of America Interviews
WIPI member”
WIPI Event on-line Juried exhibit. It's Magical 2012
Honorable Mention “Walking in A Midnight Rainbow”
WIPI Event photo la 2011 WIPI 30 years! “Freedom’s
WIPI Event Commemorating Inauguration Day U S Jan 20 2009
“A Front Row Seat At History” a series by Winifred
Meiser. 1.“Walking the Walk” 2. "Dancing with
the Stars & Stripes" 3. "Mr. President, Say Cheese"
WIPI Archives Gallery Two: Member Profile & Portfolio Winifred
Meiser Oct 2000
- JULY 2015 - MARCH 2016
it has been a busy time this past year, with exhibits & travel,
and exciting photo opportunities, including photographing a jet
fighter’s in-flight refueling from a US Military Refueling
Tanker. There was nice local media coverage for two projects close
to my heart - the Through Children’s Eyes photography program,
and my Playtime With A Purpose Environmental Edu-tainment Program
Also, an interview with 92081 magazine.com was published in their
November/December, 2015 edition,. I was invited to participate
as “Principal For A Day” in the Vista USD annual event.
A great adventure and unique learning experience for eighteen
of us “principals”, detailed in the December 4, 2015
online article in The Vista Press. All this, plus community recognition
of my patriotic sculpture “Freedom’s Struggle”,
inspires me to keep on “keeping on” with my photography,
art and environmental activities.
January 2016: My sculpture “Freedom’s Struggle”
is designated for placement next to the new Memorial Wall in Vista,
CA. The sculpture, like the Memorial Wall itself, was created
in tribute to our military and veterans, past, present, and future,
to thank them for their service and sacrifices that keep us free.
In May 2016, “Freedom’s Struggle” will be installed
on Rotary Lane, in cooperation with the Hi Noon Rotary Club, the
Vista Art Foundation, and the City of Vista. A formal dedication
ceremony will include the screening of a short (10 minute) documentary
by Vista High School students conducting interviews with their
peers and community members on the design and meaning of the sculpture,
and the traditions of the American flag. Quotes from a variety
of local residents will be narrated by Francine Filsinger, President
of San Diego Filmmakers.org.
This is my third patriotic-themed art piece to be accepted for
public display in Vista.
The first, “The US Flag & California Poppies”
was one of the first “Vista in Bloom” utility box
murals, the second piece was “Free Flight”, a six
foot. photographic image on canvas banner, displayed for a year
on a streetlight on Main St. in Vista.
Originally displayed as one of the “Kites Over Vista”
public art series, “Freedom’s Struggle’s design
combines my digital images of an Alaskan Bald Eagle and a US flag.
The flag, which I photographed in Vista, was originally flown
over the US Capital Building in Washington, DC on a 4th of July,
and later presented to a military member in recognition of service.
Using Photoshop I combined the image of the flag’s movements
with the eagle so that its’ body and wings carry the stars
representing the United States. The eagle’s beak holds a
ribbon of red and white stripes that represent the thirteen original
states. The stripes - tapering down into kite strings becoming
entangled/untangled? around the lamppost - represent democracy’s
never-ending struggles to remain free.
The stars and stripes were painted on the sculpture’s eagle
from enlarged details of the merged images.
I look forward to creating additional digital works, in a variety
of mediums and materials incorporating the exciting technology
of full-color 3D printing.
2016 – 2021 Overall Goals:
Create several other public works of art, including large-scale
sculptures, using full-color 3D printing. Expand the reach of
both the Through Children’s Eyes program and the environmental
educational goals of the Playtime With A Purpose program
2016 - 2021: Through Children’s Eyes Program Projects
and goal.
• The Camera as an educational tool for literacy: Alphabetical
photos into words series.
• Through Children’s Eyes – A 35-year Respective:
Photographic Exhibition & Photo-Book Series, including images
from the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.
• This nonprofit organization will operate worldwide under
the guidance of an international educational/children’s
2016 – 2021 Playtime with Purpose Environmental Edu-tainment
Program Goals:
• International Performances of the musical “Roxy
the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of the Missing Trees”
– both stage play and animated film version, for children
of all ages.
• Activities conducted with inter-generational groups.
• The play, with it’s’ simple message and short
lines serves as both an environmental and children’s literacy
educational tool environmental.
• Roxy is the children’s environmental spokeswoman
for a worldwide audience.
Winifred Meiser Photography & Artworks: Activities, Exhibitions
and Events:
Photography & Mixed Media Art Exhibits
Fallbrook Art Center, Fallbrook, CA
July 1 – July - August 30, 2015
“Saluting Our Wounded Warriors and Veterans” (Photography)
August, 2015 Photography trip in CA, Washington State & Hawaii,
Scotland & England
September 2015 Alley Art Festival Vista, CA Sculptures from Recycled
“Ode to Andy Warhol”. A series of circular, crushed,
recycled aluminum cans.
“Pack O Lies”. Recycled plywood, carpet role core,
and cedar wood shavings & text.
“Snoopy Welcomes Robotic-man”. Recycled steel, aluminum,
computer parts & recycled plastic wood.
Photos published in “The Vista Press” online and SD
Union Tribune for Vista Chamber of Commerce, Vista Unified School
District, Vista Art Foundation, & Alta Vista Botanical Gardens.
March 12, Photographer for Chamber event: Women Who Will: The
Power & Purpose of Phenomenal Women: Stories that Inspire,
Educate & Elevate!
Through Children’s Eyes, Inc. Winifred Meiser, Founder/Director
Nonprofit Organization Program using photography as an educational
Jan. - Oct 2015 Through Children’s Eyes Program & Photo
Book exhibit series:
“A Photographic Hunt for Public Art in Downtown Vista”
by students at Vista Academy of Visual & Performing Arts Elementary
2015 Exhibit & Photo-Book Presentation dates & locations:
January 2015: VAVPA School/Vista Public Library: Exhibits
March - May 2015 Vista Civic Center Gallery Exhibit/book presentation
July – Sept. 2015 Vista Historical Society Exhibit/book
October 10, 2015 Alta Vista Botanical Gardens Display of nature
October 19, 2015 Vista USD Festival of Arts Photo-Book display
Online Articles on Through Children's Eyes 2015 program activities
The Vista Press: “Cameras On The Go Academy of Visual and
Performing Arts” November 10, 2014, and The Vista Press:
Vista Art “Through Children’s Eyes” April 16,
92081magazine.com’s April/May, 2015 edition “Local
students gain civic pride and inspiration through photography
2016 Through Children’s Eyes Program Schedule
April 9, 2016 Alta Vista Gardens Earth Day event exhibit of Nature
Playtime With A Purpose Program Environmental Edu-tainment
April 9, 2016 Alta Vista Gardens Earth Day event environmental
May 15, 2016: Playtime With A Purpose Program Environmental
Eco-Fest: Kids’ Planet Pavilion. Activities include my Playtime
with a Purpose Program’s Environmental Edu-tainment program,
including vignettes from the play “Roxy the Recycling Robin
and the Mystery of the Missing Trees”.
Women In Photography International Board and Charter Member
2016 & 2017: Photography, Photojournalism, Artwork, Activities,
Exhibitions and Events
April 22, 2016. I was honored to have my sculpture "Freedom's
Struggle" moved to Rotary Lane, and placed near the Memorial
Wall, by request of the Rotary Club and the City of Vista. Both
pieces were created with the same tribute in mind, "To honor
all who serve – past, present, and future.
September 11, 2016 Brandon Gallery, Fallbrook, CA. "Remembering
911" exhibit. Theme depicting scenes of shared experiences,
survival, and gallantry. Received Merit Award for my photo of a
911 NYFD First Responder visitor to Fallbrook being thanked by patriotic
couple. (Sept 20, 2016 The Vista Press Article/photos "Local
Photographer Wins Award – "Remembering 911")
Community photojournalism projects:
Throughout my life, I've photographed a wide range of worthwhile
community activities, particularly those that involve students from
K though 12 grade. I'm always impressed by these young people's
dedication - whatever the activity- and heartened to know that there
are so many good young persons out there following in the footsteps
of the civic groups that keep their communities strong. A sampling
of events recent events include:
December 4, 2016 Vista Christmas Parade.
December 15, 2016 San Diego, CA Police Foundation Benefit by the
"Kids for Cops" students, to raise funds for higher protection
vests for police officers.
January 28, 2017, Oceanside, CA Veterans Association of North County
San Diego Vietnam Veteran's Medal-pinning ceremony
March 25, 2017 National ENCORE dance competition The energetic,
talented students (ages 5 – 17) competed in the regional competions.
April 21, 2017 Vista HS JROTC Patriotic, dedicated members with
their precise Pass & Review and Color Guard ceremony, and a
very distinguished Awards Ceremony.
Among these dates, the January 28, 2017 event stands out most in
my mind: Three generations of family, a host of their friends; the
town's mayor and community representatives; plus veterans of WW11
and all later wars- came to witness a formal military medal-pinning
ceremony – with the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross,
two Purple Hearts, and several other medals pinned on the lapel
of Vietnam veteran and hero Daniel Iman, by his Congressional Representative
Darrel Issa.
This traditional ceremony took place a little late – actually,
over forty years late, since the medals arrived in the mail while
he was still hospitalized recovering from wounds received flying
a helicopter on numerous flights under fire to rescue servicemen
from enemy territory. Recently, a retired buddy learned there had
never been a formal medals presentation and contacted his congressman;
the rest as they say, is history. The San Diego Union Tribune and
The Vista Press published articles with my photos of this occasion,
and of a variety of other community events.
Another special to me event, on April 22, 2016, was the opportunity
to photograph my sculpture "Freedom's Struggle" being
moved and reinstalled on Rotary Lane, next to the Vista Memorial
Wall. It was relocated there at the request of the Hi Noon Rotary
Club and the City of Vista. Engraved pavers, with the names of military
members - past, present, and future - will be placed around the
base of the sculpture.
Vista HS students conducted and filmed studio interviews with their
peers and community members about the sculpture and are now writing
a student narration on war, what they learned about it's impact
on both the young and adults. The short (ten min) documentary, to
be screened as part of a future student film festival, also discusses
the impetus behind the design and name of the sculpture.
2016 Through Children's Eyes Program activities in Vista:
April 9, 2016 Vista, CA. Alta Vista Gardens Earth Day event exhibit
of TCE Nature photography.
May - July 2016 Vista Historical Society exhibit of TCE photography
& photo-book "What I Saw and Learned on a Photographic
Hunt for Public Art in Downtown Vista"
Oct 15, 2016 Vista, CA VUSD Festival of the Arts, exhibit &
display of the book
2016 – 2017 Playtime With A Purpose Program Environmental
Edu-tainment Program:
April 9, 2016 Vista, CA Earth Day Alta Vista Botanic Gardens. "Roxy
the Recycling Robin" appearance and environmental activities
and storytime "Roxy the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of
the Missing Trees"
April 16, Oceanside, CA. Appearance by "Roxy the Recycling
Robin" at MiraCosta College STREAM FESTIVAL (Science, Technology,
Reading, Engineering, Arts, Math) for kids K -8th Grade.
May 15, 2016 Encinitas CA Eco-Fest. I coordinated the event's "Kids'
Planet Pavilion", activities, including "Playtime with
a Purpose" Program's Environmental Edu-tainment program, of
storytime of "Roxy the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of the
Missing Trees" and an appearance by "Roxy the Recycling
December 4, 2017: Vista, CA. Christmas Parade "Roxy the Recycling
Robin" joins VHS Character Leaders Club members riding in the
parade, encouraging families to recycle their Xmas trees and gift
April 8, 2017 Vista, CA. Earth Day Celebration, Alta Vista Botanical
Gardens. VHS Character Leaders Club members escort "Roxy the
Recycling Robin" to greet children and read the story of "Roxy
the Recycling Robin and the Mystery of the Missing Trees" in
the Children's Garden.
May 10, 2017 Escondido, CA. Sustainable Surplus Exchange. Appearance
by "Roxy the Recycling Robin" and friends to help share
info about this organization, which provides donated surplus materials
at no or low cost to teachers and qualified nonprofit organizations.
May 18 2017 Escondido, CA. Appearance by "Roxy the Recycling
Robin" and friends, at Sustainable Surplus Exchange's new headquarters
to greet and share info with attendees.
2017–2022 Goals:
1. Personal Photography/Artwork
2. Through Children's Eyes, Inc. program
3. Playtime WithA Purpose Environmental Edu-tainment
1 Personal Photography/Artwork Goals:
Exciting options await via the digital and 3D printing mediums.
I want to see where full-color 3D printing will lead me in combining
photography and art.
Creating additional "Freedom's Struggle" sculptures and
other artworks for both full-scale and reduced-scale pieces, using
resins and 3D printers - a challenge I look forward to ASAP!
2. Through Children's Eyes, Inc. Goals:
Long-term goals for the organization include: To link TCE with world-wide
educational organizations to conduct on-going TCE programs within
their communities and share the children's photography with their
peers in other nations through photo exhibit exchanges.
To promote use of public art spaces - galleries, museums, and civic
centers - to include a designated space for curated displays of
children's photography and artwork on a regular basis, and to create
a publication that lists those locations.
For example, the museum at the California Center for the Arts in
Escondido CA, and the Civic Center Gallery in Vista, CA have provided
space to exhibit children's photography and art. Also, the Vista
Art Foundation included a monthly "Young Artists' Gallery"
exhibit space in their gallery.
3 Playtime WithA Purpose Environmental Edu-tainment Program Goals:
Worldwide Recognition of Roxy, "The Children's Environmental
International Performances of the musical "Roxy the Recycling
Robin and the Mystery of the Missing Trees" – both stage
play and puppet show formats, and an animated film version, sharing
a simple environmental message for children of all ages.
Provide libraries everywhere with sponsored copies of the "Color
N Keep It" coloring book/short story to Read, Remember and
Recycle message, and to serve as an inter-generational basic environmental
and literacy educational tool.
I hope to accomplish most, perhaps all of these goals before passing
the baton of my community activities to our next generation, with
whom I have so much regard, faith in for our future.
Women In
Photography International Charter Member
Winifred Meiser
Vista, CA
for all images remains the property of exhibited photographer,
and promotional use for Women In Photography International. All
inquiries regarding use of and purchasing image use rights must
be directed to the photographer.
GALLERY & BIO complete
January 30, 2015
FILE UPDATED, 5/05/2015 included 2 books, postcard and letter
COMPLETE, 5/15/2015
bio complete
-Photographer response UPDATE -FEBRUARY 2016 - APRIL 2017
website 1999-2017
womeninphotography.org file transfer to the Beinecke.
All organization files, computer, external hard drive, printed
photographs, DVDs, books, competitions files and onsite installation
art work.
submission 5/2015
Kim-Miller, Kitchen,
Stevens, J.Stevens,
Waage |