"Like catching fireflies in a jar," notes WIPI charter
member IVY BIGBEE of Centreville, VA, when discussing the euphoria
she experienced when creating her acclaimed series, "Portraits
from the Cirque du Soleil" (featured photos above).
The Northern VA-based photographer-writer-poet encountered, then
joined vigorously-organized Women in Photography International in
"Finding WIPI led to what personally unfolded as a life-changing
decade, to date one that proved to be profoundly enriching,"
she adds. Not only does WIPI support its talent, taking full advantage
of social media, the emphasis on scholarship and career-enhancing
activities, the group promotes its members within any number of
photography sectors. I hope my work will be of interest to other
members, much as their photographs astonish me."
Having taught photography at the university where she herself studied,
harnessing her 1994 BA degree (Summa cum laude and University Honors)
with majors in photography and literature from University of North
Florida, through commissions, Bigbee became visible on professional
photography's map, making her way into news agencies and publications'
data bases even before she finished college. Returning to her Alma
mater in 1995 as an adjunct instructor for the College of Arts and
Science, Bigbee also lectured beyond academe while serving as Curator
of Art for the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, Jacksonville,
FL; the privately-held North Florida Karpeles belongs to an association
of sister-institutions founded by Santa Barbara philanthropist,
David Karpeles. During Bigbee's Karpeles years, she organized art
exhibitions of emerging and established artists, including one by
her UNF photography students, who not only installed and showed
their work in the Greek Revival, temple-like structure, but were
tasked with the responsibilities of all aspects for exhibit planning.
Bigbee's award-winning, multi-sector photography appears internationally
and is exhibited nationally across the media spectrum, from print
and Internet to broadcast media. In one setting, for example, for
"The Strange Obsession of Dr. Carl von Cosel," Bigbee's
toned and hand-colored silver gelatin prints of the criminal case
were licensed for HBO's "Autopsy 6: Secrets of the Dead"
(1999), hosted by Dr. Michael Baden, former chief medical examiner
for New York City. Additionally, Bigbee's work has included the
application of her hand-colored, silver gelatin prints for use on
Japanese pharmaceutical packaging. A related image was reproduced
on a Spanish trade book jacket of an Olivia Goldsmith novel, Parsarela
de Odios (Fashionably Late).
Having written her first poem at age six, decades later, she took
classes with UNF's Dr.William Slaughter, also a poet. Bigbee is
the author of Optical Allusions: an Art Photographer’s Poems
(Reddi-Arts Books in the House, Jacksonville, 1997). Presently,
the grant-sponsored, self-illustrated, non-fiction book, whose poems
are grouped in photography-themed chapters, is undergoing revision
for Edition Three, for the purpose of refining the color photo illustrations
by using updated imaging software, drawing on experience gained
through exhibitions, workshops and her "prolific" photography,
as described by Silvershotz editor-publisher, Clive Waring-Flood
in the lush quarterly's final analog issue spotlighting WIPI and
the work of its charter members.
Also in 1997, Bigbee was commissioned by Art Calendar magazine to
author the self-illustrated Art Calendar Monograph, Successful Slides:
Photographing Your Artwork. From 1993 to date, Bigbee's photography
and writing credits include feature stories, packages, poems and
book reviews that appear in periodicals and newspapers worldwide.
Receiving the highest awards in University of North Florida's annual
writing competition for three years in a row, Bigbee's novella,
"Aunt Chattie's Beads" and poems appear in the university's
chapbooks from 1992 to 1994. A SuperStock, Inc. <http://www.superstock.com>
<http://www.superstock.com> photographer since 1995, Bigbee’s
stock images have been commercially licensed for use in disparate
projects and commercial ventures, including, calendars, American,
French, British and Spanish book jackets, international dailies
and a variety of other print media.
Bigbee’s fine art work includes a 1995 US Postal Department
commission to create the long-awaited POW/MIA commemorative postage
stamp (200 million reproductions); her award-winning National Conference
for Community and Justice architectural photography commission and
accompanying catalog, "Faith's Foundations: Images of Religious
Diversity appeared in 1994, shown twice in solo exhibits prior to
the 26 black and white image series. The series was the first faith-based
photography to be installed in Jacksonville, Florida's newly-restored
City Hall.
A 1995 commission as documentary photographer for the UNF Honors
Program, in which Bigbee was enrolled during her undergraduate years,
produced “Gonna Fish ‘til the Day I Die: Vanishing Lifestyles
of Northeast Florida Fisherfolk,” and "Ebb Tide at American
Beach: Survival-Struggle of the First Black-Owned Seacoast Community."
Lecturing and photographing American Beach's dwindling population--due
to encroachment from all directions--and with respect to its striking,
vernacular architecture, including the "Blue Palace" and
the "Boat House." Bigbee self-funded the project for nearly
a decade, lecturing at University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School
for Communication on the cultural erosion of Amelia Island's American
Beach, specifically, the cultural decline of the formerly-black
American Beach. Additional personal work during the 1990s was the
subject of group and as one-person exhibitions. During this time,
a solo gallery show, “Recent Angels,” 1993; a tondo
(round format) series, “Fables for Our Time” comprised
a 1998 one-person exhibition with catalog featuring art historian
Dr. Debra Murphy's impressions at The Jacksonville (Florida) Museum
of Contemporary Art. Fables series' flagship image, The Vanitas
Tondo, captured Best in Show at the large and comprehensive, all
media Sewannee Valley Regional.
During the late 1980s-1990s, Bigbee accepted a commission as still
photographer for an incumbent’s mayoral campaign. An award-winning,
widely-exhibited series of candid images taken along the campaign
trail, "Campaigners" allows viewers to go behind the scenes,
a watershed time for Bigbee, who says she was "miserably shy"
prior to the job, a test that would come to prepare her for her
late nineties and early 2000s concentration on Cirque du Soleil.
Additionally during the mid-late 1990s, Bigbee compiled a more scholarly
history and photo analysis of Northeast Florida's American Beach,
documenting the natural and social erosion of the oldest continuous-existence
African-American seacoast community, with its colorful culture and
vernacular architecture, American Beach on Amelia Island, FL in
“Ebb Tide at American Beach.” Included in the series
are aerial shots of the beach community, for which the photographer
positioned herself more outside the aloft aircraft than in. Four
images from the series appeared in USA Today (The Nation, July,
In 1999 and 2000, Bigbee was granted rare, behind-scenes access
to Cirque du Soleil productions; selected works from the series
“Portraits from Cirque du Soleil” appear on magazine
covers and in feature stories (see http://womeninphotography.org/Events-Exhibits/SILVERSHOTZ/WIPI-article-2014.html).
Bigbee has published numerous packages relating to popular culture
and the arts.
Within photography’s alternative sector, Ivy Bigbee maintains
a gallery at alternativephotography.com where her work, showing
various approaches to Polaroid manipulation, has been accessible
since 2005. With portfolios including portraits of author John Updike,
musician David Bowie and poet Robert Bly, Bigbee's documentary photography
encompasses several bodies of work, including "Gonna' Fish
'Til the Day I Die: Vanishing Lifestyles of Northeast Florida Fisherfolk,
created with original fieldwork by an undergraduate UNF honors class
and led by author-civil rights activist and folklorist Stetson Kennedy.
original Polaroid manipulations by Bigbee reside in, and were subjects
of study by the Getty Conservation Institute, whose ongoing research
aims to chemically analyze and document every type of photography
in existence; the Los Angeles-area Conservation Institute’s
photograph analysis program was founded and is chaired by Dusan
Stulik, PhD, Senior Scientist. Bigbee has dubbed Stulik's ambitious
project the "Rosetta Stone of Photography.”
Ivy Bigbee's photography career has been chronicled in Time, Newsweek,
People, and nationwide daily newspapers; her selected works have
appeared in USA Today, on Jacksonville's The Florida Times-Union's
front page, Oxford American, Destinations and Florida History and
the Arts (partial list) and on HBO.
On Ivy Bigbee: what others are saying:
[Ivy Bigbee] came to us fully formed as a woman and an artist. I
don’t really think Ivy needed all that much teaching. I tried
not to block her from her own genius: Essentially, I just got out
of her way.” —William Slaughter, PhD, professor, poet,
editor, Mudlark Electronic Journal of Poetry.
[Ebb Tide at American Beach documentary] is one of her most remarkable
accomplishments—she didn’t just record images, she went
there and got to know the people, the situation and the place. The
result is an unforgettable document of a social and political issue.
— David Porter, photography professor, University of North
I believe in the power and beauty of photography and language. I
believe in the practice and philosophy of what we have agreed to
call magic, in what I must call the evocation of spirits, though
I do not know what they are, in the power of creating magical illusions,
in the visions of truth in the depths of the mind when the eyes
are closed; and I believe . . . that the borders of our mind are
ever shifting, and that many minds can flow into one another, as
it were, and create or reveal a single energy . . . and that our
memories are part of one great memory, the memory of Nature herself.
Ideas of Good and Evil, quoted in Ancient Evenings by Norman Mailer.
her photography since 1980, both in one-person and group shows,
Ivy Bigbee's WIPI participation, selected exhibitions, etc., are
listed below, first as WIPI-sponsored, then one person, and finally,
selected juried group exhibitions. While time and space do not allow
a complete list of her WIPI activities and credits, for complete
information, see search engine on Reference page at http://www.womeninphotography.org/wipihome.html
and exhibition list provided by Ivy Bigbee)
Partial list, WIPI-sponsored events and exhibitions in which Ivy
Bigbee photography, biography, etc, were featured:
2015 WIPI Photo Art installation "Put Yourself in the Picture"
Photo LA group collage
WIPI Charter Archive Beinecke; Bigbee gallery and biography(includes
printed materials)
2014, Silvershotz magazine featuare Women in Photography International;
final analog publication 2014-2015; includes photo-illustrated features
of career bio/vitae for WIPI charter members; cover image by Ivy
Bigbee from "Portraits from the Cirque du Soleil"
Ivy Bigbee photo profile, range of work and selected images.
2013 WIPI online, juried exhibitions include "Out of Focus,"
"Turning Silver" 25th Anniersary (2006), "Flowers"
For complete listing of Bigbee activity and exhibition awards within
WIPI, see home page, freefind index/sitemap.
2001 St. James Building, City Hall, Jacksonville (permanent
installation, catalog, Faith's Foundations: Images of Religious
1999 Gallery Contempo, St. Augustine, FL
1998 The Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art; Fables for Our
Time (exhibition catalog)
1996 Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum: Faith's Foundations: Images
of Religious Diversity; Jacksonville International Airport, Prime
Osborne Convention Center, Jacksonville
1994 Kirschner-Haack Fine Art, Miami Beach, Florida
Prime Osborne Convention Center, Jacksonville, Florida; Faith's
Foundations: Images of Religious Diversity (catalog)
Van Droff Gallery, Jacksonville, Florida
1993 Reddi-Arts Gallery, Jacksonville, Florida
Theatre Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida
1979 Keflavik, Iceland
Selected (Group) Juried Exhibitions
2014 Photo LA, Women in Photography International, Postcard presentation
2013 Annual Juried Competition, Women in Photography International
2012-13 “The Human Condition,” Minneapolis Photo Center,
Minneapolis (Cig Harvey), (catalog).
2010 “5 x 5 Exposed,” Torpedo Factory, Target Gallery,
Alexandria, (Kathleen Ewing) (catalog).
Alternative Photography.com 2010 Calendar, “Dawn’s Unfolding”
(June; Polaroid
2009 “Summer ’09, Children, Flowers and Trees,”
Women in Photography
International (online), HM flowers category, (Margot Shaw)
“Family Gatherings, Landscapes, Self-Portraits” (online),
(HM-Landscapes) (Sarah Leen,
Senior Photo Editor, National Geographic Magazine )
2008 “2008 Competition,” Women in Photography International,
2007 “2007 Competition,” Women in Photography International,
(Andrea Bakacs, Paul Kopeikin, Royce Blair, Tim Anderson
2006 “Turning Silver, 25th Anniversary,” Women in Photography
International, (online)
(Kim Gougenheim, Catherine Edelman/Catherine Edelman Gallery,
Joyce Tenneson, Jean Ferro, Rose, Shoshana/Rose Gallery, Andrew
Susanne Konig, Scott McKiernan, Lauri Kratochvil, Stephen Perloff
2005 “Beauty: Camera Eye of the Beholder,” Women in
Photography International,
HM (online exhibition , www.womeninphotography.org <http://www.womeninphotography.org>
<">http://www.womeninphotography.org> <http://www.womeninphotography.org>
; (Tyra Banks)
Ruth 100 B’day Ruth Bernhard Tribute, WIPI Members (online)
1998 "First Coast Regional Competition," Jacksonville,
1997 “Art and Religion: The Many Faces of Faith,” Balch
Institute for Ethnic Studies/Diocese of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
(catalog and exhibition checklist)
“National Exposure IV” (Denise Miller, Director, Museum
of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College, Chicago), A.R.C.
Gallery, Chicago
“Celestial Motifs” (John Bunker), Cummer Gallery of
Art, Jacksonville, Florida
1996 “Optical Allusions: Real or Imagined People” (Ivy
Bigbee), Karpeles
Manuscript Library Museum, Jacksonville
“Combined Talents: The Florida National X,” Museum of
Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee (catalog)
“43rd Artists’ National,” Coastal Center for the
Arts, St. Simons Island, Georgia
(Henry Flood Roberts)
1995 “Pretty Ma Ma & the King Live On!” Contemporanea,
Jacksonville, Florida
“ . . . Worth a Thousand Words,” Benham Gallery, Seattle,
(Duane Michals)
“Crosscurrents,” Jacksonville Coalition for the Visual
Arts at The Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art
“Suwannee Valley Regional '95,” Best in Show (John Bunker),
Lake City, Florida
1994 “Arts Mania,” Jacksonville, Florida
“Humor, Whimsy & Satire,” Gallery 88, Jacksonville,
1993 “Members' Juried Exhibition,” Gallery 88, Jacksonville,
“Lucky Charms,” The House Gallery, Jacksonville, Florida
“Honors Exhibition,” St. Augustine Art Association,
St. Augustine, Florida
“Sense and Sensuality,” Gallery 88, Jacksonville, Florida
“Photography and Three Dimensions,” St. Augustine Art
“Emerging Artists,” Gallery 88, Jacksonville
“Cutting Edge,” St. Augustine Art Association, St. Augustine,
“Focus on Photography,” The University of North Florida,
Jacksonville, Florida
“ Women in the Arts,” Beaches Fine Arts Guild, Jacksonville
Beach, Florida
“Sewannee Valley Regional '93,” Lake City, Florida
2014 Loupe Awards International; Bronze Award; “Dancers”
2005-2009 Women in Photography International, bi-annual exhibitions,
1997 Excellence in Photography, (sole awardee), “Art &
Religion: The Many Faces
of Faith,” Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies/Villanova University,
1996 Stock Solution’s Top Website Award
1995 Best in Show, Suwannee Valley Regional '95 (John Bunker), Lake
City, Florida;
$1,000 cash award.
1994 “Photography and Three Dimensions,” St. Augustine
Art Association
(David Royal Olson, Associate Professor of Art, University of North
1993 Gallery 88, “Emerging Artists Exhibition,” Jacksonville
(Janice Hartwell)
“Focus on Photography” (Larry Smith, photojournalist)
University of North Florida Annual Exhibition (Joan Fetchen, Executive
Director, Cultural Affairs, Lake City Community College, Lake City,
“Northeast Florida Regional Exhibition,” St. Augustine
Art Association (Nofa
Dixon, Director, Educational Activities, Jacksonville Art Museum;
Professor of Art, The University of North Florida)
Alternative Photography.com 2010 Calendar, “Dawn’s Unfolding”
Alternative Photography: Art & Artists, Edition 1, Malin Fabbri,
Lulu, 2006, photographs
“A masterful 'coming of age:' Studs Terkel defines our century
by those who
lived it” (review). Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville, November
5, 1995.
"Alegria!" (cover photograph, text, photographs). ARBUS,
Sept./Oct., 2,000.
"American Memories," Library of Congress website (photographs
and photo
restorations featured), 2000.
“And Justiss for all” (cover photograph and additional
photographs featured).
Folio Weekly, Jacksonville, Florida, July 5, 1994
“Anthem for heroes” (poetry). Commission, Success Guide,
Fall, 1994,
Jacksonville, Florida.
“Aunt Chattie's Beads” (short fiction). University of
North Florida Writing
Competition Winners, 1993.
“Beach Lady of American Beach” (post card reproduction),
“Between Engagements” (cover photograph, additional
photograph and
poem featured), Success Guide, Fall, 1994.
“Challenging experiences” (photographs featured). UNF
Journal, Winter,
. “Dreams taking shape.” Osprey, University of North
Florida, Jacksonville,
Florida, March, 1992.
“Ebb tide at American Beach: black history and culture of
a seaside
community.” Conference on social theory, politics and the
arts, University of
Pennsylvania, Annenberg School for Communication, Philadelphia,
archived: American
Council for the Arts, New York, 1992.
“Ebb tide at American Beach: photography's role in the survival-struggle
an African-American seacoast community.” Southern American
Studies Association Biennial Conference, Clearwater, Florida, March
31, 1995.
"Fables for our time" (exhibition catalog; photographs
featured). The
Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art, 1998.
“Faith's foundations” (poster). The National Conference
for Community and
Justice, Jacksonville, Florida, February, 1994.
“Fall and rise of American Beach.” Folio Weekly, Jacksonville,
Florida, March,
“The Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art: A Renaissance
of Timely
Art” (Case for Support), 1995.
"Jazz in a ‘mayers’ key" (review, photograph
featured), ARBUS, Oct., 1998.
“Library collection to become a movie script” (photo-illustrated
Library Link, USF, Tampa, 1997.
“Liturgy" (poetry). University of Worth Florida Writing
Winners, 1993.
“Mama said knock you out.” Folio Weekly, Jacksonville,
Florida, November 5,
Mudlark (cover photograph, electronic poetry journal), William Slaughter
September, 1995; Spring, 1996.
"No-hassle castle" (text and photographs). Arbus, Dec./Jan.
Optical Allusions: An Art Photographer’s Poems. Jacksonville:
Reddi-Arts, 1997
“Poetic justiss” (cover and feature photographs), Folio
Weekly, July 5, 1994.
“Positive and negative” (poetry). Spinnaker, September
9, 1992.
“POW & MIA NEVER FORGOTTEN.” Principal photographer/stylist,
POW/MIA commemorative stamp, U.S. Postal Service, May, 1995.
"Prayers for Maddie" (photoessay), Jacksonville: Folio
Weekly, October 26,
“Radical feminist examines creativity” (book review).
The Florida Times-Union,
July 21, 1994.
Silvershotz: The International Journal of Fine Art Photography;
cover; Women in Photography International feature story; April,
2014 (Volume 8, Edition 5); final analog publication of journal.
“Reexamining reconstruction” (book review). The Florida
Times-Union, June
25, 1995.
“Soul journey one”(photograph reproduction), Fountain,
June,1994. “Stetson Kennedy unmasked” (cover photograph,
text and additional
photographs featured), UNF Alumni Journal, Winter, 1995.
“Stilled lives” (photography). Success Guide, Fall,
“Successful slides: photographing your artwork (photoillustrated
Upper Fairmount: Art Calendar, 1997.
“The moon queen” (poetry). Fountain, Ft. Lauderdale,
June, 1994.
"The new greatest show on earth" (text and photographs),
Arbus, December-January 2000.
“The poetry and photography of a local artist” (photographs
Postmortem, Miami Beach, Florida, June 10, 1994.
University of North Florida Honors Program (portraits), 1994.
University of North Florida Ospreys Baseball Media Guide (cover
UNF Journal (cover, photographs featured), Summer, 1995.
“With honors” (still life photograph reproduction),
UNF Journal, Winter,
“Yellow ribbons, missing men.” Essay, Folio Weekly,
September 10, 1991.
"You bet! Mississippi resort Beau Rivage has it all."
Arbus, Sept./Oct. 2000.
“You’ve come a long way, Barbie” (photograph and
profile featured), Folio
Weekly, February 20, 1997.
Duncan, Sarah, "Circular logic." Folio Weekly, Jacksonville,
August 25, 1998.
Earley, Tony. “A worn path” (color frontispiece), The
Oxford American, issue # 19, 1997.
Florida Department of State, Florida History & the Arts (quarterly),
photographs published,
Harakas, Margo. “Stamped in memory” (artist profile)
Sun-Sentinel, Florida, May 29, 1995.
HBO, "Autopsy: The Carl von Cosel story" (photographs
featured), New York: 1999.
High, Carol Kearney. "Focus on photos" (review; photograph
featured), Naples: Naples
Daily News, Neapolitan, April 12, 1999.
Hilboldt, Brandy. "A photographer's poetic worlds” (review;
photographs featured). The
Florida Times-Union, August 9, 1998.
Hinson, Mark. “ ‘Combined talents’ join for an
eclectic show at FSU” (review), Tallahassee
Democrat, 9/20/9.
Hyman, Ann. “Break poetry’s seal by reading it aloud”
(book review). The Florida Times-
Union, April 26, 1998.
Kennedy, Stetson. After Appomattox (book jacket photograph), Gainesville:
University Press
of Florida, 1995.
Kennedy, Stetson. The Klan Unmasked (Chinese edition) (photographs
featured), Beijing:
Foreign Language Editions, 1997.
Koehl, Carla and Marc Peyser. “The stamp of history”
(artist profile). Newsweek, April 24,
Lee, Stanley C. “MFA displays talents of Florida National
XI. FSView, Tallahassee, 9/2/96.
Leighton, Anne. “IVY BIGBEE” (cover image, artist profile,
photographs featured).
ARBUS, Jacksonville, November/December, 1995.
Lockwood, Eileen. “Jacksonville; winter city in summerland,”
(photographs featured),
Washington D.C.: Destinations, June, 1998.
McEwan, Hamish. Radio review, Fables for Our Time. WJCT Stereo 90
September 6, 1998.
Murphy-Livingston, Debra. "Objects of contemplation: Time and
place in the work of
Helene Baker, Ivy Bigbee, and Allison Watson, "Diana Triumphant:"
The Cummer Symposium, Jacksonville, February 19, 2000.
“Newest commemorative stamp has UNF ties” (photograph
featured). Inside UNF, June,
Parks, Cynthia. “Bigbee's angels” (review), Florida
Times-Union, Jacksonville, Florida,
December 12, 1993.
Perspective. The Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art (photographs
featured), August,
Phelps, Bob. “Stamped in our memory” (profile, photograph
featured). Florida Times-Union,
May 29, 1995.
Phelts, Marsha Dean. An American Beach for African-Americans (photograph
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997.
Parks, Cynthia. “Unity with diversity,” Florida Times-Union,
Jacksonville, Florida, February 6,
Richards, Allan. “Running the show” (photograph featured),
Sunshine (Sun-Sentinel), Ft.
Lauderdale, October 13, 1996.
Richardson, Monica. “Foundation’s grant helps program,
others.” Florida Times-Union, January 24,
Ross, Lilla. “A brush with angels” (front page photographs,
artist profile),
Times-Union, Jacksonville, Florida, April 3, 1994.
Ross, Lilla. “Come together” (photographs featured).
The Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville,
Florida, October 25, 1996.
Ross, Lilla. “Exhibit puts her faith in focus” (artist
profile, photographs featured), Florida
Times–Union, Jacksonville, Florida, February 18, 1994.
Safavi, Charlotte. "Operation Ivy" (review; photograph
featured). Folio Weekly, August 11,
Schudel, Matt. "States writes: how the long-forgotten Federal
Writers' Project became a
road map to the future," (photographs featured), Sunshine,
Sun-Sentinel, January 30,
Sharp, Deborah. "Waves of change beat upon beach community
(photographs featured).
USA Today, July 21, 1998.
Smith, Mary. “Commemorative stamp is triumph” (artist
profile, photograph featured).
Oscoda Press, Oscoda, Michigan, May 24, 1995.
“Stamp of honor” (profile, photograph featured). People,
June 12, 1995.
The Highlighter. “Ivy Bigbee” (artist profile), UNF
Honors Program, Summer, 1995.
U.S. Postal Service. “Stamps, etc.” (photograph reproduction,
commemorative stamp), April, May, June 1995.
Waring-Flood, Clive. “WIPI promotes the visibility of women
working in the photographic arts”
(cover; photographs featured), Silvershotz, The International Journal
of Fine
Art Photography, May, 2014, Australia/UK.
Walker, David. “New MIA stamp features Bigbee photos”
(photograph featured). Photo
District News, June, 1995.
Weeks, Ted. “Sensual art” (review), Folio Weekly, Jacksonville,
Florida, July 13, 1993.
Weeks, Ted. “Contemporary angels” (one-person exhibition
preview). Folio Weekly,
Jacksonville, November 30, 1993.
Weeks, Ted. “Funny art” (review), Folio Weekly, Jacksonville,
Weeks, Ted. “13 Artists” (review), Folio Weekly, Jacksonville,
Florida, January 10, 1995.
Weeks, Ted. “Sacred ground” (review, one-person exhibition),
Folio Weekly, Jacksonville,
October 22, 1996.
Weeks, Ted. “Searching for gems” (review), Folio Weekly,
Jacksonville, Florida, July 16, 1995.
Weightman, Sharon. “New exhibits to showcase women’s
art,” (photograph featured)
Florida Times-Union, March 1, 1998.
Weightman, Sharon. “All smiles” (review, photograph
featured), Florida Times-Union,
Jacksonville, July 31, 1994.
Weightman, Sharon. “Artist shows at airport” (photograph
featured), Florida Times-Union,
Jacksonville, Florida, July 14, 1996.
Weightman, Sharon. “ ‘Strength and diversity . . .’
” (review), Florida Times-Union,
Jacksonville, Florida, September 25, 1994.
6:58 (poetry). Postmortem, Miami Beach, Florida, May 26, 1994.
1994 Bachelor of Arts (Summa cum laude and University Honors)
University of North Florida, Jacksonville Majors: Photography, Literature
U.S. Postal Service, The City of Jacksonville; The National Conference
for Community and Justice; Jacksonville Historical Society; The
University of North Florida Honors Program; Drs. Debra Murphy-Livingston
and Felix Livingston; Ginny Stine; William Cowan; Estate of Colonel
and Mrs. Robert Stefanik; Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelleher; Drs. Paula
Horvath-Neimeyer and Gregg Neimeyer; Jerry Shepp; Ellen McAnany;
Robert Crews; Adam White; Dr. Mike Mass; Rita Robbins; Estate of
Erma Bombeck; Shannon Brinkman; Barbara Branch; Cocanougher Design
Studios; Simon Gregg; Angela Tau Bailey; Trudi Harris; Stetson Kennedy/Stetson
Kennedy Foundation; Anne Leighton; Cinda Sherman; Professor William
Slaughter; Sandee Winrow; St. John’s Cathedral, Jacksonville,
FL; University of South Florida; Steve Williams/CEO, Harbinger;
Dr. and Mrs. Adam Bigbee; John Updike/Yale University Library Special
Collections; Bob White, Maura Wolfson-Foster; Billy Hart; Robert
Bly; Shands University Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida
2011-2012 Contributing writer, Discovery Communications, ID Channel
2009-2011 True Crime Examiner, National, Washington D.C. editions,
2009–2010 Photographer-writer-poet
1998-2004 Photographer-writer-poet.
1996-2000 Curator of Art, Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, Jacksonville
1996-1997 Adjunct Instructor of Photography, University of North
Jacksonville. Documentary and fine art photographer. Poet. Writer.
Clients: USA Today, The Library of Congress, United States Postal
The Florida Times-Union, Folio Weekly, The University of North Florida;
National Conference for Community and Justice, Ginny Stine Interiors
1995 Documentary photographer, UNF Honors Program, “Telling
Honors semester course, William B. Fletcher Consulting, Nashville,
Tennessee (stills photographer and photojournalist, mayoral campaign)
1994-1995 Stamp photographer, U.S. Postal Service
1994 Media Relations, Kirschner Haack Fine Art, Miami Beach, Florida
1978-1980 Editor, Art Director, Contributing Writer, Woman to Woman
Officers’ Wives magazine), Keflavik, Iceland
Professional Associations
Charter Member, Women in Photography International;
Jacksonville Women’s Network (by invitation)
- MAY 2015 - APRIL 2017
"Landscapes 2017,” Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort
Collins (Lisa Volpe)
“The Ties That Bind,” Mpls Photo Center, Minneapolis
(Howard Christopherson),
(exhibition book)
Animalia, Photo Places Gallery, Middlebury, VT (hardcover exhibition
“Patterns in Nature,” Mpls Photo Center, Minneapolis
(Jim Brandenburg,
National Geographic), (exhibition book)
“5 x 5 Exposed,” Target Gallery, Torpedo Factory, Alexandria,
(Kathleen Ewing/Kathleen Ewing
Gallery, Washington, DC)
Still Photography Concentration: 2014-Ongoing as of May, 2017
Additional to the artist’s photographs ongoingly selected
for juried exhibitions organized by respected photography galleries
and via noteworthy jurists, drawing on her early 1990s, award-winning
work with bird-themed tondi, or round still life photographs, in
2014, the distinguished, internationally-published photographer/writer/poet
Ivy Bigbee (working in all media sectors) began photographing extant
bird species, aiming to express the avian behavior she observed
in her imaging that demonstrates similar actions and bearing in
humans. Bigbee’s bird photographs evidence emotions of love,
loyalty, fidelity, compassion, inter-species friendship/rejection
and bellicosity, tolerance: Phenomena not unlike the social and
cognitive behavior of humankind. “Undeniably,” Bigbee
states, “there could be more ‘oneness’—or
relative sentience—interspecially occurring across the mesh
of existence than many realize.”
Drawing also on her scientific background and (Summa cum laude)
formal education, Bigbee’s painstaking avian observations
and photography soon consumed successive days and nights, with shooting
schedules determined by her subjects, and thereby taking precedence
over other aspects of the photographer’s life. Bigbee’s
to-date untitled series continues to encounter the above-noted avian-human
commonalities, which she approaches objectively/subjectively and
Cheep thrills: Though the artist’s subjects are wild birds,
and given an ongoing battle with cancer presents additional challenges,
Bigbee experiences renewal and inspiration in her pursuits. Harnessing
social media as the ultimate sounding board, Bigbee daily uploads
new work to test the meaningfulness and overall relevance of this
latest series. Colleagues, academicians and newcomers to her work
provide feedback to Ivy Bigbee, whose broad-brush background—which
includes authoring a the grant-supported Optical Allusions: an Art
Photographer’s Photoillustrated Poems— she intends,
enables and informs her still photography “bird work.”
In Photography International Charter Member
Centreville, VA 20121
©Copyright for all images remains the property of exhibited
photographer, and promotional use for Women In Photography International.
All inquiries regarding use of and purchasing image use rights must
be directed to the photographer.
FILE: await bio revision August 27, 2014
s 8/30
REGISTERED for TEXT update 4/6/2015
UPDATE 5/05/2015 Materials: books, magazines, catalogs, flyers,
cards, letter
Update, 5/06/2015 images
Update 5/11/2015, profile image (per Bigbee, bio to follow)
File: GALLERY & BIO complete : 5/12/2015, bio & resume
photographer response - UPDATE: MARCH 2015 - APRIL 2017
FINAL: May 2017 website content 1999-2017
womeninphotography.org file transfer to the Beinecke.
All organization files, computer, external hard drive, printed materials,
DVDs, books, competitions files and onsite installation art
