Neroni lives in Burlington, VT. She has been photographing since
she was a young girl, but her first serious work began in college
when she became enamored with what the world looked like through
a macro lens. After college, where she majored in theatre but
spent as many hours in the dark room as on stage, Neroni deepened
her technical skills in medium and large format photography classes.
Neroni’s fascination with the image led her on a parallel
investigation into film through a Ph.D. in the Cinematic Arts
from USC and a subsequent career as a professor teaching film
and television studies at the University of Vermont. And though
the early demands of this career were somewhat time consuming,
Neroni never stopped photographing. Recently, she has rededicated
herself to her photography.
These days she finds street photography a style that brings together
her early fascination with abstraction and her more current interest
in the documentary tradition. Influenced by the traditions of
French and American street photography, and buoyed by a recent
course in street photography with Peter Turnley, Neroni’s
ongoing project focuses on the way that our public gestures can
be both documents of our culture and intimate portraits. She is
most drawn toward creating character studies even in the instantaneous
encounter. (photo: Self Portrait)
Bryan Memorial Gallery, VT. “A Photographer’s
View of Vermont. Juried Show.” February 8th-March 31st,
Women Photographer's 37th Anniversary International Women's Juried
Exhibition, December 2012,” Juror’s Selection, Juror:
Deborah Willis. Selection also published in: Imprints Magazine
Ten images solicited to be published in THE WORLD OF WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS,
author: Diane Stec-May. E-book 2013
“Women in the Arts Exhibit at the Chaffee Art Center,”
Vermont. Juried show, February 17-March 17, 2012
Annual Juried Competition.” Women in Photography International.
Juried Online Exhibition, Honorable Mention
& white & color.” Women in Photography International,
30th Anniversary 2011 (Juried online exhibition): Member Choice,
Grand Prize Winner & 1st Place category winner in Editorial/Journalism
“Pose and Gesture.” Photo Place Gallery, VT, Juried,
Feb 2011, Online Annex
“FACES.” Women in Photography International, October
2010, Juried Online Exhibition, Honorable Mention
Photographer response - NO NEW UPDATES: MAY 2015 - APRIL 2017
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: LOOK at these UPDATES - WIPI last call
Date: 2017-05-01 08:45
From: Hilary Neroni <hneroni@gmail.com>
To: WIPI-Members <members@womeninphotography.org>
Hi Jean,
Thanks for taking on this ambitious project. I'm fine with my
bio and
etc but the list of Juried shows is all jumbled and has strange
paragraph breaks and no links. I'm actually fine with no links
that's too difficult to put in (since it's on my website anyway)
but can
I send you a properly formatted version of the Juried shows to
what is there?
thank you,
(FIXED 5/9)
Women In Photography International Charter Member
Burlington, VT
for all images remains the property of exhibited photographer,
and promotional use for Women In Photography International. All
inquiries regarding use of and purchasing image use rights must
be directed to the photographer.
File: GALLERY & BIO complete - 2014
Updated, 5/05/2015 complete photos & bio
Photographer response - NO NEW UPDATES: MAY 2015 - APRIL 2017
website 1999-2017
womeninphotography.org file transfer to the Beinecke.
All organization files, computer, external hard drive, printed
materials, photographs,
DVDs, books, competitions files and onsite installation art